Ocean Punk Free Download


Ocean Punk Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Ocean Punk Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Wouldn’t Bioshock qualify? No submarine fights, but plenty of undersea-city action. I’d swear there are others, too. I just can’t think of them. I think they never really caught on because it doesn’t seem exotic enough. There’s plenty of atmosphere (haha, I kill me) but it just doesn’t seem enough different from being on land, you know? When I think ‘under the ocean’, I think of SeaLab 2020/2021, and SeaQuest DSV. Neither of which were really more compelling than being set in space, instead. (Didn’t stop me from watching them, though.) You might have hit on something here. Underwater levels in videogames tend to be a drag (pun intended). But this setting really fascinates me. I would love more scifi series set under the ocean, with exotic new technologies. Would have be an rts or rpg to allow that. While I’m excited about the Curiosity rover on Mars, I wish we had more interest in undersea exploration. this isn’t directly related to your question but the underwater level is the worst part of every game to feature it. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

remember walking around on the ocean floor in some kind of 18th century diving suit in KotOR and being harassed by sharks which you could only scare away with soundwaves or something because you couldnt’ use your lightsabre underwater they were the worst part of all the 2d marios and then in mario 64 swimming managed to be even worse because there was fucked up camera AI on top of the slow muddled awkward swimming movement and then ocarina of time managed to make underwater 3d platforming even worse than mario and sonic the hedgehog is even worse than the 2d marios because the entire point of the game is to run fast, except for the water which is slow and awful and the exact and total opposite of everything else. ahhh, remember earthworm jim and that terrible glass dome and it sucks in metroid until you get the gravity suit. the gravity suit which lets you move through water as if it’s just air. the designers know that water sucks and isn’t fun but they put it in there so they can give you the pleasure of not having to struggle with it anymore. that is a joy I could have done without. The only good water levels are in donkey kong country and thats because you can ride around on a sword fish. Owinka Shooter 2


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