Robo Recall Free Download


Robo Recall  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Robo Recall  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET As a better-late-than-never pack-in game for the excellent Oculus Touch controllers, Robo Recall does a fantastic job of showing off what they can do in action. It may be another glorified VR shooting gallery, but it’s a glorious glorified VR shooting gallery full of detailed robot models, great-feeling weaponry, and non-stop satisfying action. A thin layer of tongue-in-cheek story sends you out to “recall” hordes of defective robots in the same sense that Rick Deckard “retires” replicants in Blade Runner, except with more action-hero flair. I love the sense of freedom I get every time a group of robots descends on me, because there are so many ways you can break them. There’s the obvious option to simply draw pistols from your hips and blast away until they crumble, which is not a bad way to go. The simple act of shooting in Robo Recall feels great, with loud sound effects and as much rumble as the Touch controllers can muster, and robots react satisfyingly to the impact depending on what body parts you hit. In a decadent touch, when you’ve emptied your clip you simply release your grip on the controller to drop the gun and grab new ones that’ve appeared in your holster after a brief cooldown..TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Robo Recall  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Robo Recall  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

It’s a great alternative to having to fiddle with popping in new clips, because that might cramp your dual-wielding style, and it’s a move that feels like something out of a John Woo movie that’s completely given up on any sense of realism in favor of even more flying lead. And there’s an even more over-the-top method of reloading that I won’t spoil. Not content with just two magically replenishing holsters, Robo Recall gives you two more over your shoulders where you can reach to grab your pre-configured shotguns or rifles – or, as Bruce Campbell might describe them while making a similar drawing action, your boomsticks. There are plenty of weapons and upgrades to mess around with, and each behaves differently enough to feel useful in its own way. The energy rifles, for instance, start firing slowly but rev up as you hold down the trigger until they’re spitting out several ricocheting blasts per second, which are handy for blowing through shields. Or, if that’s not your style, you can just use your hands. Pretty much every robot (except the ones who are bigger than you) can be grabbed with one hand and flung around like a rag doll  or ripped apart piece by piece as you use their limbs to bludgeon their friends and their torso to absorb incoming bullets before tossing it into a large industrial fan.

Grabbing fresh guns is a decadent touch.

You can grab two of them and slam them together, toss them in the air and juggle them with your guns, and certain enemy types can even be used as guns for a few shots. Hearing them lament, “Why do I have handles?” as you tear them apart always gets a chuckle out of me. Or, because Robo Recall dynamically adjust the speed of time as you come under attack, you can actually pluck incoming bullets or rockets out of the air and hurl them back at enemies. There’s just a hilarious range of options for trashing bots, and I usually work up a sweat doing it. Though you can generally do alright by standing in place in each area and blasting away, you’re cleverly incentivized to keep on the move as you fight – not just by the prodding of your AI assistant when it sees you’ve sat in one place for too long or the shieldbearer robots who’re begging to be double-shotgunned in the back, but also by a scoring system that builds a multiplier by picking up chips left in the place where a bot was smashed to bits. Bouncing around using the intuitive teleportation controls can be a little disorientating, but I got the hang of it before too long, especially thanks to the ability to determine which way you’ll face when you land.Quake

Robo Recall  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Robo Recall  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

It does, however, highlight the Oculus’ main weakness: with the two-sensor configuration you get out of the box, there’s a significant blind spot behind you where your body occludes the sensors’ view of your hands. And because robots can attack from any angle, it’s quite easy to get turned around and find that spot. You’ll see an in-game warning that you need to turn around, and when you teleport it will attempt to point you back in the right direction, but it happened to me quite a bit. The only workaround is to buy a third sensor to cover this angle. Considering Robo Recall is an Oculus exclusive, it’s a little surprising that it didn’t try to avoid that hazard. Since this is a VR-only game in 2017, it’s not exactly brimming with content, but what it has it makes excellent use of. The locations of its three maps are fairly distinct from one another, and each feels different to get around. Relative to battling through the streets, teleporting between skyscraper rooftops means you’re dealing with a lot more elevation changes and seeing opportunities like hurling robots off the edge or blasting them out of the air as they leap across the gaps. And each map has three runs that follow different paths with different enemies and different objectives, including hurling as many still-functional robots into a capture zone as you can within a time limit, so there’s a fair amount of variety to be had. A single, deserted street is often where you start in Robo Recall. Nothing but asphalt, a few cars, some streetlights, and silence.

There’s a significant blind spot behind you.

