Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance XCI Free Download


Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance XCI  Download GAMESPACK.NET

The original Shin Megami Tensei V was an RPG I enjoyed a lot despite its shortcomings. It’s somewhat of a lopsided game, putting heavy emphasis on turn-based battle & progression mechanics and less on character writing or storytelling. In ways, it’s also a very different sort of game than anything Atlus has made before (or since), even among the varied Shin Megami Tensei series itself. While SMT has roots in dungeon crawling, its fifth mainline entry moved in a different direction instead, opting for open-zone exploration gameplay. I praised the game for its rock-solid press-turn combat and ambition, despite growing pains for its new direction.

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance, then, is an opportunity to iron out some of those sore spots. Not only is there a brand new route to the game, offering an alternate take on the main story of Shin Megami Tensei V, but many adjustments and additions have been made globally, improving the experience as a whole regardless of which route in the game you decide to take. Right at the very beginning of the game, you’ll be given the option to choose between the original storyline, called Canon of Creation, or the new storyline, called Canon of Vengeance. The game is explicit here, and it’ll ask if you are sure of your decision, so there’s no ambiguity about which route you are playing. Threefold Recital

As far as narrative, dialogue, and characters go, Canon of Creation is practically the same as it was. I’m going to be honest, a lot of my discussion in my lengthy original review still holds valid for this new re-release, at least for Canon of Creation. For now, it would not be very useful to revisit components like the game’s combat system, which more-or-less functions the same as it did before. Instead, this review will focus on components new to Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance, both global adjustments and the new Canon of Vengeance route.

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