Phantom Brave The Lost Hero Switch XCI Free Download


Phantom Brave The Lost Hero Switch XCI Download GAMESPACK.NET

The first thing that struck me about Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero was how very quaint and cute its presentation is. The characters are all rendered in very simplistic, cell-shaded 3D graphics in an exaggerated chibi style, and the whole game very much feels like playing through one of those long-running adventure anime from the long-ago times that would have run for two- or three-hundred episodes straight. The soundtrack is very chill and earnest in its way, more concerned with making you smile than getting the blood pumping. I liked this adorkable aesthetic well enough, and it helped set the proper expectations for the game’s story, which is not the main reason I’d recommend this game to anyone. Don’t get me wrong, Marona and Apricot’s adventures across the Ivoire islands are perfectly fine, and it gets better as the chapters go along and you add more varied characters to your pirate crew (that is, in addition to the nigh-infinite little custom guys you can create at the drop of a hat). Still, the game’s very budget-conscious means of presenting this Saturday Morning Cartoon of an RPG makes it hard to get terribly invested in the proceedings. When the game isn’t settling for the barely animated 3D models of the characters, we only have very minimal visual-novel-styled cutscenes to speed the plot along. It is functional, sure, and I reckon that fans of the first game will have a lot more to glom onto from the get-go but don’t go into Phantom Brave expecting a narrative that will keep you glued to the edge of your seat. Hello Kitty Island Adventure Switch NSP

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