Rise of the Ronin Free Download


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Nioh and Assassin’s Creed had a baby, and somewhere along the way they got some Way of the Samurai DNA just because why not. It has some performance issues when not using upscaling (which has sadly become the norm nowadays). Having a blast though, in the first hour they gave me a gun, a grappling hook and a glider. There’s the now classic Nioh loot overload which isn’t the best, but there are options to auto dismantle stuff, which is nice. The story so far is the usual where you meet a bunch of historical figures and go on unlikely adventures. I have to say so far I do have a lot of fun with this game even though I played it on PS5 on release, I do enjoy gameplay, graphics on PC and performance (that ain’t top tier but on my RIG works perfectly fine).

I have been also reading through steam comments and it’s weird that a lot of people with strong RIGs having issues while others do not have, port is not best nor greatest, it need optimization but I can’t say that is terrible or such. Team is working on updates and fixing these issues, so I assume at the end we are going to have decent performance. For all people that read this comment, I recommend default settings that game offer.  DLSS is must sadly, otherwise game perform not so good. (Try updating DLSS to latest version using DLSS Swapper, in my case it has greatly improved graphics, I use to use version 2.7 or so and latest is 3.75)  Frame generation cause input lag thus I avoid it, however it actually allowing me to reach up to 150 FPS but as I said input lag annoys me a lot. Robin Hood: Sherwood Defenders

Rise of the Ronin Reviews

-Dynamic resolution is neither good nor bad, sometimes helps, sometime not I found out that ”Wind Sway” option is heavy on performance thus I suggest people turning it off  From experience with TN games and PC Ports for over 8 years, usually options such are Shadows, Ambient Occlusion and such similar options are not greatest on their ports and usually are heavy on performance FPS thus try to play by turning off and on each to see if that make any change. Last thing would be, for all who have no issues, take your time, enjoy game, explore everything and small tip: Trees with Ribbon attach to it are actually pointers that there is secret boss nearby, there are 3 bosses per region, they’re no joke and very strong, but also rewarding! Yet another tip is set ”Hold Time” under Accessibility option for controller or keyboard to 1, default is 3, that reduce input lag and make your weapon being more responsive! I am sorry to hear that certain people having issues and enjoy game, but I hope so that will be fixed in near future! Happy hunt my dear Ronins!

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