Otoko Cross Pretty Boys Mahjong Solitaire Switch NSP Free Download


Otoko Cross Pretty Boys Mahjong Solitaire Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Otoko Cross Pretty Boys Mahjong Solitaire Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Otoko Cross is basically a reskin of the Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire. There’s a Mahjong Solitaire grid there on the screen, and you match pieces to clear the board. Then, after a few rounds, you also see the character on the left-hand side of the screen change into something skimpier. It starts relatively tame, but as you proceed through the levels, the skimpy rewards get skimpier and skimpier and then, finally, you get to the nudity round! You excitedly match tiles and a little line moves from the top of the screen to the bottom, changing the character out of their clothes, and then you get to the last couple of matches and You realise that the character is male and the man-bits are there in all their glory. See, “otoko” in Japan is a term for men that have a feminine gender expression. The full term, “otokonoko” means “male girl”. They’re feminine-looking men, that also cross-dress to wear traditionally girlish clothing, and it’s a growing thing in Japan, both within subcultures (where it has been a thing since the turn of the century), and, increasingly, mainstream culture. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Otoko Cross Pretty Boys Mahjong Solitaire Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Otoko Cross Pretty Boys Mahjong Solitaire Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Otokonoko media tends to be pretty sexualised (and that’s certainly the case with Otoko Cross), and also tends to be pretty popular, because the artists that work on this kind of media have a talent for drawing the boys really pretty. I’d be lying if I said I was the target audience for this kind of material. It obviously doesn’t make me uncomfortable, since here I am playing it, reviewing it, and to spoil the score down the bottom, I liked it a lot, but on a personal level I’m pretty blandly straight when it comes to my preferences. Even the twintails character in the roster here, despite being very pretty, doesn’t quite work for me like an equivalent featuring Marie Rose from Dead or Alive would. But! I can certainly appreciate the art, which really is stunning, and I like that it’s different – at least as far as my exposure to this stuff goes. The Pretty Girls games are fine, but the girls are commonly big-boobed, default fan service fare. There are far fewer games that feature this kind of fan service, let alone explicit nudity, and as far as my art tastes go, I do like things that are different. The developers have also done a bit to give these five characters personality and backstory.

Match tiles and beat the clock to clear each round.

It’s not much – one or two paragraphs at most – but it’s a context that a lot of other fan service-pure games ignore. The fact that it’s there at all means that I suddenly remember the names – hi, Morgan, yes I do remember you – and in theory, the developers can now build on these characters in future games and turn them into something more than a fleshy reward that hangs out on the side of the screen. Otoko Cross is limited in what it does, but you can tell that the team really cared about this project and wanted to make it more than a genderswap crossdressing Pretty Girls game. They wanted to give this, and the characters, an identity of their own. The gameplay is nicely refined, but exactly what you would expect from Mahjong Solitaire. You match tiles, and they disappear. By default you’ve got a time limit, and if you can match tiles quickly enough a combo will go up so you’ll have a good score for the leaderboard at the end. This high-score system is a little undermined by the tiles being randomised and therefore the flow won’t work quite as well as it should for the big combos (or the level will be randomised in a way that you’ll eventually discover that it was impossible from the outset). The Last Hero of Nostalgaia

Otoko Cross Pretty Boys Mahjong Solitaire Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Otoko Cross Pretty Boys Mahjong Solitaire Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Games with high scores do better when everyone is playing on the same playfield. Nonetheless, chasing those high scores and hoping for a bit of luck with the layouts is still a reason to keep playing. “Fan-Service” is a near-ubiquitous term in gaming, normally referring to the incorporation of eroticism. But the expression is disproportionally applied to the female body, whether it’s the animation of bouncing breasts or costumes that reveal the curvaceous of characters. Sure, there are exceptions with otome habitually exposing the toned pectoral muscles or washboard abs of its potential husbandos. But mention fan-service to most players and they probably envision something like the Senren Kagura series. Following in the footsteps of the Nippon Ichi Software-published Bokuhime PROJECT, the PC release of Otoko Cross: Pretty Boys Mahjong Solitaire shifts its focus to cross-dressing males. Like eastasiasoft’s previous offers, each round of solitaire mahjong is accompanied by a character who starts completely covered. Successfully eliminating tiles from the increasingly complex layouts gradually exposes more skin. But unlike the comparatively chaste Delicious! Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire and Bishoujo Battle Mahjong Solitaire these boys bare the Full Monty.

Meet 5 crossdressing boys, all voiced in Japanese.

