PUSS! Free Download



PUSS! Free Download GAMESPACK.NET I can but open this review with a simple phrase: What the fuck? I’m all for oddball games that bring out some truly weird and wonderful elements, but PUSS! takes the cake. From the bizarre visuals themed around glitch art, surrealism, vapourwave and more to the almost creepy audio that recalls late ’90’s 2am shows, it’s an exercise in out and out strangeness that…well, I’m not against. As truly maddening as some of the presentation can be, underneath is a pretty fun – and challenging -gameplay loop. The basic crux is that we move our avatar (of which there are around 90-odd to choose from, all equally bizarre) around a series of mazes in order to get to the end goal. Complete nine of these and we face off against a boss in a variety of different gameplay styles. Beat the boss and we move onto the next set of stages, and so on. It’s pretty simple on paper, but oh boy, in practice PUSS! is a whole other ball game. For starters the levels are randomly assigned on each run – yes, this is a roguelike style game TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)



So it’s fully possible to have the difficulty shoot all over the place. Some of the layouts are pretty straight forward, while others will bring down our live tally in the blink of an eye. The mazes themselves are reminiscent of that classic prank game that was popular when I were a kid, except here the walls move in and out, there are extra blocks that slide along behind us, or many more varieties, all designed to test our skill – and patience. We’re given a slight grace in that touching the walls or obstacles won’t instantly kill us, but it will make a horrendous noise that won’t fail to let us know we’re in the wrong place. Hang around for too long though and it will kill us. As mentioned above, each level ends in a boss fight that mixes up the gameplay; the first is against a two-headed Cerberus in a bullet-hell style encounter that is fucking hard to beat. We need to collect the POW blocks to fill a meter, and once done it turns into a button-mashing mini-game to whittle their life bar down with our super sharp cat claws. Three goes and we win (if we make it that far).

The real Bullet Hell!

It’s here that things open up a little. Five more worlds open up for to tackle in the order of our choosing in order to beat the bosses and collect the keys to open up the final area. While the levels are still randomised, each area follows a loose theme. And no matter which one we pick, they are all still ultra-challenging. Failure in any of these means starting that world from scratch, but be warned – changing games will mean starting from the very beginning again, which I found to be a bit of a ball-ache to be honest. Getting past the opening world isn’t too much of a challenge after a few tries, but it just delays getting stuck into the latter levels which is where the madness really kicks in. Remember that scene in the 1971 movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory where the tour group take a boat ride through a psychedelic tunnel? Remember how utterly terrifying it was (still is)? Now imagine such lunacy applied to an entire video game; that’s pretty much what you get with PUSS! Billed by developer teamCOIL Studio as an ‘avoid-em-up’ puzzle game Need for Speed Heat 



You’re required to navigate a series of complex maze-like stages, avoiding every wall and obstacle on your way to your goal. Oh, and you also happen to be a cat. We should probably elaborate on why PUSS! can be regarded as pure nightmare fuel. The visual style for the game is heavily reliant on psychedelic colours, abstract shapes and objects, and a soundtrack that’s composed mostly of odd noises, whispered voices (sometimes speaking in entirely different languages), and static. It’s genuinely quite unsettling in the exact same way the tunnel scene was in Willy Wonka, only here it’s sustained over extended periods of time. Don’t go into PUSS! expecting cute kittens and pretty rainbows, because this ain’t it. PUSS! is not only aesthetically quite difficult to wrap your head around, but its levels can also get ridiculously tricky. Once you get past the opening ‘tutorial’ section and its accompanying boss fight (which is by no means a cakewalk), the game spares no mercy, throwing everything it’s got at you right from the start.

They’ll help you fight evil!

