Psychonauts 2 Free Download


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Psychonauts 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET It may have been 16 years since the first Psychonauts came out for us, but for Raz and his friends it’s only been a couple days. Psychonauts 2 picks up right where the 2005 original (and 2017 VR follow-up The Rhombus of Ruin) left off, and it does so in a way that feels fresh and modern while still maintaining everything that made its predecessor so special – from its strange but lovable characters to the fantastical mental worlds inside their heads. Sure, it’s brought a little bit of that clunky mid-2000s platforming along with it too, but even with a few rough edges Psychonauts 2 is pretty much everything I could have hoped for from this long-awaited sequel. Those who understandably haven’t played a 16-year old platformer and its short VR-exclusive follow-up will have to get caught up through a charming animated recap at the start of this new adventure. It does an entertaining job of providing the important info needed to make Psychonauts 2 work well enough as a standalone story, one that explores both Raz’s family and the history of the Psychonauts as a whole far more than the specific events of Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp. That said, this sequel is also littered with important callbacks, exciting character reunions, fun Easter eggs, and a whole lot of juicy backstory that made it all hit harder for me as a long-time fan.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

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Psychonauts 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Picking up just the day after Rhombus of Ruin (itself set only a day after Psychonauts), your newly deputized 10-year-old hero Razputin Aquato arrives at the Motherlobe, the headquarters of the psychic spy organization known as the Psychonauts, to learn he hasn’t actually been made a full agent, just an intern. As such, he’s got some more training to do to truly earn his stripes, this time while running around the facilities of the Motherlobe and the wooded area surrounding it. Of course, as with the first game (and without any spoilers), things quickly escalate from there into an excellent story that’s simultaneously high-stakes and deeply personal. Developer Double Fine has done a phenomenal job of expanding the Psychonauts universe while recapturing that signature “psychic James Bond goes to summer camp” vibe of the original. You may start off in a high-tech spy base, but it isn’t long before you’re allowed outside and given free reign to roam its lakeside exterior, hidden caves, and a nearby campground full of gorgeously stylized redwood trees. That outdoor openness means Psychonauts 2 still offers a heaping helping of Whispering Rock’s folksy feel alongside the fancier interior of the Motherlobe, but it never relies on references or nostalgia alone to impress either. And of course, all these locations are still dotted with collectibles to find, tricky side tasks to hunt down (including another item scavenger hunt), and amusing characters to talk to.

Experience an imaginative, cinematic story.

The original’s cast of quirky campers is replaced by three slightly smaller groups here: the adult agents of the Psychonauts, the charismatic teenage members of the intern program that eventually become Raz’s friends, and the entire Aquato family camping out in the nearby woods. Every single character in Psychonauts 2 is delightfully unique, incredibly well-written and voiced, and just an absolute joy to get to know. The facial animations can occasionally look awkward and stiff outside of the more tailored cutscenes, but it’s hard to overstate how fun it is to simply explore these platforming playgrounds and talk to people. The Aquato family, in particular, is a true highlight of this sequel, giving Raz far more depth and shining a different light on the events of the first game. The fact that Raz abandoned them to join the Psychonauts isn’t really addressed much in the original, but here you get to learn how each of his relatives feel about what happened. That could be his loving mother Donatella, who is just glad he’s safe, his older brother Dion, still bitter that Raz left them (which is fair, given it’s only been a few days), or his older sister Frazie, herself struggling with a secret spurred by his departure. Meeting all these characters and completing small activities like setting up the family circus tent with them is a treat, and the same can be said for just about everyone else Raz meets.Persona 3 Portable Switch NSP

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Psychonauts 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The real world is only half what you get to explore, however, and Psychonauts 2 manages to deliver both physically and mentally. While you aren’t diving into every brain you see (that would be rude), the real meat of the platforming and combat takes place inside the psychic worlds of many of the more troubled characters you meet. And much like the people who house them, those brains and the reflections of their owners’ psyche that they represent are wonderfully creative and consistently surprising across the board. Levels tend to follow a bit of a formulaic structure, with most revolving around getting three of some MacGuffin before reaching a flashy boss fight with a similar three-hit pattern. That would hurt their novelty if it weren’t for the fact that their awesome art styles, top-notch music, and diverse gameplay mechanics are so different that each one is still a refreshing delight. One moment you might be playing life-size pachinko in a neon hospital casino, while the next you’re cooking anthropomorphic food in a timed gameshow, and after that you’re entering a library book and running across its words in 2D. There isn’t really a bad world among the roughly dozen or so you’ll explore, with a particular standout being a psychedelic music-themed stage where you’re accompanied by a hilarious ball of light voiced by Jack Black. These worlds also distinguish themselves from the originals’ mental levels by tying more directly into the story across the board.

Unlock hidden memories.

