Playing with Fire Free Download


Playing with Fire Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Playing with Fire Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Playing With Fire is a visual novel that allows you to make meaningful choices about how the story should progress. The main character is a nineteen-year-old boy from Germany that is currently in his last year of school. This game tells the story of the best week of his life, which coincidently starts with him getting blackmailed. During this week, you’ll need to resolve some issues, but more importantly, live your life to your heart’s content.​The plot itself is well written, insofar as it is existent – we have a typical slice of life scenario with some guy running around lusting after girls and nothing major happening apart from that (or so it seems). I will disagree with the statement that the incest feels tagged on when it is clearly a friend scenario. I clearly see the incest scenario in this. If you are exclusively here for the big I however, you might find some stuff lacking (it is legal in this universe and not such a big matter at all, so no major conflict arises). The characters are a bit stereotypical and, given the shortness of the game, not too deep, however there is a bit of a twist to everyone, so they still feel fresh despite filling archetypes. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Playing with Fire Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Playing with Fire Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The actual text is well written and other than a different review to me the flow of the text seems pretty natural. Apart from the odd typo, but these are few and far between, the English is good. The presentation in general is about as flawless as it gets, the UI is sleek, the presentation of gallery and achievements is, too. There are one or two “easter eggs”, funny smaller things to explore which are not game related, as well. I also consider the game better than the sum of its parts since to me there is a certain feel that “this is right” – even though you can see that others disagree. It should be mentioned that I can see how some people would be disappointed with this game in a different aspect: the “real story” starts when the game already has ended (it is a bit difficult to explain without spoilering). This apparently is because a sequel is planned using characters from this game. Which in the end means you’ll need to play both to get the whole story, and that could end in “multiple protagonists”, which I am not a fan of. It also means that some characters are introduced in this game which do not fill a major role, which can also be a setback when you’re used to being able to interact with every character. In the end, if you never play this, your life won’t be meaningless. But if you do – and do not expect a 60+ hour epic with 25 LIs – you can have a fun romp. I sure did.

starts with him getting blackmailed

This game leaves me feeling conflicted. The renders are fine, the characters look good (I’m not a fan of some of their faces, but that’s entirely subjective) and their personalities are… likable, but nothing special. The writing felt a little awkward—it’s not written as if it’s a story, but rather a string of actions and some thoughts sprinkled here and there. It’s not an ISSUE, but I found the first few minutes kind of jarring, and I never really got used to it. Something always felt a little “off” with the writing when it wasn’t people talking. Gameplaywise, the game isn’t long (and thus the pacing is a bit quicker than would be my preference, but I am a “slow guy”). You will have to make an amount of decisions to “get the girl” you want which is not that intense, so in parts it feels a bit railroaded. Finding the correct decisions in my opinion is easy but in case you’re struggling there is a built-in walkthrough. Everything here is logical however, you won’t lose love points because you order a cheeseburger instead of french fries or similar silliness we too often encounter. Now if you’re new to this game – should you play it? Well first thing you should know is that there is practically zero content, it’s still a prologue and sets up something that looks good. Hence the 3 stars. Imprisoned Queen

Playing with Fire Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Playing with Fire Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

And this is why I think this is a good introductory game. It isn’t too long so you will get your ending and your success, it shows what a classic AVN without too much razzmatazz will do. There is a limited amount of characters so you won’t lose the overview of who is who (even though Izzy and Lena do look a bit similar). Achievements, as known from other games, may entice you to try something different. In general I am not a big fan of them but here IMO they work very well and there is only one “for sake of the achievement”, i. e. not helping you find aspects of the possible stories. Now, the reason I’m conflicted is simple. The story sets itself up as if it’s going to be a rather lengthy one, and first appears to be taking its time with introducing each character/interest and showing who they are or what they want. There’s an intrigue that begins to build with the things happening around the school and its students.. and then it just kind of falls flat. The relations feel rushed, there’s no real development. One moment someone is blackmailing someone else, then THEY’RE being blackmailed, then suddenly they’re fucking. Most of the plot is like this. You meet someone, you talk to them once or twice in a small plot point, then bam, fucking. Which is great if you’re in a rush, but is incredibly boring if you’re actually taking your time to read it all instead of skipping through with ctrl.

There seemed nothing special about the romance between the MC and the main girl Jenny.

