She Wants Me Dead Switch NSP Free Download


She Wants Me Dead Switch NSP  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

She Wants Me Dead Switch NSP  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET She Wants Me Dead is in essence a platform game for those very complicated; but with a good dose of humor, which makes us forget a little bit about the difficulty and have a good laugh throughout our gameplay The game was developed by Hello There Games and officially launched on May 13, 2016 for computers via Steam. The Developer who is the same as in the game Kung Fury made a new type of game this time focused on platform gameplay; with a great deal of dark humor in its concept bringing the player to a great race for safety against a vengeful cat. Our character is an asshole with his cat, he drops him from the bed while they sleep, he drops things on him, he does irritating things with the poor pet that has been accumulating these emotions for a long time However, one day, he gets tired of letting his “owner” do this to him repeatedly and decides to take revenge. That’s when the game really starts and we are put in the shoes of the owner running around and running away from everything and everyone. The game puts us in 2D environments focused on platforms to run while various traps are placed against us. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

She Wants Me Dead Switch NSP  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

She Wants Me Dead Switch NSP  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

With this the game makes us understand what we are faced with so we can understand where to go. In this part the game works well, but with some caveats. In a few moments the jumps didn’t work exactly when I pressed the buttons and that imput lag made me die; but it was not a recurring thing, so it’s not a big problem One thing that happened during my gameplay that appears to be an intention of the developers is the falling jump. When our character falls before taking the first jump, but with that we increase the distance of our final jump with this advance, but with great chances of dying before reaching his goals If there is a part of this game that I really want to talk about it is the artistic part that makes the game have a great identity making what was already interesting into something unique and different from others of the genre . The concept that was chosen by the developer to portray the look of the game was a more Noah aesthetic for the whole title, giving us great indications that he is going around the 60s on a sad night where everyone sleeps and the devil makes the party.

Crazy hard platform levels.

The buildings represented in the scenarios are very reminiscent of the diagrams used in old research films to maintain the game with this Vintage interface And a great success of the development team was the choice of the grayish color palette for the environment and characters while the elements (like fire) have their very vivid colors to match with the matte background and make sure that our attention does not leave these elements while we run through all the stages. The sounds of this game are special, but when I say this is the most positive factor you can imagine, because with a unique music and sound effects the game can make the experience even more incredible The jump effects and steps of the character are well matched to make the movement real, but what really shines throughout the gameplay is the song of the same name as the game “She Wants Me Dead” performed by CAZZETTE who with his incredible beat and well fitted takes the game to other levels. I lost count of how many times I tried to keep my movements in sync with the beat of the music due to its contagious rhythm. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle R

She Wants Me Dead Switch NSP  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

She Wants Me Dead Switch NSP  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

She Wants Him Dead Lula is just an average cat who happens to be a master engineer. Her traps are intricate and require your full focus. Expect no mercy and lots of surprises. Unforgiving but rewarding Sink into the world of She Wants Me Dead thanks to the incredible soundtrack. The rhytm is the key to Max’s survival. If you let it lead you, he might see the light of day. This 2D platformer-rhytm game will not make it easy on you Max is in trouble. He pissed off his cat Lula and now she’s out to get him. And Lula is far from sweet. She is vicious, cold and unforgiving. More dangerous than Lula are her traps – deadly and brutal killing contraptions with Max’s name written all over them.SHE WANTS ME DEAD is the groovy love child of Dark Souls and Grumpy Cat. A side-scrolling, 2D, stupid hard, rhythm-platformer. Unforgiving but also rewarding, in the end. If you ever make it there. Also, it offers a hell of a speedrun challenge. CAZZETTE’S SONG “She Wants Me Dead” plays a major role in the game. Lula’s traps and other environmental features move in rhythm with the music. Are you groovy enough to help Max find safe passage? Or are you as stiff as the corpse he’ll be when the traps hit? She Wants Me Dead Is one of those must have side scrollers that has a rather interresting plot!

Gold frame achievements.

