PORTAL KNIGHTS Free Download GAMESPACK.NET It’s easy to instantly compare any sandbox-type game with crafting, combat and building elements to Minecraft; many games have tried – to varying degrees of success – to re-create what Mojang’s mammoth franchise has done so well over the last few years. Luckily, though, whilst Portal Knights does have a number of features that will instantly remind you of the Minecraft universe, it actually takes things in a slightly different direction. The world within Portal Knights has been fractured; instead of building and roaming around one giant expanse of land, you are tasked with finding and building portals that will grant you access to new levels. Each level, or world, is already full and alive when you arrive with other humans, shops, farms, mines and enemies making each world seem like a real, new place to visit. Despite this, you can build – or completely rip apart – any of these worlds as you see fit, adding your own blocky skyscrapers or digging down to the eerie void below whenever you like. The emphasis of Portal Knights isn’t placed upon building, though; it is instead focused on exploration, crafting materials, and working your way through the game’s story.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)



The game is ‘built’ around RPG-like elements; your character can be one of three classes (Warrior, Ranger, or Mage) and you gain experience points by exploring mines or defeating monsters. These experience points can be used to upgrade certain skills which will improve your combat and exploration, and you’ll also level up throughout, providing you with extra class-specific skills to help with your chosen play-style. It is a strange blend in a way, as spending lots of your time and energy building can feel a little pointless – you’ll soon be moving on to a new world and leaving your current one behind. If you look at it as a nice additional feature, though, it makes a little more sense. The crafting of items to use on your adventure, the harvesting of the materials to do so, and the combat itself all work really nicely, and you’ll likely have a great time exploring the worlds that already exist before you, rather than trying to build features of your own. As well as each world containing various monsters for you to either defeat or run away from, you are occasionally thrown in front of giant bosses with a successful battle being required to progress.

Portal Knights – Elves, Rogues, and Rifts.

Enemies in the game get tougher and tougher as time goes on and, in some cases, they can feel pretty overwhelming. Dying from these fights doesn’t cause any issues or loss of progress, but it can feel a little frustrating if you are underpowered. To combat this, you’ll likely find yourself doing quite a bit of grinding to gain experience, or searching across the worlds you’ve unlocked for specific materials that can bring you some higher quality armour and weapons, especially if you are playing alone. You see, Portal Knights can either be played completely by yourself, with one other person in local split-screen co-op, or with up to three other players online, and players can drop in and out as they please. The tasks you’ll be completing are the same in every case, but taking on tricky enemies altogether from various angles feels a lot less daunting than going it alone. It isn’t just battles that are shared, though. Every aspect becomes a joint adventure if you team up, meaning that your tasks, rewards and – essentially – the availability of crafting items and supplies from the world you are exploring must be shared between the group. In some ways, playing alone is a much tougher experience as you’ll have to figure everything out yourself and spend an awful lot of time working towards the harder fights. Ready or Not



On the flipside to this, though, playing alone means that you have full control over each world and the materials within, therefore allowing you to create the strongest character possible to suit your needs. A combination of the pleasing art-style and incredibly extensive menus and crafting options (which do take some getting used to) give Portal Knights that addictive quality that can result in long hours disappearing without you even realising. We’ve spent many hours simply exploring each new world as we arrive, discovering new materials and mining deep underground to discover exciting, secret treasures. If you have the time to lose yourself in exploration, and especially if you have a friend (or three) that is just as enthusiastic about the game as you, there is every possibility that you’ll find yourself craving more time with the game each time you turn it off. If you’ve been playing since the good ol’ days, you won’t find a great deal has changed; it’s more refinement. You’ll still create your own character, with a pleasant variety of customisation options to craft their aesthetic, then set out to rebuild the world. Knight, Archer and Mage archetypes are available, with skills unlockable as you progress that suit most play styles. An event called the Fracture has split the globe into 47 distinct biomes, now only accessible by discovering and restoring portals.

Play as a Warrior, Mage or Ranger, then customize your appearance, abilities, and gear. Unlock amazing new talents as you level up!

