Sonic Colours: Ultimate Switch NSP Free Download


Sonic Colours: Ultimate Switch NSP Download GAMESPACK.NET

Having only experienced Sonic through 2D games right from the start and replaying the ones I enjoyed a lot, Sonic’s 3D releases had always been a curiosity for me until I tried out a bit of Sonic Generations and more recently Sonic Forces. While I did enjoy the little I played of Sonic Generations on Xbox 360 and 3DS, I never really finished a 3D Sonic game until Sonic Forces which I enjoyed despite its flaws. on both Nintendo Switch and PS4. Beyond those, the one game I always heard people mention for its music and when recommending older releases was the Nintendo Wii game Sonic Colors. None Shall Intrude

Sonic Colors Ultimate is a release that has elements of a remaster and some of a remake and it has finally let me experience Sonic Colors. Having now played through Sonic Colors Ultimate twice on Nintendo Switch, I’ve enjoyed a lot of what it has to offer despite a few annoyances. Since this was my first time playing Sonic Colors, I’ve treated this as a new game for me just like I did when I played Super Mario Sunshine and Galaxy through the 3D All-Stars collection. This review is based on Sonic Colors Ultimate version 1.03 that is the newest patch available as of this writing.

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