Sheltered 2 Free Download


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Sheltered 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET It’s also the best kind of sequel: one that makes the precursor look like its prototype. A first draft. A beer mat sketch. The original game’s pixelated ‘Indie Games R Us’ art style has been unceremoniously jettisoned. In its place, a nice little 3D engine chucking out ripped shirts, flaked paint, and ominous skies, all smeared with grime and film grain. It’s no The Last of Us, but that’s the gist. Because it’s a video game, something bad has ended civilisation. It is no longer possible to simply buy a sofa or a can of soup, activities so mundane as to erase the thousands of years of struggle our ancestors went through to make them so. The party’s over, so everything is arduous and annoying again. If you want to get wood, you have to do it the old-fashioned way – raid an abandoned petrol station, find an old crate, spend four hours dragging it back to your bunker, and recycle it at your workbench. Possibly in the dark. Then have a pee, and boil some broccoli. Cry about that time you ate Steve. Fix the shower. Read a self-help book about charisma. Sheltered 2‘s vision of life after the apocalypse is just that; life. People doing stuff, most of it mundane. Every new game starts with three survivors – a faction leader and two lackeys, appearance and stats decided by the player – finding an abandoned bunker in the middle of a randomly generated map.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

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Sheltered 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

You’ll spend most of your time in the bunker itself, setting tasks for your wee folk and managing their precious little lives. They’ll cook, clean, craft consumables, build conveniences, and keep up with the endless maintenance that every conceivable piece of equipment requires. The big bad in this game isn’t raiders, it’s entropy. Also poor mental health. But mostly stuff breaking. Raiders do put in an appearance, though. At any moment your vault door can be breached by baddies. Some are out for blood. Most are just after your food or water. In the vast majority of cases, the game gives you a chance to avoid combat. It’s perfectly possible to just let a robber take what they want. Once, with most of my crew away on an expedition and my faction leader sleeping off a long night of harvesting broccoli, a stranger spent several in-game hours blow-torching their way into the base in order to steal precisely two bottles of water (several hundred were available). My wee guy snored through the whole affair, and went about his day. Didn’t even seem perturbed about having to repair a gigantic steel door. Another time, out in the world, my expedition team got into a nasty fight with a rival faction, barely survived the encounter, and limped home bleeding with no bandages or first aid kits.

Resource Management.

I set my guy back at the base onto crafting medical supplies so he could be ready to patch up my crew the moment they returned. In the blind panic of this, I failed to note that the base’s oxygen filter was about to break down. Which it did, right at the moment my party arrived home. Bleeding and oxygen deprivation both have a status effect of -2hp per second. I couldn’t figure out why none of my now bandaged crew would stop dying. It wasn’t blood loss. They were suffocating. I lost two guys before I realised. The remaining three managed to repair the fault, then cooked and ate the deceased. They ended up with food poisoning and trauma so severe that they wouldn’t even accept commands. The situation descended into a chaotic spiral of crying and vomiting. It was such a harrowing disaster that it became somehow hilarious. Thus ended my first playthrough. The game is full of brilliant emergent moments like this. It’s often tense, often arresting, sometimes even funny. And once in a while, all three at once. Maintaining a constant supply of food, water, and power necessitates exploring the world map and foraging locations for resources, but doing this effectively takes at least three people off the homestead and risks a random encounter with hostile strangers, or butting up against one of the rival factions in the world. Again, alternatives to combat are possible.Shoulders of Giants

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Sheltered 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Desirable, even. Any fight you get into can end the game, so the smart money is usually on offering to trade goods, or fleeing. Sometimes, though, you can’t talk your way out of it, and so you must engage with Sheltered 2’s combat. Groan. Don’t get me wrong, it’s fine. It works. But it’s a menu-driven turn-based combat system with action points and dice rolls, and not a particularly noteworthy one. You’ve fought these fights a thousand times before. Thankfully, mercifully, it isn’t the focus of the game, and it’s quite possible to go for tens of minutes without having to murder anyone. You’d think that The Sims style micro-management of little computer people, right down to their ablutions, would detract from the wider concern of building a new wasteland faction into a force that dominates its rivals. But it’s arguably the whole point. If Sheltered 2 is saying anything (and I’m not sure it’s trying to), it’s that human struggle has to have a goal and the goal is being able to flush the toilet. Sheltered 2 is a survival management simulator developed by Unicube Studios and published by Team 17, The game releases on September 21, 2021, on Steam and features revamped combat systems and 3D visuals compared to the original game released in 2016. I never played the original but was intrigued by the prospect of playing a modern and 3D version of a game like Fallout Shelter mixed with slight elements of Xcom.

Faction Leaders.