Triumphing over each level requires a combination of expert timing, quick reflexes, a little bit of luck, and a tonne of patience. Is it too hard? That’s really dependent on your own expectations; some of the levels, however, absolutely border on sadistic. This isn’t to say the game is impossible, by any means. Your brave little cat (which, by the way, can be changed into one of 40 different skins) is granted with a set number of lives for each group of levels, and the game is reasonably generous with these. It’s also really good at communicating when you’ve touched something dangerous in each area, emitting a loud static noise accompanied by quick screen flickering; much like the underwater music in Sonic titles though, hearing the static noise is anxiety-inducing, to say the least. In terms of performance, the game rarely stumbles, although we did encounter a couple of freezes when entering one of the game’s worlds, forcing us to quit out and reload. From a gameplay perspective, it’s a smooth enough experience Need for Speed Payback Deluxe Edition 



with minimal hiccups throughout. We should mention as well, even though the game provides fair warning at the start, if you’re prone to epilepsy or seizures, you should probably stay away from this one. If you’re after something challenging and, shall we say, different, then PUSS! could well be right up your alley. Its gameplay is simple enough for anyone to pick up, but the difficulty ramps up quickly to outrageous levels. Nevertheless, it remains strangely addictive, and will likely hold your attention for a good while as you pour blood, sweat, and tears into progressing through its levels, inch by inch. Created by teamCOIL and edited by Samustai, PUSS! is included in the category called ” avoid-em up” , or skill game in which we have to avoid contact with “something”. This time it is about avoiding contact with walls and other objects (explosions, bullets, etc.) while we go through a maze from a point A to the exit. Come on, something that has been done for decades in video games with similar approaches, and not so similar.

They also appear in a random sequence

But something will have this original proposal when on Steam it has accumulated more than 500 very positive comments since its launch in August 2018 (93% of the opinions are favorable). Now, it’s coming to current consoles, and as we’re going to see in this review of PUSS! for PS4, Nintendo Switch and Xbox , what makes this colorful proposal special? why is it convincing? To whet your appetite, a gameplay of PUSS! on Nintendo Switch , which already leaves some clues… This potshot launches on console on February 19th, next week, and as you may have seen in the video… PUSS! it is a literally unclassifiable game . Its core is that of a game of skill, in which our avatar (a cat head) must not touch the walls or anything, and advance along the available path until reaching the goal. That simple idea, PUSS! it twists and wraps it with details that, in the end, make it really a different, unique experience, and one that is also quite crazy, everything is said. The very intro of the game alerts us that the approach of PUSS!



very normal, is not. It is night, the TV begins to emit strange interference and the word HELP appears on the screen. Attracted, a cat approaches the television and is dragged “to the other side” (yes, all very Poltergeist ), where a surreal world dominated by a sect of cats that wants to offer the meat of our feline in sacrifice for a superior being awaits us. . But it won’t be easy for them, and after a first encounter with Cerberus himself (which is nothing more than a chihuahua that gets three faces when we scratch it and gets angry), we will have to rescue other fallen heroes to face each other, and defeat that superior threat. The Power Rangers of the cat world, come on. All this pot going combines very different aesthetics, from psychedelic to naive art, web punk or vaporwave , and all of it washed down with very bright colors, phosphors, details typical of glitch art (small distortions that seem like a bug in pixel art games old), many cats, many sounds and voices and, in general, an atmosphere that can only be called surreal both visually and sonically…

but it’s cool and has a “something” that hooks. Perhaps because it reminds, to a certain degree, of the idealized 80s. But after playing PUSS!, it is undeniable but that it has something hypnotic that catches you, and that invites you to continue playing . Of course, this amalgamation of flashing lights, color and surrealism, as its own creators warn, can affect you if you have epilepsy (like the mythical Pokémon episode ). And in this case we are not surprised, because they are not bluffing: the game is a continuous coming and going of flashes, lights, effects… As we have said, the objective in all levels is always the same: reach the goal without touching the walls, always stepping on the ground (there are gaps, mobile platforms, corridors that contract momentarily…) and avoiding contact with anything. , be it a shot, an explosion, a door… The objective is to reach the goal without touching anything , or touching “as little as possible” (a brush against a wall does not mean a death). To meet this challenge New Pokémon Snap 


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