Sackboy: A Big Adventure Free Download (B 10050991)


Sackboy: A Big Adventure Download PcGAMESPACK.NET

I only played LBP3 of the LBP series and loved it (not counting Karting, but I loved that too), and I know this isn’t supposed to be an LBP game but it’s based in the same world and similar enough where I feel certain themes should still follow. One of the core themes I felt was important was maintaining a sense of almost childlike whimsy and wonder while still remaining enjoyable for an older audience – you weren’t really assumed to be a child (though a kid could totally play), but you were encouraged to get in touch with your inner child. Sackboy: A Big Adventure honestly felt straight-up like it was meant to be a kids’ game and was not enjoyable to me. Maybe it was really meant to be that way and it’s on me for not noticing, but I have not had this issue with other 3D platformers that are similarly kid-friendly but still totally not just meant for kids (A Hat in Time is a strong one for example).

Gameplay felt lacking, combat too easy even for a 3D platformer. It was boring. Set and character design was pristine to a fault; I felt it detracted from how everything is supposed to be crafted materials. My biggest complaint though is the sound/voices. Stephen Fry isn’t the narrator anymore, which was disappointing but livable (I figure you oughta know this if you’re looking to buy a game in the LBP universe even if it’s not LBP, he’s kinda a highlight). Scarlet’s voicing is quality, Zom Zom is downright annoying, talking too much when you’re trying to look at stuff in his shop for starters, but my biggest hangup is the sack people. They have voicing now, and they sound like kids – like, I think they were either voiced by kids or people specifically pretending to be kids – giggling, exclaiming “Wahoo!” and stuff. This combined with the giggly/childish sounding voicing of different props (background characters?) in the set was too much for me. I really, really, really couldn’t stand it. marvels spider man 2 Ps5

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