SpellForce Conquest of Eo Free Download


SpellForce Conquest of Eo Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

SpellForce Conquest of Eo Free Download GAMESPACK.NET The Spellforce franchise was first produced by JoWood Productions twenty whole years ago with SpellForce: The Order of Dawn. Over the last two decades it has seen several sequels and spin-offs, all building upon its unique blend of RPG and RTS gameplay. Eschewing the deeper mechanics of 4X grand strategy titles like Age of Empires or Civilisation, SpellForce has always been more story-focused, tasking you with raising powerful heroes to command your forces. SpellForce: Conquest of Eo skews the other way, pushing back towards strategy and all but abandoning the RPG elements. Fans of the franchise may not necessarily see this as a good thing. SpellForce has always stood out from the crowd with its mixing of genres, and Conquest of Eo feels like, well, everything else. It reminded me most of Masters of Magic, an RTS game released at the tail end of 2022. The SpellForce universe has a rich internal lore that this new iteration plumbs for its narrative, but the sense of heroic conquest is mostly absent. Instead, it casts you as the apprentice of a mage murdered by the Circle, a cadre of powerful sorcerers who have declared themselves judge and jury over all magic-users.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

SpellForce Conquest of Eo Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

SpellForce Conquest of Eo Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Your character is never seen, and you instead control a growing army of minions and heroes to first rebuild your master’s tower and then to spread your influence across the land. You begin by selecting a class from three choices: Alchemist, Artificer, and Necromancer. This choice determines a great deal, from the kind of spells you can develop to the minions you can summon in the later stages. You can also create a custom mage but you’ll need to choose one of the aforementioned classes as a base. After that you can choose a difficulty, and game zone, which further determines overall difficulty. As you set out into the world gathering resources, investigating points of interest and defending yourself from attacks by Circle mages and bandits, you’ll need to promote your combat units and claim new areas by constructing Lodges. Combat plays a large part, but you won’t have to worry too much about other elements such as diplomacy or trade. The focus here is on domination above all else, and might is right in Conquest of Eo. To this end you must research new spells and tactics. The former will populate your grimoire, though you can only have one equipped at a time for the most part. They allow you to heal your units, damage the enemy, or buff your armies in battle.

Explore the Realm of Eo.

The latter may allow you to create new units or potions (as an Alchemist), or improve your resource gathering speeds. Combat takes place on a zoomed-in version of the map. You’ll still move in turns, directing your units to attack, defend, or use special abilities while you sit back casting spells here and there and monitoring the fight. There’s something a bit lacklustre about the combat though. It lacks any real sense of impact, and I found myself skipping any battle that promised a heroic or decisive victory. Units that survive a fight will often earn a promotion, but weirdly you can’t replenish depleted squads, so it’s often only a matter of time before you lose them. I played primarily as an Artificer, but I was waiting for anything to really “wow” me in terms of spells and abilities. You can add things like golems to your ranks that do decent damage in a fight, but it takes a while to unlock them. More interesting are the various Heroes and Apprentices you can add to your ranks, who can be levelled up with specific skills and equipped with armour and gear to boost their stats. This feels much closer to the SpellForce of old and will be more appealing to fans. Most of the units you hire are variations on monsters or mercenaries, none of which feel particularly inspired. Perhaps playing through as the other classes would yield different results here, but the narrative is unlikely to change much.Hike Trip

SpellForce Conquest of Eo Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

SpellForce Conquest of Eo Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

That said, the narrative as it stands is solid. From your humble beginnings you’ll rise to a position where you truly threaten the Circle’s way of life, and the story you tell is malleable and mostly personal. As you interact with different locations on the map you’ll open up new side quests and events, some of which will develop into questlines and reward you with allies, new units, or resources. The further you spread your influence, the more potential quests you’ll find, and there’s a huge array of different mini adventures on offer. The only drawback is that almost all of them are some variation on “go here, kill that, and bring this back to us”. The opposing army gets into a solid defensive position and does not seem inclined to attack, so my forces take the initiative. A big area-of-effect volley eliminates some of them, and some boulder throwing from my mage adds more to the casualty list. I add three more ranged attacks from another archer group. Then it’s time for some melee work. My first goblin group goes in the ones that have upgrades that improve their anti-armor capabilities. The enemy militia strikes back and deals plenty of casualties of its own. Fighting continues, one of my goblin groups is eliminated, but I manage to break the morale of the enemy force and then eliminate them, with my hero doing most of the work. Let’s hope they drop some stuff to compensate me for my losses.

Face powerful foes.

