Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trilogy Switch NSP Free Download


Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trilogy Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Capcom is touting this release as featuring high-resolution graphics optimised for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC, but the truth is that the bulk of Ace Attorney Trilogy’s visual overhaul was introduced in the iOS version from 2013 and has just been sharpened slightly to suit modern HDTVs. The hand-drawn characters and environments are certainly very crisp, but the overall look is now clean to the point of being overly sterile, like evidence that has been completely scrubbed of fingerprints. The sharpened look is by no means ugly, but it has lost some of the charm that made the original sprite-based character models and animations so endearing. It’s also disappointing that this release of the original Ace Attorney Trilogy hasn’t been retrofitted with the text log that featured in later instalments. There is an enormous amount of dialogue to page through in these games, and unless you have the concentration of a surgeon it can be easy to miss details along the way that you have no way of referring back to unless they’re included in the court record as direct evidence, which can result in you targeting pieces of testimony with less of a silver bullet and more of a shot in the dark.

In fact, this compilation hasn’t really been supplemented with anything at all – it’s the first three Ace Attorney games. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s effectively a port of a 2014 3DS game that was a port of a 2013 iOS game that was itself a port of three Nintendo DS games, each of which were ported from the Game Boy Advance. Ultimately, this compilation remains worthwhile for newcomers, but long-term Ace Attorney fans should eye it with an amount of wariness that a seasoned judge would offer a repeat offender. GRUEL

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