Selene’s Unbearable Night


Selene’s Unbearable Night Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Selene’s Unbearable Night Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Not nearly as bad as a lot of the other reviews are making it out to be. Yes, it’s jank. Yes, it’s a Resident Evil clone. But it doesn’t feel like a chore to play and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have fun. The AI voice acting is my only criticism since it makes the characters feel and sound very soulless. I enjoy supporting indie projects and I’m choosing to write this review because of that. UPDATE | 6/23/2024 – It looks like Selene’s Unbearable Night received a massive content update, concluding the game’s story and has included actual voice acting alongside it. I only played for a couple minutes, but the character voices are undoubtedly so much better now. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

This game starts off promising and becomes more and more goofy as it progresses. The character models are probably the best thing going for it and Selene looks very Tomb Raider-esque when walking along with her bow. The facial animations are comical and I can’t help thinking that’s deliberate…? Even if it’s not, it’s EA and could potentially be tweaked. I think some folk will find that it’s part of the game’s charm. Same deal with the script, AI and voice acting – super cheese and unnaturally spoken (due to AI voices no doubt) but I bought this knowing it was cheesy, so I’m fine with that. The environments range from acceptable to very bare and drab (like the underground tunnels), with lots of rooms which are cut and paste. The swampy forest level felt like a breath of fresh air and stood out as being a better designed area. The shooting is fine and the arsenal you get is satisfying. The bow was glitchy and you sometimes couldn’t see the arrow loaded but again, all this can be ironed out. In terms of difficulty, it was easy. I only found the bosses in the tight-spaced rooms to be a slight challenge. The regular ghoul enemies are easily killed with few shots or you can simply run past them. I’m not sure if the story will expand or whether the dev(s) will just continue to enhance the story that’s already there. I do think it’s a tad short for the asking price. Generally though, this game is OK and could be so much better with some improvements. Pure Golf Direct Download

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