Risen Free Download


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Risen Free Download GAMESPACK.NET The skies are swirling with fury and there are beasts on the shore. As they approach, you’re doubtful the slab of driftwood in your hand will be capable of swatting them aside. Shaking off the shock of waking up near-dead on the beach after the shipwreck, at the back of your mind gnaws the curiosity as to what kind of mysteries are set inside this densely forested island. Before giving in to that line of thinking wholeheartedly, more essential needs shoulder to the front of your thoughts. What do I eat? Who can I turn to for help? How do I get stronger? And more importantly, how do I kill this repulsive giant vulture creature without getting my skull caved in? Such are the opening moments of Piranha Bytes’ Risen, a new open-world role-playing game from the makers of the Gothic series. Anyone who knows the studio’s previous work will find a lot familiar here, from the general ambiance of the world to the presentation, feel of gameplay, and style of exploration. You’ll also find it’s quite user-friendly, at least in a relative sense, compared to the studio’s more hardcore Gothic games. Still, to any newcomer unaware of the history of Gothic and Piranha Bytes, this is not a game that holds your hand. While a little more direction in spots would have been appreciated, the game’s exemplary implementation of tone and methods of advancement make its rewards feel all the more powerful.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

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And despite some hiccups with combat, make it one of the best role-playing experiences of 2009 so far. It’s quite a recovery for Piranha Bytes from the technical mess that was Gothic 3, a game with a dizzying scope easily matched by the breadth of its issues. Risen whittles that down into a more digestible, manageable space – the volcano island of Faranga. While it may not look like much at first, rest assured that the rocky cliffs, wooded areas, and farmlands are honeycombed with enough caves and eldritch warrens to make any loot hunter giddy. Just so you know what you’re in for, though, the loot in this game, like Gothic games past, isn’t showered over you along with an avalanche of statistical bonuses. You’ve got one slot for armor, one for a helmet, can carry a bow and a melee weapon, and a few pieces of jewelry. The rate at which major bits of gear, like armor, are swapped out in Risen isn’t what could be described as rapid. In many cases the armor sets not only make you more resilient, but indicate status and accomplishments, giving your protective garb a narrative value in addition to bestowing additional defensive bonuses. The armors also reflect the decisions made about following factions in the game world. Upon starting out, do you seek shelter with a local group of bandits holed up in a ruin and focus on sword, axe or bow use? Do you let yourself get arrested by a zealous order and learn the ways of magic.

Countless side quests and creatures to discover.

Or take the even more roundabout path and volunteer to step within the Monastery’s gate? Should you choose to follow the path of the mage, learning how to utilize crystals and launch fireballs, eventually a Master’s Robe could be yours, but not until you’ve dumped in hours and hours of time and completed heaps of quests. You have to earn the trust and respect of the mages to get the payoff. After something like that is acquired, the residents of the world will react, making securing powerful items feel like more of an event than an arbitrary eventuality. NPCs will be impressed by your accomplishments, while others will show open disgust at your decision to join a particular faction. If you’re the type of player that needs to swap in and out new equipment regularly to stay interested, then this might not be the game for you. However, if you’re someone who appreciates a title that makes a serious effort to tie its items to its fiction, teasing and offering new paths of progress with a measured, practiced pace, then you’ll find it here. Beyond making decisions about which faction to choose, the first chapters of Risen are packed with side-quests that gradually introduce you to its combat systems and various skill sets, from alchemy to lockpicking to prospecting and metal working. It’s in these parts that’s Risen begins to build an affecting tone with its authentic NPC dialogue and strong voice acting.Osiris New Dawn

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The populace of Harbor Town is workmanlike and worn. The people complain of reduced business prospects with the recent trouble surrounding the island, and to cope they result to thievery, drug running, and extortion. They’re a beat-down lot in the Harbor Town, content to drown their worries in beer and everyday routine. The quests you’re given frequently overlap and often have logical goals, making the NPCs seem more like actual people than faceless task dispensers. Along with their beer and weed are stories and legend, some of which have to do with the Don’s bandit followers outside Harbor Town, others with the Inquisitor and his cronies up at the Monastery. If you investigate the camps, you’ll find those not in charge bear the same human characteristics of the downtrodden townsfolk. They begrudgingly carry the load of the tasks handed down from above or resort to aggressive or despicable behavior to distract attention from the ever-pressing terror on the seas. To make it even more enjoyable, the irreverent protagonist will often brazenly insult those he’s talking to, poking fun at an NPC’s inability to solve problems without help, and in the process make light of a genre convention, something longtime role-playing gamers are sure to appreciate. This tone of authenticity is further enhanced by the way the world opens up to you.

Over 60 hours of Immersive open world gameplay.

