Star Story The Horizon Escape Switch NSP Free Download


Star Story The Horizon Escape Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Star Story The Horizon Escape Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET “NO FREE-TO-PLAY! NO LOOTBOXES! NO GRINDING!” proclaims the eShop trailer. Developer EvilCoGames boldly assures players that Star Story: The Horizon Escape contains “ONLY FUN!” While it’s amusing to throw tired conventions and unpopular trends under the bus, ‘fun’ is a vague descriptor. What’s fun about this turn-based RPG/text adventure? You play as Van Klik, a Star-Lord wannabe who crash lands on Horizon, a planet filled with hostile raiders and sand shrimps. You’re given an initial choice which leads you down one of three branches. The game is primarily a text adventure, with a liberal dollop of turn-based battles and crafting, and your AI companion Verdana provides occasional commentary and assistance as you meet people and uncover the secrets of the planet. Your choices fall into three categories: ‘Resolve’ (aggressive), ‘Insight’ (intelligent), or ‘Goodwill’ (friendly). Every decision made will bag you a spec point which goes into a ‘Technologies’ tree back on your ship, gradually unlocking new craftable items using scrap you find on the planet. Better gear opens up narrative options; for example, jump boots might enable you to avoid a hazard or save a travelling merchant from a gang of raiders. Points remain after dying or reaching one of the endings, so you’ll eventually max out each category regardless of your initial picks.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Star Story The Horizon Escape Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Star Story The Horizon Escape Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The user interface is generally clear, although everything’s a mite too small for our liking. Pleasingly, touch is fully supported, and ship-based crafting is considerably easier on the touchscreen, although things can get fiddly elsewhere. When using the Joy-Con, the left stick navigates the environment and dialogue options while the D-buttons control your inventory. Holding ‘X’ brings up tooltips and, in general, overt instruction is pleasantly absent. Having said that, the method to recharge weapons took a little time to figure out – they are fuelled by scrap and must be recharged on your ship via a toggleable button as you gather your expedition gear. The battles themselves are functional, if unremarkable. It’s all very familiar – burn/corrosion weapons do damage over time and different shields offer protection to specific attacks. The battles lack punch, though – there are none of the visceral animation or audio flourishes that make number attrition exciting in the best turn-based games. The soundtrack is inoffensive, and while the bone-based animation and steampunk aesthetic recalls Steamworld Dig, Star Story is unfortunately characterised by a lack of variety and polish. Things like mismatching fonts or the developer logo seemingly displayed in the wrong aspect ratio don’t make a good impression. Despite the trimmings, this game is really a text adventure.

Star Story The Horizon Escape Artbook.

Van Klik’s story of ancient artefacts, androids and aliens is told in the past tense and while the script has some fun moments, you’ll soon start playing ‘spot-the-typo’. Some sentences are simply unfinished, likely due to display errors – “I want to meet new people and make new”. The quality of the dialogue itself is inconsistent, swinging from admirably colloquial to stunted and awkward. It’s relatively entertaining the first time around, but repetition is Star Story’s biggest weakness. Following the initial branch choice, the narrative forks a further three times, splitting each run into four chapters which lead to 24 possible endings – and finding them all becomes a slog. Non-story events are somewhat randomised every run, although the game doesn’t have a huge repertoire of encounters. On top of that, the necessity to craft every consumable item means you’ll be teleporting back to your ship repeatedly to restock and recharge. A loading screen which accompanies each trip doesn’t help matters – it’s a few seconds you’ll repeat hundreds of times. For a small adventure game, Star Story gives the Switch’s internal fan a surprising workout and leaves a 2.4GB footprint. Once you’ve built up your inventory sufficiently, a complete run might take around 30 minutes, although dying will send you back to the very beginning. Your resources remain, but you’ll replay the same content a lot.Witchcrafty Switch NSP

Star Story The Horizon Escape Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Star Story The Horizon Escape Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Even on entirely different routes, environments and characters reappear. In fact, as we idly tapped through a scenario for the dozenth time, our mind drifted to the branching course map from Out Run – regardless of which finish line you aim for, the route there unavoidably retreads old ground. Then we thought how we’d rather be playing Out Run. As a text adventure, there’s just not enough variety to make finding all those endings worth it. There aren’t nearly enough gamebook adventures on the Switch. In total, there’s one, and it’s one of the best of all time, and a damn fine game port as well. But a lot of people grew up getting to know gamebook style stories, be they the choose your own adventure type or “I hope you have dice and a pencil handy” Fighting Fantasy style. In any case, gamebooks are the perfect bridge between interactive fiction and literary adventures, and often help lead early players to things like tabletop gaming or even RPGs in general. So when I see that Forever Entertainment has brought EvilCoGames’ short-but-sweet expedition to the Nintendo storefront, I got a little excited. And, thankfully, it’s a pretty good port. Star Story: The Horizon Escape is the tale of Van Klik, the space archeologist/opportunist, who goes off in search of great and potentially valuable artifacts and ends up getting dragged into a massive tale of legends, deception and shaky alliances.

Turn-based philosophy.

