Reignbreaker Pc Game Download


Reignbreaker Download Game GAMESPACK.NET

I’ve been playing the game for a few hours now and I think I’m about halfway through. At least, that’s what the game tells me in the main menu.
As someone who’s only played Hades 1 (on xbox) in the rouge-like genre, I have to say I’m really enjoying the game. It as some similarities to Hades but also differs in some ways. In the beginning a single run was done quiet fast and only had one boss fight to offer. And those bosses were also quiet easy imo. But the last run i did was longer and also had multiple boss fights and last boss actually beat the sh*t out of me the first time i encounter him :D. So i guess the later runs a longer and more challenging, which i like. What I think is most different from Hades is the rooms you have to pass through on the way to the bosses. They are way bigger and the contain way more traps. Some times so many traps that you can easy win fight without performing an attack, just luring the enemies into traps. And there is loot everywhere :D. Also the fights against the “trash” mobs are sometime super messy, which isn’t necessary bad. I find it somewhat entertaining. I had two runs where i used the spray can items from these mercenary guys and it was hilarious, fight start, explosion everywhere for 30 sec, complete loss of orientation, fight ends xD. Hopefully there are more fun items and enemies in the second half of the game.

I gave this a very very reluctant thumbs down. I will gladly reconsider that in the future, but as it stands there is just next to no content. It feels more like a demo than an early access title. It’s a fun game with a TON of potential. (Very similar play style to Hades or Sworn) But, is there really only one biome? Or is there a way to progress further that I missed? It is like 10-20 minutes of game play, at most… and that’s it? Seriously? I will check back in the coming weeks, and adjust my review if there is more meat on the bone. Like I said, it has a lot of potential to be something great- what is there is really fun, but nobody likes paying for a half-cooked dinner. As it is, I can’t in good faith recommend what is essentially a paid demo. I HOPE this changes, I would love to see the game be successful. The Phantom


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