RABBIT HOLE Free Download GAMESPACK.NET The spine of Lewis Carroll’s Alice books has been well and truly worn out by the many, many adaptations of his works. Whether it’s the much beloved animated Disney film from the 50s, the much less-beloved 2010 live-action affair from Tim Burton, or one of the multitude of other attempts on celluloid or silicon, it probably feels like we’ve been down the rabbit hole enough times. Wonderland plays out like a VR story. The game’s chapters include characters from the Queen’s Cards, including a 4 ½ Spade which you will take over control of from time to time. The characters you come across are all voice acted and interacting with them often happens as you will have various dialogue trees which you can select to hear different parts of the storied dialogue. The voices are all captivating and fit the character designs nicely.  Cortopia Studios has other ideas though, deciding to craft a prequel VR adventure that dabbles with one of literature’s best known settings to incredible visual effect. It’s just a shame that the writing comes nowhere near to emulating its inspiration. Down the Rabbit Hole is a classic tale of girl falls down a rabbit hole, meets an anxious rabbit. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)



a grinning feline and a strung-out caterpillar before coming across a grumpy queen who likes to chop people’s heads off. Despite ostensibly being a prequel to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, you won’t be surprised to hear that Down the Rabbit Hole follows the tried and tested story-beats that Carroll wrote 150 years ago, albeit with a few original elements. Our heroine has lost her memory, though she hasn’t forgotten that she’s ventured down the rabbit hole in order to find her missing pet, Patches. At a few points you’re able to point your lost lady in a particular direction – what type of pet you have, what your favourite colour is, what her grandmother taught you before her death – but it all seems fairly insignificant amongst the dull exposition.

Numerous mysteries

There’s no pace, no drive, and in fact no characters that you’ll have any ounce of interest in. There’s a group of wayward cards who pick on one of their number as he’s a half card, with four and a half joining you on your adventure for… some reason? Even Down The Rabbit Hole’s sheer existence seems like lunacy. It’s as strange a VR game you’ll find, one that refuses to be pegged down to any one demographic or tick any certain box. There might be a touch of tameness to some of its puzzles and the adventure is over a little too soon, but when the game tips its box of ideas upside down, magic usually falls out. Down The Rabbit Hole is as Mad as a Hatter, and that’s exactly what you’d want it to be.You show him no compassion whatsoever, only allowing him to join you out of necessity, and there’s no revelatory moment later on where you’ve become the fastest of friends. I assume he’s only there so that Cortopia can throw some puzzles in your way that require two characters to solve. With the way half cards are treated by whole cards, it feels as though they’re trying to say something about discrimination in modern life.  Hello world!



And acceptance of those different from yourself, but the idea is not so much presented as thrown at your feet in the most basic way possible. It feels as though Cortopia think it’s much smarter than it actually is. Carroll’s world is one of wonder, and while the writers of Down The Rabbit Hole seem to have taken a day off, the visual designers certainly didn’t. The mechanical and visual elements of falling further into this magical kingdom have never looked better, and it’s a truly incredible piece of work. As you move deeper into the never-ending burrow, your perspective sees you at the centre of the hole, with diorama’s opening up in the walls as you progress.

Fight directly or take a stealthy approach

Roots and handles allow you to grip the world and move it up, down and around you, and it’s a real pleasure peering into each of the scenes. It’s an effect you won’t tire of from beginning to end. While you’re marvelling at the world in front of you, Down the Rabbit Hole puts a number of puzzles in your way as you head towards an inevitable meeting with the Queen of Hearts. From time to time you will go into first person view allowing you to interact with buttons on a chest, flowers, or other objects in the game. You can interact with objects as Alice by tapping A and replying to characters by selecting the dialogue options with your right hand. The game’s puzzles are not difficult though they will oftentimes require a bit of thinking outside the box and using your environmental clues to solve. Taking note of the level’s backgrounds, objects, and placement will lead to discovering clues which will help you find invitations. These range from ridiculously easy to smart and enjoyable; it’s unlikely you’re going to be stuck for that long with any of them. A late attempt to break into the Queen’s castle involving different gardeners who’ll only perform one set task is particularly good value, but such standout moments aren’t enough to cover for the dull narrative. Human hacker



The most captivating game mechanic is actually the most basic one – searching for missing invitations to the Queen’s party. They lurk in all sorts of places, rewarding you for scouring each of the beautiful sections and asking you to wave your hands about to knock invites off light fittings or out of trees so your character can pick them up. You can access each section of the game via the Caterpillar’s mirror room, which handily tells you how many invitations you still have to find in each area, and it’s this one element that might have you loading the game back up again. Few other works arguably embody the paradigm of fairy tales as much as Lewis Carroll’s seminal Wonderland saga.

Alluring graphics and detailed locations

Down the Rabbit Hole is a familiar retelling of Alice in Wonderland’s tale of fantasy and intrigue, though this time in VR where you interact with the world in ‘third person god-mode’. The story starts off moving Alice through a house and searching for a key to open up a hatch in the floorboards. After you fall through the floor and down the rabbit hole, you are quickly greeted by the white rabbit. He tasks you with finding your way through to the party for the red queen and acquiring invitations along the way. The game is basically an escape room of sorts tarrying you from place to place along the five or six main sections of Wonderland. You will progress through a cave, a cottage, underground woods, the castle yard, and inside the castle. Given its boundless display of imagination, propensity toward the fantastical and the improbable, and its sheer ability to transplant us into a whole different reality, it seems logical that such a setting would be ripe for a foray into the virtual reality space. Cortopia Studios’ Down the Rabbit Hole does just that, giving us a charming and gorgeous VR adventure that whisks us into its subterranean world, even if it struggles a bit with making our brief visit feel wholly satisfying.



Down the Rabbit Hole is a mostly by the numbers game along a linear path. I enjoyed my time in Wonderland and the fantastical creatures and characters you meet along the way. Graphically the game is stunning to look at. The world is imaginative and the feeling of size and scale is well done from the moments you are playing as Alice in first person, to the view overhead as the controlling entity. In VR there are two kinds of main games that really draw me in; I love a good exercise game that gets me moving, but I also really enjoy these narrative driven games that have puzzle and adventure elements strewn throughout. The game opens on a midnight forest, as a voice-over reveals that what we are about to experience is a bedtime story told off-screen by a grandfather to his granddaughter. As if on cue, a young girl our as-yet-unnamed heroine, appears and enters a cabin in search of her pet, Patches. While searching inside, she comes across a trap door and proceeds to tumble down a deep hole, in the process giving our adventure its title. The player’s input is twofold. The first is controlling the girl herself, steering her where you want her to go using normal gamepad controls and having her interact with the environment at the press of a button. The second sees you assume the role of what is essentially a disembodied spirit floating in the center of the rabbit hole, with its curved subterranean walls encircling you on all sides. Events happen all around you, small chambers within

The tunnel walls lighting up as the heroine enters as if someone had switched on a lamp within. It’s like a mix of a dollhouse and an ant colony, interconnected and encased underground but viewed from the outside looking in, populated by…well, not ants but by the miniature-sized inhabitants of Wonderland. I played the PSVR version using the PlayStation 4 DualShock controller, which involved interacting with the environment using a floating orb of light created by the controller’s light bar. As this light collides with objects, you may get a cute or helpful animation or sound (the splash as your orb dips in and out of the waters of a lake is a nice touch). Occasionally you’ll knock an item loose that you can then maneuver the girl over to and pick up. Human hacker


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