Nuclear Throne Free Download


Nuclear Throne Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Nuclear Throne Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Developer Vlambeer has done a great job with Nuclear Throne, a fast-paced top-down shooter that is easy to learn, but difficult to survive. The game was first released in 2015, and is in the spotlight again as a part of Epic Games’ ongoing campaign of offering a free pair of weekly games for the rest of 2019. Players should not miss out on this great shooter, even if it appears punishingly difficult at first glance. In the strictest sense, there is a story and motivations for your characters, but primarily what matters is that the game offers non-stop action in a world where mutants fight for control of a throne. The objective in each of the procedurally generated levels is to take out the overwhelming number of opponents that come at you, upgrade your weapons and skills, and move on to the next action-packed area. The premise sounds simple enough, but in practice, this bullet-hell quickly becomes too much to handle for the uninitiated. To overcome each group of enemies, players have access to a broad range of weapons from small pistols to massive plasma cannons and more TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Nuclear Throne Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Nuclear Throne Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Players need to tread lightly however, as even a simple mistake can bring swift death to their character. However, dying often and starting again is half the fun. The game is so fast that one never feels like they have too much to do in order to get back to where they were before dying. This, of course, is only partially accurate, since each level is procedurally generated, and so too are the weapon drops to choose from, making the game feel fresh and unique even after playing through it many times. In many ways, this freshness feels similar to The Binding of Isaac series of games, where one becomes familiar with the broad range of weapons and enemies, but because they never appear in the same place or in the same order, the game always feels new. This is compounded even further with the skill system in place. Defeating enemies makes them drop radioactive energy, which serves as experience points. Players have a choice of which skill to take or mutate into when moving from one area to the next, and these bring in a nice level of customization. Nuclear Throne is a rogue-like, and there’s little in the way of a classic narrative that the development team offers to the player

Two characters are ready at the beginning, we unlock the other ten

Although a lot more can be gleaned from the levels, the enemies and even the weapons by those who want to create their stories. The world is a wasteland, with some of the mutations and creatures as clear indications that atomic weapons were deployed and devastated the entire world, creating anomalies that STALKER would not be ashamed of. The game also features plenty of similarities to Fallout when it comes to world building, but Vlambeer is much more interested in the mechanics of the experience than in delivering loads of text or details about the weapons or the enemies. There are plenty of characters to choose from in Nuclear Throne, most of them unlocked by progress, and all of them are unique, each class clearly designed to allow the player to put together his cool stories of reaching for victory before being inevitably defeated by this wasteland filled with threats. The small snippets of text that appear during level transitions are worth mentioning for their ability to induce hope or panic with just a few well-placed words Family Man Switch NSP

Nuclear Throne Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Nuclear Throne Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

With my favorite currently being “Death, death, death,” which perfectly sums up the atmosphere of the game. Nuclear Throne is a very classic take on the rogue-like, a game that procedurally generates levels and enemies and challenges gamers to get as far as possible without dying, although in the end it’s impossible to avoid this fate. Players are dropped into the middle of a world, asked to take out all enemies moving around to open up a gate (magic portal or advanced tech?) to get to the next one, doing so until they reach the special royal chair mentioned in the title. To make good progress, players will need to carefully manage their health and their combination of weapons and ammo, choosing when to fight, when to run and how to use the environment in order to get an advantage. Initially, the enemies are relatively slow to fire and move around in relatively predictable patterns, allowing players to plan how they will approach an area and then strafe when the level allows it to take them out.