Sure, you could traipse off into the deep woods when you start the game, but you’ll never survive. Wolves and skeletons and giant lizards and worse patrol in the shadows, and they’ll readily knock you senseless unless you’re prepared. You have to accept that you’re weak and need help at the start, which is how the game funnels you to its population centers and nudges you toward choosing a character class that might best suit your desired style of play. If you judge Risen on its first act alone, you may be convinced that a better title for this complex role-playing game would be “Errand Boy.” But while you spend many of the early hours as a shipwrecked message courier, you should stick with it, because things do get better. You explore dark caverns, clash with pirates over buried treasure, stab lizardmen in their faces, and earn the help of a furry friend with a talented nose. Some of Risen’s issues stay with you up to the end; there’s no escaping the problematic combat and a number of bugs and presentation glitches. But a large and memorable cast of characters and an array of multilayered quests will keep you pushing forward. While it’s too technically inconsistent to rise to the top of the genre, Risen still provides plenty of enjoyable adventuring for RPG lovers yearning for a game they can get lost in. The setup may sound familiar: You are a nameless protagonist washed ashore on a remote island after a disaster at sea.Automation Empire

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Eventually, you find yourself in a dank swamp ruled by the infamous Don Esteban, a domineering rogue at odds with both the local monastery and the leadership of the island’s primary coastal town. Risen’s first act drones on endlessly, sending you from one fetch quest to another (distribute these potions; deliver this message; find me some weeds) while confining you first to the swamp, then to the city, and then to the monastery. The downside is that the early hours are tedious and light on action. While island politics eventually play a large role in gameplay, there’s nothing initially compelling about the faction struggles, and it takes a while before the world opens up and the story takes hold. The upside to this slow start is that you get to know the world’s inhabitants. The characters make an impression, such as the stubborn and manipulative Don, the local barmaid afraid to reveal her secrets, and a mother worried about her missing sons. When a greater threat is eventually exposed and the story expands, you realize that you care about them and their fates. By the time your real enemy is revealed, you’ll embrace your role as hero, because you know how desperately these people need one. Some strong voice acting helps inspire this kind of empathy. Some of the voice-overs could have used a jolt of energy, including that of the main character, who often sounds uninterested. However, most of the acting is quite good, which is a wonderful thing, considering that almost every line is spoken as well as displayed on the screen.

Alter the destiny of the island by the actions you take.

As your standing within your faction rises, characters will offer words of encouragement and react to your presence more positively, which lends a nice sense of social progression. Even a few of the quests themselves display personality, such as one in which you place a severed cow’s head in someone’s bed (an amusing reference to The Godfather). The main story regarding the forces responsible for a bunch of temples rising to the isle’s surface is standard fantasy fluff, but the peripheral touches keep you involved and make the island come to life. Risen’s greatest strength is the number of choices it gives you, and how well it balances them. Your choice of faction is the most obvious example of the decisions you face, and it affects which quests you can take, the skills available to you, and even how the world evolves. But even many side quests can be approached in multiple ways. Do you betray a friend and steal a pirate’s bounty, or do you remain loyal and fight for your due? Do you scheme with scoundrels, or do you turn them in? These kinds of choices don’t pervade the later portions of the game, but even when progression becomes more linear, the questing is still enjoyable. Not only will finding the scattered teleport stones complete a quest line, but these magical objects will make getting around the world a lot simpler. And the relationships you build with other characters add extra flavor.

Digging up graves looking for clues is fun on its own because you get to explore various parts of the island; knowing you’re performing the task for a character you like sweetens the deal. Progression isn’t limited to leveling, which occurs relatively slowly. As you advance, you visit trainers who teach you the skills needed to get the most out of your exploration. Eventually, locked chests won’t be a problem for you as long as you improve your lock-picking skills and have enough picks (or the right spell or scroll). Some trainers teach you how to skin creatures; others help you with your alchemy skills so you can create potions out of herbs and roots, or teach you to make swords and jewelry. You also train up your combat skills and related stats, such as strength and dexterity, by visiting helpful citizens. Risen offers a lot of flexibility as a result, and the side activities are varied enough to keep you interested. For example, smithing a new weapon is a multistep process that involves using an anvil, a trough, and a grindstone (though it’s admittedly annoying when you have to wait for a non-player character to finish using the tools first). Picking a lock entails entering a sequence of key presses in the correct order, and you can use a frying pan to cook raw meat over a campfire. These activities are simple on their own, but they’re nice diversions between temple excursions and result in helpful items and equipment.

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There is no minimap, and the world map and various regional maps don’t offer much in the way of specific information or important waypoints. However, this gives you a reason to explore the various nooks and crannies, which is mostly a pleasure in Risen. You scavenge caves searching for ore deposits and treasure chests to break into, discover shortcuts by transforming into a tiny snail-like creature, and pull unmarked rings to open hidden passages. You’ll get good use out of abilities like levitation, which lets you hover over spike traps (though inexplicably, the spikes still stick right up through you, but they don’t do any damage), and telekinesis, which lets you flip levers from afar. You’ll remember your first glimpse of an ash beast, a giant simian creature with a ferocious temper–and the first time you take one on and win. Unfortunately, you’ll also remember crossing a particular grate for the first time, only to discover that it’s a fire trap that needs to be shut off. Most of Risen’s surprises are welcome, but a few–treasure chests that spring traps on you and trap doors that are hard to see in the poorly lit dungeons–are not. Even with the best weapons, spells, and armor equipped, you always feel surprisingly fragile as you explore scattered ruins and volcano innards. You eventually lord over those pesky stingrats and have a fighting chance against reptilian priests and undead beasts, but even at higher levels, you won’t feel all that powerful. Especially during the final act, almost every encounter is a matter of life or death, so expect to use the quicksave and quickload buttons frequently.Runbow Deluxe Edition Switch NSP


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