NFL PRO ERA VR Free Download GAMESPACK.NET I need to get this out of the way, I am not the biggest sports guy. By no means do I hate sports and, in truth, a few of my favourite VR titles have been sports related like Thrill of the Fight or Racket Fury as I really enjoy the simulation aspect that VR can bring to gaming, something that playing on a TV just can’t do. So, when I heard that the NFL was finally dipping their toe into VR, I was excited, but also leery as we have seen poor efforts from both the MLBA & NBA when it comes to bringing their respective sports to our headsets. For those looking for the VR Madden experience, best temper those expectations as what’s is here is basically a Quarterback sim utilizing the NFL license with full team rosters and arenas for every team in the league. There is no story or any sort of campaign to worry about with the game immediately putting you into the final play of a game before placing you in the tutorial to teach you the basics. Your coach will pick the next play which can be viewed on your arm via a small tablet and a button press later, you’ll be in position, pressing the trigger to have the ball hiked to you and following through with the play. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Users can train like a pro with virtual coaching and practice sessions. The VR environment allows users to practice their skills and technique in a realistic and immersive setting.
However, if there were to be a hypothetical game called “NFL PRO ERA” based on the NFL (National Football League), here are some features that it could have:
- Authentic NFL Teams and Players – “NFL PRO ERA” could feature all 32 NFL teams with real players, uniforms, and stadiums.
- Career Mode – Players could create and customize their own NFL player and embark on a journey to become a professional football player. They would work their way up from the college level to the NFL, signing with teams and competing in games to increase their skills and reputation.
- Franchise Mode – In this mode, players could take on the role of an NFL team owner, managing the team’s roster, finances, and strategy to win games and compete for championships.
- Multiplayer Mode – “NFL PRO ERA” could include multiplayer modes, allowing players to compete against each other online or locally.
- Realistic Gameplay – The game could have realistic football gameplay mechanics, including realistic physics, player animations, and artificial intelligence.
The game could have improved graphics and visuals, including high-quality player models, detailed stadiums, and realistic lighting and effects.
To make a successful pass, you need to look at your target and toss with the game auto aiming your throws to ensure success. It’s a system that works but did take me some mental adjustment as it’s less about throwing the ball with any sort of accuracy and heft (see 2MD: VR Football) and more about timing and making sure you are looking where you want the ball to go. Running is handled by using the thumbsticks or swinging your arms and can also be a little awkward at first, but once I figured it out it became easy enough though I should mention, the only available in-game turn option is a 45 degree click turn so for any sort of accuracy, make sure you can turn in the real world if you decide to run the ball. While it did take me a little while to adapt my throwing & running skills, once I did, completing plays, making downs, and scoring touchdowns became a relative breeze as I cruised my way to the Super Bowl. NBA 2K Playgrounds 2

The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) estimates that only 7.3 percent of high school football players will compete on a college team, and only 1.6 percent of those players will make it to the National Football League (NFL). That means the chance of just becoming an NFL quarterback for more than one season is less than 1 percent. Only a sliver of the world’s population will know what it’s like to strap on a helmet and stand behind hulking offensive linemen who are the only things standing between you and another line of muscled-up players whose main objective is to make you eat AstroTurf. NFL Pro Era, the first game for the Meta Quest 2 to carry an official NFL license for all 32 professional football teams, does a great job of capturing the sights, sounds, and basic skills of a pro-QB simulator, even with the headset’s limitations. However, there are some small areas where the team needs to take another run at it to get the game out of the red zone to earn its place among the best Quest 2 games. I was really excited for this game because who doesn’t want to play madden in VR!
The game could feature a licensed soundtrack featuring popular songs and artists to enhance the gaming experience.
After playing the tutorial and 2 full games I’m sad to say the game really falls short of anything special even though it looks really great for a standalone quest game. The graphics are really impressive and up close look like PS3 era games. Nice high resolution, very little aliasing and bright colors make the visual portion very enjoyable. The stadiums suffer from the same repetitive flat crowd look that plagues pretty much every football game, but while you are playing they make a convincing background. The locker room looks great, it’s high resolution and well drawn and lit. When playing the QB position things look great overall. The AI is passable in terms of interactions and movement and as noted the graphics are solid. The throwing mechanic is quite good although as always with VR a bit hit and miss. However that’s about all the good I have to say. First off you ONLY play the QB and that’s pretty much it. You don’t do anything like choose to go for 2 after a touchdown or even to go for it on 4th. It’s very much a QB throwing simulator. NBA 2K12