But getting to a state of full undress will task you will a journey through sixty stages first. If you grew up playing Brodie Lockard’s Shanghai or the multitude of clones that filled computer and console screens during the eighties and nineties, you might be familiar with solitaire mahjong, which is quite different from the more traditional, four-player pastime. Here, a solitary player removes two match tiles at a time from a stacked arrangement. Tiles can only be moved if they are ‘open’ or moved to the left or right without disturbing neighboring tiles. Play continues until wither all tiles are removed or the board is locked with no legal moves. Success often hinges on the prudent removal of tiles. Like chess, you’ll need to think several moves ahead. In the early era of solitaire mahjong, low resolutions made this difficult with some buried tiles divulging little more than a few corpulent pixels. But there, that issue has been alleviated, and there’s much less ambiguity with Otoko Cross’ two- or three-dimensional titles. Don’t expect a massive difference between the two visual styles, with the latter looking a bit more photorealistic. Unsurprisingly, Pretty Boys uses much of the same structure as Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire. General Practitioner

Otoko Cross Pretty Boys Mahjong Solitaire Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Otoko Cross Pretty Boys Mahjong Solitaire Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

That means there’s an easy mode, which provides a simplified tile layout as well as assists. From being able to shuffle titles or have the CPU highlight a pair of corresponding titles, it’s a more forgiving way to make your way to the ‘cock unlock’. You also won’t have to worry about keeping a combo meter flowing, since scoring isn’t calculated. Pleasingly, there have been a few tweaks to formula. Otoko Cross starts out a bit harder (sorry, couldn’t resist) and it’s completely possible to fail stage if you attempt to recklessly click on any match. To appreciate the cast of Bishoujo Battle Mahjong Solitaire, you had to be familiar with the source material, Rikku☆Jiasu. As a mobile, military turn-based strategy game that was never released stateside, admiration was probably limited to the costumes, which ranged from kimono-clad Matsuri Hisai and Karin Kanazawa’s Santa suit. Here, Otoko Cross’ original characters are provided with brief backstories. Yes, it’s usually limited a few, succinct paragraphs, but it helps flesh out the game’s five lovely lads. Often, the summaries embody acceptance, such as Haru’s opportunity to volunteer as a shrine maiden.

Enjoy unlimited replay value across 60 challenging stages!

Skillfully, each character’s fondness for feminine attire is treated respectfully, and the game positions crossdressing and androgyny as being normal. Even if you aren’t into guys dressing as girls, it’s difficult to not admire Otoko Cross’ inclination to challenge gender norms. Largely, the cast is a good-looking group that boasts a bit of variety. So, whether you prefer Jules, the auburn-haired maid-boy, Quincy’s mid-western influenced androgyny, or Dr. Morgan’s fondness for nurse attire, each is masterfully rendered in native 1080p fidelity. Sure, there’s one basic body type, but Morgan’s incongruent ‘idiot curl’ or Quincy’s adorable yaeba are undeniably endearing. While there’s a Dressing Room mode to admire the five different costumes for each character, you aren’t able to pose multiple characters. Saucy reveal mechanics aren’t just for pretty girls anymore. Now the boys are joining the action with the debut of Otoko Cross: Pretty Boys Mahjong Solitaire, a tile-matching game where cute male characters will challenge you to increasingly difficult puzzle layouts and dress up in feminine attire to reward you with every three stages you clear.

Butlers become maids, cowboys appear as cowgirls, doctors dress as nurses and more! It’s crossdressing fanservice fun exploring the “otokonoko” subculture of Japan, featuring five original characters to meet and adore. Every time you play, tiles are shuffled to keep each session unpredictable. On the third stage of each challenge, new outfits will gradually be revealed as you clear away tiles. Succeed, and new images will be added to the Dressing Room mode for casual viewing. Race the clock and combo tile matches for higher scores to climb the global online leaderboards, or for a more relaxed experience, switch to Easy mode to disable the timer and take advantage of hints and shuffle assists. With 60 unique tile layouts and randomized patterns, there’s always a reason to come back for more quality time with these lovely boys! If you’re not in the mood for the stress of score attack, there is an “easy mode” which – impressively – doesn’t lock you out from any of the progression systems or unlocks. It removes the score element (including leaderboards), but lets you clear the board at your own pace, and even throws in hints and a shuffle mechanic so you can get unstuck if you are struggling to see a match.

Otoko Cross Pretty Boys Mahjong Solitaire Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Otoko Cross Pretty Boys Mahjong Solitaire Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

There’s just one issue with this. If you do run out of possible matches, you get the “No More Match” screen – the equivalent of a “Game Over” – from which the only option is to start again. However, that would often happen to me when I had shuffles left, so why not let me use one of those and continue to play? It’s a small gripe, but in an otherwise well-considered package, it stands out. Other than that there’s not much more to Otoko Cross. It’s Mahjong Solitaire, and we all know (and love) how that plays. As vanilla as it is, it is a timeless classic formula, and much like Tetris, it was actually one of my first games on the Game Boy so I have forever had a fondness for it. Otoko Cross adds the outrageously pretty boys, some gorgeously-rendered Mahjong pieces, and some lively backgrounds, with the only downside there being that a tiny few of the backgrounds can actually distract me from the pieces. It’s only a few, but they are perhaps a little too detailed and visually dense for a game that is asking me to focus on the pieces. Otoko Cross is horny, lewd, and excellent. Whether it works as a turn-on or not depends on your taste for incredibly pretty boys, but even if that’s not your thing, it is easy to appreciate the effort that went into the art, and the clean, vanilla nature of the arcade puzzle action.  Batora: Lost Haven

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