Paranormal Night Shift Free Download


Paranormal Night Shift  Download GAMESPACK.NET

Paranormal Night Shift may be the best Observation Duty-like game I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen dozens. It treads new ground in the genre, introducing features that have been sorely lacking elsewhere. The mechanics are simple and fluid, requiring you to click anomalies instead of fumbling through a clunky interface like most games in the genre. The framing story is engaging and fun, which is especially notable in a predominantly story-free genre. The “big” anomalies are vitally tied to the location and lore, not just random weirdness. When anomalies have built up to the point of near-failure, the game actually gives you clear indication that you need to get your butt in gear. Instead of the locations remaining identical throughout the story, they subtly change each night, introducing a different but realistic challenge. On occasion, the gameplay even gets a pleasantly surprising changeup. R.E.P.O.

Oh, and it’s scary as heck. That said, though, it’s difficult. Some anomalies seem a little too tricky, such as when a small item changes color. Apart from that, though, the only criticism I have is that I wish there were more locations, to extend this delightful experience. Full disclosure: I am absolutely terrible at games like this, but I love watching streamers play them. I primarily bought Paranormal Night Shift to support the developer and to be able to recommend it, because it certainly deserves to be one of the stars of the Observation Duty genre.

such a good anomaly hunting game! one big difference this has compared to other anomaly hunting games is that this one has a storyline. you hunt for 3 days, and between the days you get a bit of story added to it. some of the anomalies are small and you really have to pay attention, other are pretty obvious and even have audio cues, but some of them are related to the story and it makes it more interesting! i really enjoyed this game, and i hope they continue to release more titles!

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