Users can experience what it’s like to play on the field with the pros. The VR environment allows users to experience the excitement and intensity of a real NFL game, from the thrill of the pre-game warm-up to the roar of the crowd.
I guess once in a while you will hand off a run play but that’s about it. When you pop up in the huddle a play is automatically called for you (quite annoyingly it’s audibly called into your ear by the coach twice every time). Once you get into formation you can then choose to audible to another play. This feels weird as I’m used to picking a play every time but think of it like when Madden suggests a play and then you can choose another play if you want. The play selecting is done by a wheel of plays on your off hand wrist. It’s just one long wheel of plays that are grouped by type but notably seem to be lacking any kind of QB run/sneak plays. It’s all passes and handoffs. Navigating it is a bit finicky as it’s movement is pretty sensitive but it’s passable. I would have preferred a formation/playtime/play type selection but this gets the job done. Once you snap you fall back and find a pass. This is where the difficulty of the game really lets you down. Default settings has the second hardest difficulty and throw assist on. With throw assist basically if you are looking at the player you are almost certainly going to hit them short of throwing it into the ground.
The game could feature authentic commentary from well-known NFL broadcasters to provide a more immersive experience for players.
Of course, these are just some possibilities for what “NFL PRO ERA” could include if it were to be released in the future. Only time will tell if any developer decides to create a football game with these features. Even on the hardest difficulty and with throw assist off it’s WAY too easy to hit your targets. It feels like the heat seeking got turned down to 5 with throw assist off but the receivers make some really questionable moves to catch a pass that really should have missed them. I am terrible at football and am VERY amateur football player in that I know how the game works but not much more. I can’t recognize a defense, I have very little idea what plays should be run when etc and I easily won both my games. I probably completed 90% of my throws and never once got sacked (I feel like the pocket never collapses). If they patch in the ability to run the receptions and play on defense I think it would be amazing however as is it’s not much more than 2MD. And you can’t even design your own plays like 2MD. NBA 2K17

Movement is done either by standard stick movement or pumping your arms like you are running. The arm pumping worked great in Totally Baseball but here it suffers from the fact that movement is head oriented. So while pumping your arms in one direction while looking around causes you’re movement to change directly all over the place. This was true in Totally Baseball also but didn’t prove a problem nearly as often as you are usually running the bases. Here I found it was pretty useless as most of your movement as QB is to fall back and then move left and right a bit while looking forward. Movement is also pretty slow. It seems the QB just doesn’t have a sprint. I tried to do a QB run and felt like I was walking across the line of scrimmage. EDIT: There is a way to run. Is the grip buttons. I don’t think it was in the tutorial but it is in the controls image. Then we get to the parts of the game you DON’T play.
Anything that involves defense or kicking has you on the sidelines watching the action. You can choose to quick sim these sections but you still have to watch every kick play out and it finishes the play you are on when you click start sim so unless you like watching the game play out this part gets old fast. And when watching from the sidelines the AI and animation start to fall apart. What looks pretty good in the QB view because so much is going on starts to look janky and same same from the sidelines where you can see all the weird AI interactions and all the players that are moving in the exact same way at the same time. Especially after the play it seems there’s only one running animation as they regroup. This game fell WAY short of my hopes. I wanted a full football game where you played similar to Madden but in VR. Sadly the lack of being able to play anything but the QB really makes the experience feel pretty empty. You don’t make game decisions that the coach usually does, you don’t get to run the ball after a completion and you aren’t involved at all in defense. It really is a QB throwing simulator and not much else.
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