Rebel Cops Free Download


Rebel Cops Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Rebel Cops Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Developer Weappy Studio has enjoyed some notoriety as the developer of This is the Police, and now it’s firing right into its own spinoff, Rebel Cops. Set in 1994, Rebel Cops is centred around a rogue faction of ex-police officers who are sick of the system and seeing their town overrun by mobsters, and decide to go out on their own to apprehend criminals. Dealing with back-alley arms dealers, busting mobsters and carefully planning their next operation is all part of the fun. On paper, Rebel Cops sets out to deliver on an intriguing premise – morally murky cops going rogue and putting things into their own hands sounds fantastic – but the forces you go up against are often just painted with the same old mobster brush that we’ve seen for years. The shady criminals you’ll be pitting yourself against can effectively just be called “naughty Russians”, a tired trope that we’ve all seen before, and a trope that has been executed better in countless other forms of media. This is because the scenario of Rebel Cops is all just window-dressing for the missions and game mechanics. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Rebel Cops Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

In addition to tactical gameplay, Rebel Cops also features stealth mechanics. You’ll need to sneak around to avoid detection and take down enemies silently.

“Rebel Cops” is a tactical turn-based game that features a group of police officers who are fighting against a corrupt and dangerous criminal organization. Some of the game’s key features include:

      • Tactical gameplay: Players must use strategy and tactical thinking to plan their actions and take down their enemies. Each mission requires careful planning and execution.
      • Character customization: Players can customize their police officers with different equipment, weapons, and skills. Each officer has unique strengths and weaknesses that can be tailored to fit the player’s playstyle.
      • Non-lethal takedowns: The game encourages players to use non-lethal takedowns whenever possible, such as handcuffing suspects or using stun guns.
      • Killing suspects can result in negative consequences for the player.
      • Limited resources: Players must manage their resources carefully, as ammunition and medical supplies are limited. Players must also earn money to purchase new equipment and weapons.

The game takes place in a gritty, crime-ridden city, and players must navigate through streets, buildings, and other environments to complete their missions.

It’s interesting how often cops crop up as heroes. Not unsurprising, as the fantasy makes sense in a macho, often politically dubious sort of way. It’s not one of mine, however. As such, I’m glad Rebel Cops steps away from it a little. In this turn-based, tactical, XCOM-ish spin-off from This Is The Police, your cops are indeed rebels, rallying against systemic injustice. Admittedly, it’s injustice that stems from the corrupting hands of criminal underlords, rather than those that hold power in certain real world police forces. But I don’t hold this against the Unapproved Fuzz. They’ve got far too many other problems. First and foremost, a shady Russian has the authorities on his payroll, leaving just your ragtag group of insurgent po-po to hunt him down and save the town. The writing is as shaky as you might expect from the premise, leaning hard enough on cliché to make me seriously worry about cliché’s structural integrity, and I confess I didn’t pay much attention to the Russian, or exactly how my cops batonned, stabbed and shot their way towards him. A headshot means instant death. Railbound

Rebel Cops Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Rebel Cops Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The town was definitely worth saving, though. It’s a pretty place in rural America, with a smudged, almost impressionist bent to the bushes and dirt, contrasted against unambiguous buildings. You see it all through a haze of snazzy, minimalist iconography that does away with numbers and excessive description. It’s an easy language to learn, with information tucked away in menus that blossom out as you hover over crook and cop. Want to hold that man at gunpoint? Here are the chances he’ll obey, shown via a simple little bar. Want to club him unconscious for a couple of turns? Knock yourself out. This squanders the premise of Rebel Cops in the first place, and you could blink and suddenly be playing a game set anywhere, at any time. If one of those Rebel Cops whipped out a Cloud Strife-esque Buster Sword, we wouldn’t even blink. It’s clear that a lot of love has been put into the creation of the atmosphere of Rebel Cops, but it is, unfortunately, let down by its paint-by-numbers scenario and plot.

The game features a compelling storyline that unfolds over the course of several missions.

