Murder On Space Station 52 Direct Download


Murder On Space Station 52 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Murder On Space Station 52 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET As I listened to the jazzy intro to Murder on Space Station 52 and took in its meticulously hand-drawn art style, I sat rubbing my grubby little visual novel-loving paws together as I watched the opening cinematic of Edward Locke, the robotic and oh-so chatty protagonist, arriving at the titular Space Station. Nigate Tale Download

You play as this replacement repairman, sent to Space Station 52 to take over from the previous mechanic who’s suddenly gone missing. Edward’s first day on the job allows you to get used to the point-and-click controls, and everything is going well until he finds the body of the previous repairman wedged within the machinery on the Space Station. He’s clearly been murdered, with his forehead split open and an old-fashioned key jammed into the wound, the signature of the Keychain Killer, who is still at large on the Space Station. And since the local police don’t seem to care much about it, Edward opts to get to the bottom of things and catch the serial killer himself. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

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