I really love this game and in want of the sequel. I really hope that the sequel will be longer, as the only problem with this is the shortness. Also I want to know more about Daniel and his girls. Just now I’ve only played one part of Jenny’s story, but in some weeks I’ll do the other one. Just now I’ve only been dominating and I loved that part. It was written and exercised in such a good way. I can feel the love between them in this way. Still, it will be fun to do the romantic one in some weeks. The renders are ood, seen better but seen some much worse also. The lewd scenes are good also. So, good luck with the sequel and hopefully the first part it arrives soon. I was struggling a bit with the rating – 4 or 5 stars. I wanted to go for the full score because while I have some quibbles with the game personally, it does what it wants to do perfectly. In the end however it is not an outstanding milestone, so I kept it “low”. To start with a tl;dr though: this isn’t the perfect game and it probably isn’t the one you’ll remember the most or tell all your friends about. But it could actually very well be a game to lure people in. I stumbled across it by accident and have enjoyed the two evenings it took me to get through it. IMMORTALITY

Playing with Fire Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Playing with Fire Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The graphics are well represented in the preview pics, to me some faces are a bit stiff in their expressions, everything else is good, nothing jaw dropping though. The animations are technically well done but some also are a bit wooden. The plot points don’t make a whole lot of sense, either. The things that motivate some characters don’t really make sense at times, so they end up feeling forced, which robs their interactions of any potential interest when it feels like someone is constantly pulling the strings to make these people act the way they are acting around the Main Character. Things that seem important fall to the wayside so that porn can happen, and then it.. ends. For clarification, I did end up skipping the last half of the game once I was tired of it. I stuck with it as long as possible, but once I realized how little there was to offer in terms of actual writing I skipped straight to the porn, which was okay, but nothing special. I know this probably sounds harsh, but it’s harsh with the best of intentions. There’s definition potential if the Dev pursues another game and irons out these issues, but it just felt a little rushed and bare bones. Good luck with any future endeavours! Edit; It’s come to my attention that the game is basically unfinished due to not making enough money and being rejected by steam which… explains a lot of the issues I had.

Models are pretty. Blackmail fetish is one of the most kinky

I hope the second “part” to this game fairs better, but I’m a bit disappointed that it was decidedly rushed if you planned on making more games in this universe. Sigh, been a long time since the last time I rated something. Let’s start from the technical part, it’s ok, not the worst I’ve seen, there’s clipping here and there, the models aren’t the best but at least they aren’t unbearably hideous. The main part for what I’m giving this score it’s mostly because the game doesn’t know what it wants to be and the developer is not sincere about what he wants to do and it shows in the game. I hope this could be taken as advice. The relationship with Jenny (the thing that drove me into the game) it’s absurd, there’s no real feeling of development from the characters nor do they seem like people, more like dolls that follows what it’s convenient for the plot. Now what pissed me off. I’m a big fan of the Incest (taboo) genre, unfortunately this game doesn’t have anything related to it, yet for some reason it does have the tag. The story setup makes clear what’s the mc-jenny relationship is (friends) and it sure feels like that’s what it is , the incest patch makes no sense in such a setup even less when it’s pretty clear through the game that it was actually the author’s intention for the story to be that way, so the “incest” addition it’s pretty much done for clicks or whatever reason. There’s only a few instances where the mc refers to her as “sister”, she doesn’t even call him brother, ever. The funny part is that the mc always refer to them as “friends”.

Playing with Fire Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Playing with Fire Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Doesn’t matter the intention, you can keep calling a piece of brick, bread, but that won’t change the nature of the brick or would it be tasty to eat. The developer doesn’t know how to write incest, stop forcing it then and be honest. If you are a fan of the incest genre this game is not for you. Most of the mc’s internal thoughts feel like an explanation for the character intentions instead of him actually thinking stuff. The characters are uninteresting and their motivations unclear, they just are whatever it needs to be for a scene to happen. I hope anything in this rant could be of use for someone.The renders are okay, but sometimes very dark (Pool scene with Lena for example). Animations quite poor and sometimes not reflecting the text and vice versa. And a lot of text without helping the storyline. What for? A story can be simple, but there should be a line to follow. But this doesn’t exist. Jumping from one episode to another without a transmission. Sex scenes with an abrupt ending. A lot of space to become better.Unfortunately this game fails in the naughty scenes. The sex scenes feel like those movies where you see the characters get hot and bothered and then fade to black and then they are just chilling in bed.I found the game quite interesting and enjoyable, despite the (so far) not terribly original basic overall story.

The writing, the atmosphere, the renderings, the models are all good.I don’t like this game. The script is poor and very unoriginal. Is the same game played one time and another. The render are pasable, but with nothing that stands out. The gameplay is terrible boring with a very little options. I recommend avoiding this game, you have already played hundreds of similar games and there is nothing that makes it different or remarkable. So I’m only writing this review because I think a lot of you like me have played this game before and now forgotten about it. If you’re wondering if there is any new content, short answer there isn’t. The game ends the same as when it did in v0.1. I don’t see the point of ‘re-releasing’ this game as v0.1.1 if there’s a few scenes added mid-game and two extra images at the end. TL;DR If you’ve played v0.1, there is no reason to play this new ‘update’. I don’t even think HighBorn – the dev – said this was an update, someone must have found some update on his patreon page and posted it here.Looks promising so far. Content is minimal, renders could be better. But the story is up to a good start, the models used I’ve never seen (or at least don’t remember) which is always good. Wasn’t looking for grammar and spelling, but nothing jumped to my eyes, so it’s probably good, too. I personally like domination paths, and finally one that doesn’t imply incest. In hope to see some substantial updates soon. Illuminaria 


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