Meanwhile, on the strategic map, I am constantly expanding my domain, trying to mine as many resources as possible, and working hard to find all the lost pages of my master’s studies on magic. One elven city is open to me, offering some quality troops, but two other wizards have strong stacks on the field, which might move toward my tower soon. SpellForce: Conquest of Eo is created by Owned by Gravity, with publishing from THQ Nordic. I played using Steam on the PC. The title is a mix of map strategy, tactical battles, and the careful use of magical resources. Players will become a wizard in the magic-infused world of Eo. They will first secure the tower of their master and will then embark on an adventure, trying to find out why the mysterious Circle is moving against them while mastering the power of the Allfire. The writing is well-suited for the fantasy theme, without too many stand-out moments. The gameplay of SpellForce: Conquest of Eo is centered on the beautifully crafted map. It features many points of interest, ranging from magic wells to mining sites, the cities of various races, quest locations, and more. As the wizard’s magical prowess grows, he will dominate more space, with other recruited heroes able to contribute their own zones of control by building manors.Backfirewall

SpellForce Conquest of Eo Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

SpellForce Conquest of Eo Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Player-controlled stacks will move through the world, interacting with locations, revealing more of the map, solving story and more random quests. Neutral armies guard the most important locations and, of course, the forces of other magic-wielders are doing the same. And they are not afraid of initiating combat when they have the required strength, so do not be afraid to retreat if an overwhelming force is coming. Focus on finding and securing the Allfire locations, which need to be locked down by a spirit unit to provide a steady flow of power. Players can then choose how much to allocate to their mastery, the mana that powers their spells and to research. Try to always have a set of miners hunting down resources. The wizard’s unlocked spells are also prepared and activated on the strategic map. Don’t forget to also add new rooms to the tower. When two forces meet, SpellForce shifts to turn-based tactical engagements. The pre-battle screen shows the balance of power and players can auto-resolve if the result is pretty clear (results tend to be very close to the prediction). For tight contests, it’s better to control forces directly. Each unit has three potential actions each turn but once it chooses to attack, use a special ability, or deploy magic, it commits to that action. So I can move my hero once and have him attack two times but I cannot move him once, attack once, and move again.

Choose wisely.

Winning battles requires careful use of abilities and good unit placement. Units that survive get experience, which in turn gives them new capabilities. It’s a good idea to try to keep veterans alive, even if it means sacrificing newcomers. They also benefit greatly from friendly spells and other boosts from the wizard. I like the different ways the three wizard types play. Necromancers want powerful undead and can use their skills to raise more and better corpses to fight for them. Artificers are all about using glyphs and items to boost their heroes and units. The alchemist will try to enhance his own forces using potions and other consumables. The combination of strategy and tactics is a good fit for the universe. My biggest issue was that might, in the form of powerful armies, tend to dominate the game, despite the narrative that talks about the impressive capabilities of magic users. SpellForce: Conquest of Eo is a good-looking experience, mixing a wide range of influences when it comes to presentation. I love the way the heroes look and how each gets his own backstory and linked quest. The world feels live, with a lot of detail for units and locations. The game’s interface is well-structured, with clear alerts for the player to keep up with all aspects of real management.

The sound part of the presentation is decent but the soundtrack never tries to get out of the fantasy orchestral safe zone Spellforce: Conquest of Eo is the latest entry in the beloved fantasy series. Unlike its predecessors that belonged to the mix of real-time strategy with heavy RPG elements, Conquest of Eo is meant for the lovers of turn-based 4X games. Coming from Owned by Gravity, the studio behind Fantasy General 2, the project is set to explore what it means to be a powerful mage in the magical realm of Eo, home to goblins, elves, dwarves, a variety of otherworldly creatures and more. Build and manage your tower, build rooms, research spells, recruit and lead an army on your conquest. But beware, yours is not the only magical might in this world. The Circle of Magi will stand in your way. You can attempt to appease your seniors by bowing down to them, but confrontation will come sooner or later. The events of the game take place about a hundred years after those of Spellforce 3 which saw the formation of the Circle of Magi. As the magic was all but forbidden during the events of SF3, it is no wonder that the creation of the Circle brought its resurgence to Eo. In the beginning of the game, you are but one humble apprentice flocking to your master’s side only to find his tower in ruins.

SpellForce Conquest of Eo Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

SpellForce Conquest of Eo Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Armed with your intelligence, your master’s notes and an unshakeable will to figure out what happened, you will rebuild, grow stronger and spread your influence as you dig for answers. If you expected a deep, nuanced, character-driven story like you can find in other Spellforce games, you might be disappointed. While there is a certain premise with the missing master and there are quite interesting quest chains related to various heroes (such as the Shaikan Elynn and her quest that revolves around SF3’s Corporal Tahar) and Circle magi, Conquest of Eo story consists almost entirely out of trigger-based events and procedurally-generated adventures. It can be interesting but the lack of a real narrative driving force is felt acutely. The character creation is limited to choosing between 3 specializations: Alchemist, Artificer and Necromancer, each with its own power and effects on the story. An Alchemist can craft and use potions, an Artificer can produce glyphs that can empower your army and heroes while a Necromancer is a master of cheap labor. The required resources and ways to obtain them differ as well. In terms of gameplay, Necromancer can provide players with quick stacks of additional creatures while Artificer has a way to enhance the existing armies through providing them with powerful glyphs. Pikuniku

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