Stray Free Download


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Stray Free Download GAMESPACK.NET  The announcement of BlueTwelve Studio’s debut release, Stray, spawned a fever pitch of hype surrounding this exciting new cyberpunk-esque cat simulator. The world, as it was glimpsed through trailers and carefully curated screenshots, was full of vibrant colors and just a little bit of trash for flair. The city’s inhabitants were creative crafted human-like robots, dressed and behaving very much like their fleshier counterparts. The gameplay was focused on a little orange tabby cat that serves as the protagonist, doing everything that makes cats delightful, from parkour to knocking flower pots off of ledges. It wasn’t until a few minutes into the full game, when our feline fell from a rusty pipe into a dumpster pile below, separated from its loving family, that I discovered that Stray might not be the wholesome cat life simulator I may have been anticipating. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

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Shortly after coming to their senses from the fall, our little tabby friend finds themselves in trouble as they are swarmed by these fleshy, hungry, engorged flea-like creatures that we eventually come to know as “Zurks.” The player must help the cat avoid the Zurks by outrunning, meowing, and shaking off the foul beasts before eventually parkouring to safety. At this point, I realized nobody had told me this would be a horror game. While Sony has been keen to push Stray as a timed exclusive for PlayStation consoles, the game does also launch on PC simultaneously. For the sake of this review, we played on a system compromised of a Ryzen 5800X along with an RTX 3070 Ti and 32GB RAM, well above its recommended specifications. I was able to play the game in 1440p with maxed-out settings without any issues such as screen tearing or stuttering. It is worth noting, however, that the frame rate is capped at 60 FPS on PC.

Stray Trophy List – All Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze Trophies.

Despite the capped framerate, Stray manages to be a striking visual masterpiece. From the lush, green, and overgrown world where we initially meet our little family of cats to the shockingly awful monstrous depths with which the tabby eventually finds itself, everything about the world feels intentionally crafted and placed for maximum effect. Simple artifacts like bottles and pots on a window ledge let you live out your ultimate cat fantasy of knocking down destructible objects. At the same time, carefully aligned air conditioning units and roof railings provide ample opportunities for platforming adventures. There’s no denying that the titular cat in Stray is cute. Unfortunately for developer BlueTwelve and publishers Annapurna Interactive, a handsome feline by itself isn’t enough to make an engaging video game. If you only want to play as a cat then Stray could be the game for you. However, if your gaming experience requires more than that, then there’s a discussion to be had on whether you should be picking up Stray. Aimbeast 

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Stray Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

At its core, Stray is a platforming adventure game with some very basic puzzle elements. Upon starting the game, you will be immediately struck by how cat-like your protagonist really is. BlueTwelve nailed their adaptation of a modern-day domestic cat. The meow sounds, the movement, the mischievous pawing of objects off edges and the door scratching, all of these actions will be instantly familiar to cat owners. However, more negatively, Stray just isn’t that fun. After the novelty of playing as a cat wears off, Stray becomes an empty experience as the plot elements and gameplay mechanics aren’t very engaging.  One of the biggest flaws of Stray’s gameplay is its platforming system. In Stray, you can jump to pre-determined locations using the interaction button. There is no free-platforming mechanics in Stray, if you don’t have a prompt then you can’t jump at all. This is very restrictive game design and takes some of the joy out of playing as a cat. While the game is clearly designed around this platforming system, giving the player many potential jump options at once, mashing one button constantly is a poor substitute for actual platforming mechanics. A lot of the time, I found myself not even looking for button prompts but instead just mashing the button without even taking the time to adjust the camera until the cat arrived at its destination.

Chapter List – How Many Chapters?

What’s so frustrating about this design choice is that these platforming mechanics are essentially the entire gameplay loop. Besides the platforming, the game only has very basic puzzle elements and a mediocre narrative to stand on. By basic puzzle elements, I mean very basic. Like “meow to attract enemies to one side of a gap and then jump over the gap” basic. This isn’t necessarily a negative, not everyone wants to spend a long time figuring out complicated puzzles to progress in the plot, especially not in a game like Stray which is intended to be a more casual experience. But the point is, that the very mild puzzle elements are not a selling point. ARK: Survival Evolved

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Stray Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

An actual problem is the lack of variety in the types of puzzles you’ll face. The player will become intimately familiar with the limited puzzle mechanics Stray has to offer. You’ll be solving the same puzzle multiple times throughout the game, just in different locations. The narrative isn’t very engaging for a number of reasons. Near the beginning of the game, the titular stray activates a drone-like companion called B-12. As the cat can’t communicate effectively, B-12 acts as the intermediary between the player and the primarily robotic characters they come across. B-12 is the linchpin of Stray’s plot, it gradually regains memories of its past life over the course of the plot and guides the cat from objective to objective.

Detailed on the game’s Steam, the developer outlined the recommended and minimum PC requirements for the furry adventure game.

Herein lies one of the problems with Stray’s narrative. You don’t form any emotional connection to any of the characters you encounter. It feels reductive to simply blame this on the player being a cat. A lack of voice acting doesn’t make a game’s narrative weaker inherently, there’s been plenty of very engaging and moving games without voice acting. In fact, a lack of voice acting can be a strength in some cases as it stops developers from having to limit the number of dialogue options available. But for Stray, with no voice acting and also no dialogue options, the narrative suffers as a result. The equivalent of dialogue options in Stray is showing the robots different items in order to elicit a different response. However, if it’s not the specific robot the item is intended for then a lot of the dialogue ends up being the same.

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Stray Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The first item you obtain, a postcard, has a lot of different dialogue attached to it but this doesn’t hold true for the remainder of the game. Additionally, it always feels like you’re being talked at rather than participating, which, while accurate to the feline experience doesn’t make you feel very immersed in the world. Stray has a lot of characters, but well over 95 per cent of them are completely forgettable. You can meet a lot of robots but most of them aren’t interesting nor do they serve any purpose. This feels like an intentional design choice to artificially make the world feel bigger. While fine in theory, when even the semi-important characters lack substance it has the consequence of making everyone feel like filler.

Choosing robots as the inhabitants of Stray’s world is an intriguing choice and there are certainly some interesting narrative implications like how they appear to be mimicking humans despite their synthetic nature. However, this narrative choice appears to have backfired in Stray as while society in the narrative is intentionally void of personality, it also makes character interactions forgettable because the characters aren’t emotionally-charged or relatable. Burnout Paradise Remastered 



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