At its core, Rebel Cops is a turn-based tactics game. When you set out on a mission, you allocate a troop of cops, with different innate abilities to suit a certain loadout. Some will be sharpshooters, while others will be better at stealth. There is no personality attached to the names and faces of these cops, making it slightly frustrating to remember exactly who has what skills and abilities when going into a tricky mission. Additionally, you have to equip each of your units individually, with no “auto-equip” feature to give your cops even a basic loadout of a pistol and some ammo. The busywork soon grows old. Thankfully, the moment you get out on a mission, the game really comes into its own. Each of your cops has two action points to spend on movement and a variety of options such as stunning your enemies with a baton or taser, holding them up or straight-up killing them through a chance-based shot, dependent upon distance and the skill of the unit. Shootouts are quick and quite literally deadly. There are no hitpoints. Instead, every unit can be shot in the head, chest, arm or leg, with appropriate consequences. A bullet to the leg will stop you moving, one to your gun arm will stop you gunning. Both will see you bleed out in six turns, or three if you get hit in the chest.  Railbound Switch NSP 

Rebel Cops Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Your actions in Rebel Cops have consequences. Your decisions will affect the game’s story and the outcome of each mission.

Rebel Cops, a turn-based spinoff from This Is the Police, isn’t the game that I expected it to be. I’m only about three hours in, but both its mechanics and its setting continue to surprise me, for good and ill. The result is a perfectly functional turn-based game with some exciting open-world elements. Unfortunately, I’m unlikely to come back to finish it due to poor pacing and a lack of depth. The hardest pill to swallow is the apparent bait and switch the game makes with its marketing. Videos for Rebel Cops show a hardy bunch of folks who could easily pass for Illinois state troopers, or regional police from any of the 50 states. With wide-brimmed hats and furred collars, they look like cartoon versions of the cast of Longmire. But the narrative of Rebel Cops itself is set somewhere in Eastern Europe. Rather than a laconic sheriff making do on the high prairie, I’m cast as a malnourished Robin Hood living hand to mouth at a secret camp in the woods. It’s a little jarring.

Players must uncover the secrets of the criminal organization and bring its leaders to justice.

But there’s our first wrinkle. I dig how you can tell any suspect to freeze, and that the odds of compliance are dictated by distance, the arresting officer’s fearsomeness, and whether or not you’re in the middle of a shootout. I’m not wild about how rarely I felt the need to try, however. The certainty of a melee attack was nearly always worth the extra fuss of getting my brigade into position, and I wasn’t nearly invested enough to feel guilty about resorting to a bullet when the situation called for one. I might have, were the writing good enough to make my cops feel like people rather than tools. You’re sometimes pushed towards self-serving violence, but in a world of pastiche gangsters I can’t count this as commentary on the pressures faced by real police. I don’t think it’s supposed to be, but if I’m wrong, it falls flat. RAILGRADE Switch NSP

Rebel Cops Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Rebel Cops Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The mission structure is usually centred around finding something, recovering hostages or getting to a certain area of the map. This is a pretty difficult affair when the game presents you with limited turns to complete the mission. In the early stages, we were carefully positioning units for stealth and making our way through the levels methodically, but eventually, we failed due to running out of turns. This is a great way to get you to play a bit more dangerously and forces you to use all of the tools in your arsenal to get the job done. The maps are often pretty large and have collectables that you can gather throughout. This leaves your tactical options pretty open and offers countless ways to replay a mission. The game rewards you for making non-lethal arrests, at the cost of taking up another action. Be wary though; even on the easier difficulty, Rebel Cops is still pretty unforgiving. On more than one occasion, we lost almost every unit by alerting guards. Luckily, the game gives you a few options when it comes to rolling back to an earlier turn. You can save three times on each mission, so if you are about to commit to a ballsy decision, you’re able to revert back in case things don’t quite go according to plan.

You can also allocate units towards a side objective to complete whilst also in the main mission, and we found it pretty tricky to divide up our resources like that – adding another welcome layer of challenge to this already unforgiving game. They also give the game another layer of replayability, if you decide not to complete them the first time around. You’re also incentivised to follow due process in a handful of other ways. If you arrest someone, they’re magicked away from the level by the spirit of justice itself. (They’re not, I just think justice ghosts are a better explanation than nothing at all). The important part of this is that arrested crims vanish, rather than continuing to exist as bodies that their buddies might stumble over. mAs we all know, arrests are also worth more XP than murders. Your cops progress through levels, and every advancement earns them a choice between two perks, then a pip to spend on getting faster, stronger or more accurate. Those buffs are handy, and help you differentiate between your disobedient pigs. It’s neat how they’re offered perk options based on how they’ve behaved, too. A sneaky cop might get to see further, while someone who’s been shot at can get better at dodging. All my officers got that one.


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