You play as a guy called Max that has annoyed his cat with the normal things cats gets annoyed about (Pushed of the bed, Sprayed them with water when they misbehaved ect.. ect. and now the cat is out for revenge and wants to put an end to Max by placing loads of traps to stop you throughout the level you have to complete  The gameplay is very fun and ultra addicting! It´s a short game with only 10 levels but does get harder and harder to closer you get to finishing it! There is good replay value too since they have added a feature that if you complete a level without dying you get a golden frame around your precious cat photos! (Who wouldn´t want that?? The game can be played with both Keyboard and Controller so you can use whatever you feel comfortable with! A really fun character customisation that you unlock parts to everytime you complete a level (You can be everything from a cat lover to a badass killing machine with a skirt! Takes no time at all to download/Install so the minute you buy it you pay it pretty much! (Currently only 30Mb). STORY OF SEASONS Pioneers of Olive Town 

She Wants Me Dead Switch NSP  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

She Wants Me Dead Switch NSP  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

She Wants Me Dead is an overall really good game that really makes you feel like you achomplished something even when just getting to a new checkpoint. As said in the Pros the game doesn´t require that much space on your harddrive and could even fit on a flash drive so you can take it with you to other PCs (Requires you to log into steam ofc) Another really nice thing is that this game is one of those games you can start and stop whenever you feel like it! So it´s the perfect game for when the class gets boring or if you have a few minutes to play. For the guys that find this game a bit of the pricy side i would really recommend picking it up when it goes on sale! Overall i would give it 8/10 for what it is. If you want to see some hands on gameplay before you spend your hard earned cash then check out my letsplay of it down below!. Not a bad game but not worth the full price in my opinion. I played untill level 5 from 10 levels and I think its time to quit. There are only 10 levels so the game can be short but the difficulty becomes more and more challenging so I am sure that in those levels which I do not play you will die a thousand times and rank up your play time that way.

Awesome clothes and accessories.

Yes, you will die, yes you will die a thousand times. At least you can customize your character so you can die in different outfits. I guess thats a pro. The game is a basic runner where you can run with left and right and jump. Thats all you can do. You got to use jump to get past traps while you run to the end of the level. I played it with a controller and I got to say that it is not really accurate which can be a pain in the ass because you need to be accurate sometimes. If you like breaking your keyboard and smashing your controller against the wall, this is the game for you. But wait for a sale. Now this is a rare case in which I first heard the song on YouTube which in turn piqued my interest in regards to the video game. Fear not, I have linked it and you can access it below, in the Audio section. As for the game, its dev team had previous experience with two other projects so they appear to have progressed a bit on Steam. I’m surprised the She Wants Me Dead versions on iTunes and Google Play are completely free yet the PC version is leaning towards the overpriced side.

You control the silent protagonist who’s the hapless owner of a lunatic house cat with solid engineering skills. Lula the Cat just as the game’s title implies, wants you dead and will stop at nothing to achieve her goal. Not much of a story here, is it? Most side scrollers are barebones like this, in terms of a coherent plot and a well defined cast of characters. The one area in which the game truly shines is the visual department. I absolutely dig the near monochromatic style which offers the title a shot at the Noir subgenre. Of course it couldn’t be all Black&White without just a dash of Red. And a couple other colors since you have plenty of player customization options. It may be a fully fledged 2D title yet motion and shadow use offer at least the illusion of 2.5D. From a graphical perspective there’s not much to complain since it runs smoothly and offers sufficient sprite and background variety, even if the traps themselves aren’t that diversified. As for the gameplay and objectives to accomplish, the situation is clear from the start. You must survive any trap layed ahead by Lula and reach the safe house at the end of each of the 10 levels.

She Wants Me Dead Switch NSP  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

She Wants Me Dead Switch NSP  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I hope I don’t have to explain to you how a side-scrolling title works, right? You always move your character to the right side of the screen, if you wish to reach the end of the level at some point. In SWMD, you may have to avoid deadly obstacles but the principles of all its arcade predecessors still apply. Only one way forward and not a lot that you’re leaving behind. Quick reflexes and patience are still crucial prerequisites in side scrollers now, as they have been for the past 40 years (Wikipedia claims that the first side-scrolling game was released in April 1977) since the genre’s inception. There are unlockables which also function as incentives for you to press on and complete the levels with as few fails as possible. The coins you gather give you access to a wide variety of clothing options, to add a personal touch to your unfortunate digital cat owner. Calling SWMD unforgivingly difficult, is an understatement. You will succumb to your in-game injuries quite frequently and the title even quantifies the number of fatalities in the Main Menu. Talk about shaming. I enjoyed playing She Wants Me Dead, despite its inflexible difficulty and that one song which kept repeating over and over again. It might force some players to mute the sound and listen to their own playlist. Star Trek Prodigy: Supernova Switch NSP

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