After his spaceship unceremoniously crashes on an unknown planet, it only takes Van a moment to run into hostile natives and some semi-hostile strangers. Assisted by a well-meaning but possibly jealous hologram AI, Van has quite a journey ahead of him, and a surprising 24 different endings as to what may happen.Star Story is a great example of blending genres, as the developer clearly has love for both text-based adventures, point and click and, strangely, turn based combat. Van will walk around a number of worlds and terrains, picking up various items and making decisions that will potentially influence one of three stats: strength, intellect and charisma. The more decisions you make affecting a singular stat, the stronger that stat becomes and, potentially, allows you to make better decisions to avoid or change encounters. For example, you run into a gang of space scavengers relatively early on and have the choice to engage or try to outwit them. The first intelligence check is fairly low, and you can simply make the leader laugh before he walks away. However, to basically “intimidate the gang” to avoid any henchmen fight, you need significantly higher intelligence, and failing the check means fighting a whole bunch when maybe you didn’t need to.The combat aspect certainly sets Star Story apart from most other games in this vein.Rising Storm 2 Vietnam

Star Story The Horizon Escape Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Star Story The Horizon Escape Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Reminding me a lot of Galaxy of Pen and Paper, there’s a certain wink and a nod with each turn-based encounter that Van runs into. Each opponent (which often looks like a space shrimp) will present different approaches in how to deal with the hostilities. The most sure-fire way to die is to simply keep hitting it and hope things will work out for the best. Alright, that’s not exactly true: if you dump all your stats into strength, raging on things will often work out just fine. But to maintain a good amount of leftover HP and to make the battles go faster, you gotta carefully choose what items you want to use and in what order. Stun grenades, corrosion blasters, hack viruses and more will give you variety in how to approach the battle. In all cases, making sure you can hamstring your opponent (either by destroying their defense or stunning them and earning extra turns) is key to getting out mostly unscathed. Of course, the combat is a background note to the story itself. Star Story: The Horizon Escape is pretty damn engaging, but it feels like some of the game’s length is slightly manufactured. In fact, it becomes apparent the perceived “point and click” interface is little more than an atmospheric framing device that adds some valuable screen time to the environment. There’s not really much you ever need to “click” on other than for some very brief exposition and analysis of things in the background.

Colorful characters.

You don’t control the walking of Van whatsoever: he plods along in a straight line, going after the intended target that was decided upon in the most recent dialogue branch. The developers originally wanted to boast the 24 endings as ways to convince players for greater replay value, and I think that’s a very brash and hasty intention. After all, when you think about a game like, say, Shin Megami Tensei, do you consider the game to be 40 hours long, or 160 hours long because of all the endings? The former, really, and that makes Star Story feel quite a bit shorter when it dawns on you that people are banking on replay to see all the branches and choices for the endings. And don’t get me wrong, if the game hooks you, it’s easy to want to go back and redo it. The porting from PC to Switch has gone incredibly smoothly, and the footprint for this game is a good size (approximately 2.2 GB) with some solid performance and configuration. Forever Entertainment went with a combination of buttons and touch screen, and that feels right for whatever style you play. Using the Joystick for actions and the directional buttons for inventory works wonderfully, and you can toggle between docked or handheld play with relative ease. I do feel the point and click aspect works best with the touch screen, but I also don’t know if that’s enough of a selling point to convince players to always stick with the undocked option. Time will tell, I suppose. Star Story, on the surface, seems like a pretty simple game.

The main character of the game is seeking out new life and new civilizations and boldly going…wait. Wrong franchise. The main character of Star Story is a guy who happens to trave around space, find stuff, collect it, and move on. Then one day, he crashes onto a planet and has to figure how to get off the rock once and for all. The story seems simple. The graphics, while very nice, seem pretty basic. This game could be on cellphones right? And yet, there is something about Star Story that haven’t told you yet. Star Story features branching paths. In this game, you have dialogue choices that lead you down different roads. Fight an enemy and you might get some cool item to help you out. Don’t fight him and you might get an ally or just avoid getting your head handed to you. The branching paths and dialogue are handled via a simplistic and cool Adventure game style menu. And then there are the turn-based battles! If you can’t talk your way out of something, you can always fight your way out of it. The battle system here is what you usually find in turn-based rpgs and streamlined so that you can get into a battle and out of it quickly. Star Story also features a neat crafting system and a wonderful sense of humor. Star Story never takes itself too seriously. Finally the game controls well too. Its easy to navigate menus and fight enemies. I had fun with this game! But the lifeblood of Star Story: The Horizon Escape are the characters and the choices, and that does stand strongly on it’s own two feet.

Star Story The Horizon Escape Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Star Story The Horizon Escape Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Van is an affable, likeable hero without being too smarmy, swarthy or abjectly stupid. Everyone that you encounter, from the standoffish Sid to the wildly swinging Blake has their place in the world and fit in well. Everything is cohesive and feels like they were constructed together to weave a giant tapestry of mild insanity and excellent engagement. Your choices are limited for many instances (this isn’t Grand Theft Auto), but the game does a great job of offering at least one branch that makes you pause and say “Well..what would happen?” And this actually caters even better in combat, where bizarre choices of items could lead to great outcomes. I mean, using a hack virus on a totally organic being wouldn’t have any effect, would it? You definitely need to try it and find out. Meet the locals! Who is more to your liking? Side with “Bullet King” and uncover an ancient cryptic artifact. Or choose to undermine his brutal regime and make the local revolutionary your friend. Or screw them and go try to play romance with the alien girl? Or blow up the planet? The core classic. Dive into the stories and find a way to exploit EVERY possible situation. Did you know that if you throw a lockpick at an attack droid, it will decide that you are stupid and will deactivate? Build your character, choose your alignments, learn the lore of the world. You will need it all to succeed.Supraland

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