I might remember Psychonauts’s Milk Man and Bonaparte board game stages fondly, but completing those ultimately meant little more than opening a door, story-wise. In contrast, every single one of Psychonauts 2’s levels are tied not just into the psyche of their host character, but to the plot as a whole. Early on, Raz is even forced to reckon with the responsibility of being able to enter someone’s mind and change their mental state, an important conversation that the first game never really had. Moments like this got me more invested in every stage, even the goofier among them. Sixteen years ago, Psychonauts made a cartoonish, comically lopsided world feel believable and weighted thanks to its loveable characters and earnest storytelling. Now, Psychonauts 2 builds upon this foundation to reach ambitious new heights, while equally deepening its roots to impressive depths. It takes already well-realized characters and makes them more complex, even if that means traveling to the darker corners of their minds. It’s a dazzling display of Double Fine’s signature humor and creativity, but underneath the whimsical, action-platformer is a game about choices and forgiveness. Psychonauts 2 does more than just fill the shoes of its beloved predecessor, it sets itself apart as a classic in its own right. After a snappy catch-up for newcomers, the story picks up only days after the first game.A Story About My Uncle

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Psychonauts 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

And moments after the VR sequel-interlude Psychonauts in the Rhombus Of Ruin. 10-year-old psychic-prodigy Razputin Aquato (you) has saved the leader of the Psychonauts, Truman Zanotto, from the grips of dentist/amatuer brain surgeon Dr. Loboto. In an effort to discover who hired Dr. Loboto to kidnap Truman, Raz and the other Psychonaut agents–Sasha Nein, Milla Vodello, and Coach Oleander–enter Loboto’s mind, only to uncover a far more menacing antagonist has been pulling Loboto’s strings: Maligula–a great enemy of the Psychonauts. Maligula was assumed dead after a great battle that, tragically, also left one of the Psychonauts’ most acclaimed members, Ford Cruller, traumatically scarred and mentally broken. This leads the Psychonauts to believe there is a mole within their operation, and in order to unpack the mysterious return of Maligula, Raz must enter the minds of the Psychic 6, the founders of the Psychonauts, to piece together a dark, hidden truth. What unravels is an unexpected turn of events, with a story constructed and driven by the misjudged choices of its characters; it’s a heady theme that remains constant, and is hammered home through Raz’s own mistakes early in the game. Raz learns a few new abilities, one being Mental Connection. This can be used to interconnect a person’s thoughts, which creates new forms of traversal for the player, and can even be used to completely change a character’s mind.


However, when Raz uses it to completely change the view of a mind he inhabits for his own benefit, he is forced to reckon with the consequences and carry the burdens of them.The narrative events are intertwined with a spectacle of platforming and action. As I jumped, climbed, and punched through the inner mind of this character, I was able to see it from two different perspectives: as it once was, and then how dramatically morphed it had become based on Raz’s mistake. The level I was once familiar with was re-contextualized through a completely different lens to reflect the changed mind. Everything about Psychonauts 2, from its environments, to its history, the Psychonauts themselves, its enemies, and mechanics, all work in tandem and feel wholly realized. It feels rich and dense with detail, and it’s all defined by its eclectic cast of characters. It’s bewildering to step back and take it all in at times, but thankfully its quirky and colorful world makes it as disarming as it is a joy to ingest. As you bounce through the minds of characters, each level’s concepts and artistic direction is reflective of the mind in which it takes place, often putting mental conditions like addiction, PTSD, and anxiety front-and-center in a lighthearted manner that doesn’t demean them.

But rather treats them in an approachable and empathetic way. One level in particular features depressing themes and undertones of excessive drinking as a design motif. The level takes place on a big open sea to sail across, with sandy islands to visit and a beautiful clear sky overhead. The moment I stopped to take it in, however, I realized the trees were shaped like bottles, and platforms were beer cans, and the rails I grinded on were drinking straws. Suddenly, the bright colorful world I gleefully jumped through was instilled with a very different and serious tone–one that could go missed if I didn’t stop to take it in. It was all nuanced, balanced with bizarre and quirky conversations, but bookended with a serious look at someone’s inner struggles, with the intent of better understanding who they are as a person, and why. With every twist and turn, the level added a completely new layer to the mystery of Maligula and the past of the Psychic 6, leading to some unpredictable revelations. The unlikely sequel to a 16-year-old game about going inside people’s heads to rummage around in all their mental baggage, Psychonauts 2 is wonderfully anachronistic. It’s a missive from a time when practically every game was about running and jumping and collecting things in some cartoonish otherworld, and every developer was trying to find ways to make those actions feel fresh and exciting.

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Psychonauts 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

This game’s novelty is its bold, beautiful, confident weirdness – it’s funny, unselfconscious and excellent fun. Psychonauts 2 touches on some mental health topics that might be triggering for some, but though this is not the most nuanced portrayal of the complexities of real-world mental heath ever committed to code, its themes and metaphors are never as straightforward as I expected them to be. We play as Razputin, a resourceful, psychic 10-year-old from a family of travelling acrobats, who ran away from home to join a team of gifted mind-hopping spies. Surprisingly, the acrobat stuff is just as fun as the psychic stuff: lifting things with telekinesis and zapping figments of the imagination with mind-lasers is cool, but Raz is so nimble and light that leaping him around people’s freaky mental architecture is joyful in itself, even when it’s fiddly. Outside people’s heads, we run around the Psychonauts’ headquarters, the Motherlobe, and the campsites, forests and quarries of its surroundings. Inside people’s heads, we explore bizarre mental landscapes that prod at characters’ obsessions, passions and past mistakes. One character’s inner world is a city-sized obstacle course full of germs and bowling balls; another’s, a warped combination of casino and hospital. I’d describe more, but discovering them is a gift. Psychonauts’ style is psychedelic, off-the-wall and sometimes gently disturbing. If it were a children’s film, it wouldn’t be Pixar or DreamWorks – it’d be that slightly off French one you half-remember seeing on TV once on holiday. Windbound


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