Two oversized scorpions are trapped. Theoretically. In practice, we quickly catch an acid shot

The biggest limitation is the fact that only two weapons can be carried at once, and ammunition can often be scarce, especially for the most powerful guns. The health of the player characters is low enough that even one enemy hit can feel like a huge blow, but in the first three levels it’s not hard to stay alive, get some cool new weapons and prepare for the challenge ahead. Nuclear Throne then introduces snipers, cops, fast rats and many more, enemies better equipped to surprise with their accuracy, their speed or their unique abilities. Death comes very quickly when the player is overwhelmed, unable to find ammo or get a weapon that gives him a fighting chance or fails to register the fact that an enemy is very close and ready to deliver a killing blow. The bosses created by Vlambeer are also deadly the first few times the player meets them, and only solid on-the-fly learning and planning will make it simpler to deal with them. In order to give gamers a fighting chance, the development team offers some unique powers for each character Family Matters

Nuclear Throne Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Nuclear Throne Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

With my favorite being Crystal’s deflector form that allows him to get out of hairy situations, and a unique new mutation for each level up, ranging from more max hitpoints to an ability to explode corpses. Constant failure can become annoying at times, which is why Nuclear Throne is best enjoyed in small doses, one to two hours, with breaks designed to allow the brain to process all it has learned about the game and how it can influence future strategy. I had the most success using Crystal when I managed to get an assault rifle and a laser-based weapon, which allow a player to choose between accuracy and overwhelming numbers of bullets when attacking an enemy position. The grab upgrade and power that increases the number of health and ammo drops are also very helpful. The beauty of Nuclear Throne is that gamers can choose how they want to approach the game and play knowing that when they die and see no way forward, they can switch to someone new or can try a different upgrade path.

Just don’t cross the beams! Two snipers are lurking above, get away quickly!

Nuclear Throne is a weird-looking video game, with the fast-paced rhythm of the action able to make the entire experience look better than it should while also exposing the fact that the player should not be focusing on the looks of the title at any point because that tends to get him killed. There’s an incredible variety in the design of the levels and the enemies the screen shakes each time the player shoots or when he gets hit, creating a constant rush of adrenaline even early on, when there are relatively small number threats to worry about. Gamers can turn down the movement of the screen and increase auto-aim to get a tamer experience and to make easier progress, but the kinetic overload of Nuclear Throne is one of unique aspects of the experience, even if it takes a little time to get used to. The sound design of the game is superb, with some very creepy environmental sounds and songs that underline the violence and the constant danger associated with this futuristic and mutated wasteland.

Nuclear Throne Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Nuclear Throne Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Map layouts and item drops vary hugely, but as with all the best roguelikes, there’s enough uniformity between playthroughs that you can plan ahead. Each area theme (ranging from slippery ice plateaus to scrapyards and bejewelled cave systems) spans a fixed number of levels, boss encounters crop up at the same point in the sequence every time, and each layout is home to a certain number of weapon and ammo crates. This leads to some delicious quandaries as you weigh the needs of the moment against those of scenarios to come. A mutation that allows normal movement through cobwebs might prove decisive in a chapter or two, but a mutation that occasionally restores ammo when you kill something has wider applicability. Likewise, should you waste those bazooka shots on a murder of Uzi-wielding crows, or save them for the boss you know is just around the corner?Choice of character also, of course, shapes the the challenges ahead—besides a primary and secondary weapon slot, each protagonist sports an active and a passive ability that caters to a particular playstyle.

The coward’s bet is Crystal, who starts with more health and can transform briefly into a bullet-repelling chunk of amethyst (a later mutation allows her to teleport while in this state). A riskier pick is Melting, who dies easily but reaps a greater Rad haul per kill, allowing him to access powerful upgrades much earlier—oh, and he can blow up corpses from afar. Same screen co-op play allows you to explore how these special abilities may compliment each other: an Eyes player might use telekinesis to suck in ammo drops, for instance, while a dual-wielding Steroids player vomits bullets into a chokepoint.Given a certain degree of skill, the game can be completed in under an hour, but there are daily and weekly challenges with preset levels to dip into, and you can loop the campaign after beating a certain boss to replay levels with different mode criteria. Even without all that, though, Nuclear Throne is an experience you’ll want to relive—for the inexhaustible joy of gliding through hails of ordinance Family, Friends and Strangers


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