Sonic Origins Switch NSP Free Download


Sonic Origins Switch NSP Download GAMESPACK.NET

You start off on a menu themed around the various islands the core four games take place on, and while this is a pretty cute concept, it doesn’t lead to much in terms of an interesting UI or memorable menus. It also looks pretty blurry here on Switch, which doesn’t help. There are also islands dedicated to the bonus stuff like the museum, options, story, mission and Game Gear modes, with the Story Mode one being themed after Sonic Spinball funnily enough (despite that only being a Game Gear game here), but none of these islands really provided much charm, though the museum is at least neatly presented when you go into it, with a variety of concept art, manual/box scans, and animations laid in a tidy tile layout.

Sonic Origins ended up being the first Sega Japan-made Sonic compilation since Sonic Gems Collection back on the Gamecube, and that set was a huge favorite of mine due to the lovely style of it all; great remixes, lovely menu design, and very nostalgic, chill vibes all around. So when Origins was originally released I hoped it would manage to recapture some of the presentational vibes given in prior Sonic sets, and in some ways, it does an OK job, with the Plus content adding a tiny bit extra, but even still Origins is incredibly lacking in this regard compared to the two Gamecube compilations. Eternal Strands


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