This works well, each area having materials to greater or lesser extents than others. Once you’ve reached a new area, you can warp back at will, allowing you to collect items better used elsewhere. Narratively, it’s the perfect balance of freedom versus progression. If you want to ignore it all and focus on designing your world then you can – the opening area, Squire’s Knoll, is a splendid building spot if you just want to craft. Or you can barrel through, unlocking new areas and uncovering the mysteries of the Fracture. However, what really makes Portal Knights stand apart from the crowd are its RPG and character growth elements. You’ll occasionally meet other characters who dispense missions with jaunty nonsense voices, giving you a bit more motivation to continue exploring the worlds you discover. Meanwhile, completed missions and defeated enemies reward you with experience, which can be spent at level up to enhance your abilities. Make no mistake, these mechanics aren’t revolutionary in their own right, but their application to the sandbox genre provides some much needed depth. I wasted – in the best way – much time hunting down monsters to beat up for that sweet EXP gain, just to power up my Knight. ATLAS



Levelling up your character improves every aspect of the game too, not just your combat skills. Increasing strength doesn’t just boost melee attacks, it means you can mine faster, while dexterity spikes your movement around the environments. Powering up can feel a little too much like grinding to start, but seems to accelerate; my mage knight was buff in only a few hours. Battles are surprisingly skillful too, reminiscent of classic Zelda games. Attacking is a brain-free act: simply hold down the right trigger with your active weapon equipped on the hotbar for an endless stream of fireballs or sword slashes. You’ll even automatically lock on to the nearest enemy. However, each foe has a different set of abilities and unique attack patterns, and learning how to read their moves and dodge them offers a satisfying weight to each encounter. You’ll also come across occasional boss battles, roughly every eight regions or so. These are thrilling encounters against often colossal monsters. They can be defeated solo, with patience, but generally teaming up with other players for a multi-pronged assault works best. One aspect that’s really grown on me since the preview phase is the controls. Tabbing between items on the hotbar using a joypad’s shoulder buttons remains slower than tapping a number key, but it does soon become second nature.

Vanquish enemies in real-time tactical combat!

Being able to set four items for quick access using the D-pad really helps (I recommend the main weapon, main mining tool, health potions and sharpening stones, which replenish the durability of your items). However, the final version makes at least one curious change from Early Access. Items viewed in your inventory no longer tell you what they are when you move a cursor over them – you need to hold down another button to bring up info on them. This makes it slower to figure out which items you have, and which you need, and made even trickier when many of the icons are palette swaps of the same item. Between the busy inventory screen, a rotating warp map of visited locations, crafting screens and character development pages, there’s an argument to be made that Portal Knights needs to simplify some of the vast amounts of information it presents to the player, too. This gets especially confusing when some of those pages have sub-screens of their own, and expanding menus with even more options. There’s no real solution here, other than to “get used to it”. Visual distinction is arguably the game’s biggest problem, in fact. Seemingly keen to avoid too many comparisons to Minecraft, each biome is full of rich detail, including flora and insects, rather than easily identified blocks.

It looks great at a glance – until you realise you can’t find a material or plant you need to mine for a recipe. I spent about 15 minutes on the first world trying to find cotton to craft a new robe – a training mission, no less – before realising cotton bushes were hidden in the grass. To be honest, Portal Knights does a lot to differentiate itself from Minecraft. It claims to be a cooperative 3d sandbox action RPG, and in practice all of that is true. Portal Knights has multiplayer, it is 3D and does have sandbox elements and there are action and RPG elements as well. After playing over twenty hours, I feel that the action and RPG elements seem to be what Portal Knights is really steered towards. Portal Knights actually reminds me of another game, Dragon Quest Builders. It too is a “Minecraftian RPG” but instead with more of a focus on quests and fighting than building. Dragon Quest Builders’ greatest flaw, in my opinion, was to never be ported to PC, so there is definitely space for Portal Knights to exist on Steam, even if it is similar to Dragon Quest Builders. The reason for these comparisons is due to the graphics of Portal Knights. The majority of objects in Portal Knights is generated with a cube based world that Minecraft is known for.



The world can be mined in one-meter by one-meter blocks. The player is able to place those blocks and explore the world. It’s not a problem to have a similar style to another game in my book, especially when the style is so basic. Portal Knights does a great job giving a similar experience to the world. However, it breaks away from the rules of the block world quite early and often. Trees try to look semi-realistic and are given a round trunk and leaves. When the player breaks one, the entire object breaks instead of a piece of it. Shrubbery and other objects also don’t ascribe to the same artistic rules of the world. It’s these artifacts that hurt the graphics in my opinion. It’s hard to look at the lego style castle and have it stand next to a well-sculpted tree and believe they both belong in the same universe. If you look at a lego tree it’s not as square as the rest of the pieces of a set, but it also fits in with the same artistic style. Instead, Portal Knights seems to use the cube style from Minecraft in its buildings and then quickly ditches it outside of those buildings, and the end result feels like two different games linked together. Pentiment


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