It doesn’t last long. Within moments, countless robots flood the sector, armed with shotguns, pistols, and claws primed to pull you limb from limb. Too bad for them you’ve got two pistols with endless ammo ready to put them all out of commission. Essentially a new spin rendition of on-rails, light-gun shooters like Time Crisis and House Of The Dead, Robo Recall has you playing an agent who works for Roboready, a large corporation in an unnamed city that manufactures servant robots. The robots suddenly start going haywire and begin attacking citizens. You step in to recall them by destroying them and collecting their chips in whatever way you see fit. Robo Recall gives players a degree of tactical flexibility not usually present in light-gun shooters. Yes, you can settle for shooting enemies if you’re boring. You can also warp to them, reach out and grab a handle middle of their chest, and bash them into the ground over and over again before you roll the corpse into another robot like a bowling ball. If you’re standing in front of an enemy shooting bullets or shells at you, you can bat the bullets back or pick them out of the air and drop them to the ground. You can also pick enemies up and use them as shields, or take the weapon from their hands and use it to blow them away.ENDER LILIES Quietus Of The Knight

Robo Recall  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Robo Recall  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The joy of Robo Recall is finding out what your options are, then learning how to string them together to create higher scoring combos. I had fun immersing myself in the action and experimenting – and getting rewarded for my ingenuity. For example, one of my favorite moments was when I found out I could juggle an enemy in the air with bullets, receive a specific score boost for juggling them, and then grab that same enemy out of midair with my hands and throw them into a nearby truck. The action is intense and always up-close-and-personal. Robo Recall excels at being pure power fantasy, with its simplistic but elegant systems lets players become a sci-fi blockbuster savior in a way that just isn’t possible in non-VR games. Picking up an enemy with my own hands, using him as a shield, and then returning fire with my own weapon is exhilarating. The intimacy of the violence and the demand that I constantly move my hands to orchestrate combos like some violent conductor makes what would could ho-hum action in another game thrilling here. My only quibble is that the teleportation-based movement takes some getting used to as you jump from spot to spot. While that might sound like a bummer, the Oculus Touch’s thumbsticks make it efficient once you’ve got the system down.

You can grab two bots and slam them together.

It took me 15 minutes to get there, but once I had it, I was maneuvering in these massive environments with ease. Movement in the game isn’t as fun as other aspects but it’s a lot more tolerable than moving around in other VR games is. Racking up high-scoring combos isn’t just for bragging rights; the bigger your score is at the end of a level, the more stars you gain, and stars are used to unlock weapon upgrades and attachments, like compensators for your pistol that deal higher damage or a recoil-reducer for your shotgun. This system is a smart callback to the scoreboard focus of arcade shooters, but it also gives its players tangible rewards as a smart compromise between the nostalgia of arcade cabinets and the content-driven desires of contemporary gaming. One of Robo Recall’s biggest surprises is how well-written it is. The story is simplistic, which works well since it complements the carnage-focused gameplay. A strong humorous undercurrent runs also through the campaign, skewering both corporate culture and science-fiction. For example, your A.I. assistant tells you that your office is “up to minimum safety standards” the first time you step inside it, and robots often scream “Robot Heaven! I see it!”

or sing the same song HAL sings in 2001: A Space Odyssey when he dies. I was chuckling just as often as I was wowed by the actions available to me during the gameplay. Robo Recall doesn’t feel like a tech demo or minuscule offering of a promising concept. It’s the only VR game I’ve walked away from thinking I was satisfied with the amount and variety of content available. Its brand of action is unique and entertaining, and I haven’t played anything like it before. Robo Recall isn’t just a great VR game. It’s a great action game, period. While Superhot VR is still my go-to “you have to check out VR” game, Robo Recall comes very close. With an intuitive system that uses two Touch remotes as hands, grabbing and firing guns is as simple as gripping them and pressing the trigger. It’s crazy to see how far light gun games have come in my lifetime, from the NES Zapper, to the Wii, to a decked-out, beautiful Epic Games production. Recall greatly benefits from an over-the-top arcade setup that hearkens back to ’90s lightgun shooters like Revolution X, with benefits like grabbing infinite guns from your holster at any time. There’s never a dull moment, as you could be grabbing a robot, ripping its head off, tossing enemies into each other for explosion multipliers, grabbing bullets out of the air and throwing them back, or going full-on akimbo with your guns (sideways or crossed if that’s your thing).

Robo Recall  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Robo Recall  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

There’s a few short motion and marksman tutorials, but Recall literally puts the game in your hands. Within seconds I have to decide what the best course of action was from the choices listed above, and that doesn’t include defensive options like dodging or moving around with the teleport system (controlled by the left analog stick). If you aren’t used to Touch-based experiences it’ll take you a while to acclimate, almost like you’re learning how to use two analog sticks or a keyboard and mouse in tandem for the first time. Like many VR games that have dropped in the past year or so I love that feeling of lawlessness, like I’m starting from square one again. All of that freedom comes at a price though. I found myself bumping more in-house items than ever before, and I have a decent room-scale space. The tether of the Rift also bothered me for the first time, as the game is heavily built around 360 degrees and given the fast pace I whipped the cord around a few times and had to step or jump over it. This is something that took me 30 minutes to get used to, tops, but if you’re in a smaller space your mileage may vary. I know it’s an action romp but I wanted to see a more heavily involved narrative beyond “stop these renegade robots from running amok.” Every level or so you’ll get a few bits of narration from your AI overlord, but it’s simply not enough. You’ll enter this universe by way of the natural assistance of the VR headset and the close-up action, but those off-moments (like when you’re messing around in the hub) need a little more spark.Move or Die


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