NekoNTR Free Download APK-Win



High quality pictures. Simple premise that can be expanded in lots of ways. Overall, it was very good! The main thing I didn’t like probably stems from the fact that I haven’t played Nekopara, and that is Vanilla being borderline mentally 5. There’s naivete and there’s whatever the hell that is. Still, she’s very cute, so it’s fine. I look forward to future updates! i get it. another phone ai game. but trust me. this game is amazing. the writing is so good, AND well-paced. the girl isn’t exaactly my type, i prefer them a little thicker, but the writing is done so well, im willing to overlook it. Fight School Simulator

i really felt lilke i was really losing control of my loving girlfriend as she was slowly being corrupted by an awakening from within her. I usually don’t bother with AI art games, but saw the high rating and gave this one a go. It’s actually really good. The art is really consistent which helps a lot, and the small details like the picture on the nightstand are great. The incremental pushing of boundaries is well done with the bad influences coming from multiple directions. I liked that Vanilla wasn’t some goody-two-shoes virgin waiting to sleep with her boyfriend when the time is right blah blah blah, like so many games do. It makes the corruption more sensible when she already has a clear interest in sex and an active sex life with MC, and it’s just that she learns how disappointing it was as she experiments. I also like that the guy being set up as the main bull is not a complete dick like they often are. Yes he’s manipulative and preying on her naivety, but he’s not the complete asshole coming in to steal your girl despite having no redeeming features that by all rights should have sent the girl running for the hills.


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