It has a bit of a learning curve, and the tutorial just stops giving help after your first expedition. The main aim of the game is to take out or ally with all six factions you’ll encounter in each play through. Whether you go in guns blazing, or try to appease all six faction leaders, is entirely up to you and your play style. I mostly went the passive route, though I did want to see what combat involved. This is a great game for those that like survival management games and sending out expedition parties to scrounge for supplies to build new devices and upgrades in your shelter. You start by customising your faction’s name, flag colours and emblems, as factions are given a focus on Sheltered 2. Next, you’ll customise the look of your character and there are a fair number of customisations available here, only you can’t zoom in to see the effects up close. You’ll want to pay attention to the stats and traits that you choose. There are a few presets you can choose from if you just want to get stuck into the gameplay, otherwise you can get down into the detail of spreading points over six stats and then read through the list of traits that you can spend five points on. I wasn’t sure what to expect from the game, not having played the first Sheltered, so I just took the talented trait which means this leader character will gain double skill points when levelling up.Backfirewall

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Sheltered 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The leader character is important, not only for being the leader of your ragtag faction, but if he or she dies, the game is over. So, whilst they may be your better character stat/trait wise in the group, you need to be mindful and protective of them when putting them to work and especially when sending them on potentially dangerous expeditions. Once you’re happy with your leader, you are then given two randomly generated characters to join your party. You can fully customise these characters too, both with their looks and their stats/traits. Again, I wasn’t sure what to expect so I just went with what was rolled by default. Having now played the game for several hours, I have a better understanding of what I can expect to come across in the game so would make some more informed choices, but I made do with the party I was given. Over time, you’ll have other survivors come knocking at your shelter door asking to join the group, so if you do find you’re deficient in some areas, you may luck out with future settlers. The tutorial for Sheltered 2 did a reasonable job at teaching me the basics of the game. From gathering resources in junk piles in the sand above the shelter, to breaking down items to obtain crafting components, and observing the characters’ stats in your party, knowing when they need to eat, sleep, take a shower, go to the toilet, etc.

An Unforgiving Wasteland.

Each character can be automated to eat, drink, sleep, shower etc, however you do have limited oxygen and water coming into the shelter. I was lucky in that I had regular rain showers, and no irradiated ran (yet), so water wasn’t an issue until I started recruiting more survivors into the team. You also need to get the sink and soap up and running early because once your people start getting dirty and then eat food, they risk getting food poisoning and vomiting in the shelter. This was a good prompt to build a bucket and mop! Sheltered 2 is the sequel to the 2015 original of the same name. A feature-packed strategy game of management and simulation set in a post-apocalyptic world, twenty years after the fall of mankind. Gameplay combines three strategic tracks that bring together a comprehensive survival-themed experience. At its core is the struggle for domination of the wasteland against rival factions that requires resolution by conflict or diplomacy. This plays out over the longer-term with an emphasis on task allocation and character fulfilment taking place while base-building, exploring the world and accumulating resources. The player takes ownership of a base that begins in the same shape at the start of every game.

One that takes the form of a bunker that sits at the centre of a randomly generated game world, populated with locations and factions. Players create their own faction of three members; a leader and two subordinates, using a detailed customisation system to set the faction flag and name, but also set character appearance, traits, stats and skills to their preference. As the base grows to handle extra capacity more characters join the faction. An essential part of the game, as individuals are the drivers that allow the assignment of actions inside and outside the base. The issuing and queuing of orders takes place through sub-screens or menu systems for all individuals inside the base. The majority of gameplay demands the upgrade, maintenance and expansion of the base of operations. For the construction of facilities to create life-sustaining supplies, fulfil character needs and expand the player’s faction, in terms of population and region control. A 2D side-on viewed, multi-level bunker provides the platform for base-building, character fulfilment and party management. A hexagonal grid map depicts a game world full of locations that provide the means for strategic exploration, resource acquisition, scavenging and questing.

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Sheltered 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Both of these screens utilise real-time with pause. Small-scale tactical combat takes place on an isometric screen, which is menu-driven and turn-based. Faction interaction, diplomacy, trading, inventory management and power usage take place on static sub-screens. One thing to pay attention to is each character’s mood and desires. Their mood will tell you things like, they’re cold, or it’s dark. In these examples, you could build a keg burner which will warm up a small room, and one thing I neglected for hours was lighting. They kept saying it was dark and I’m like, I know! When it’s night-time, there are floodlights up outside the shelter, and the first level has lights, but the second level, which I called the living quarters, didn’t have any lighting at all. I don’t know why I didn’t notice lack of lighting until hours later. I crafted some lights and then they reminded me they were cold, so I had to send out more expeditions in the hopes of finding wood. There’s no indication that a particular location will net you specific resources, so it was all up to chance in my playthroughs. You’ll also need to watch the weather report scrolling across the top of the screen and you have a weather vane that you need to keep repaired. You can upgrade it to give you an earlier weather forecast by two days, which is handy, or increase its durability. The oxygen meter can be upgraded to support more people with enough oxygen inside the shelter, as well as increase its durability and resistance to dust storms. There’s also a garden bed that you can plant seeds for broccoli, tomatoes, and then keep them watered.Hike Trip


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