Metal Commando Switch NSP Free Download


Metal Commando Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Metal Commando Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Run-and-gun games have become a bit more popular in recent years with titles like the Contra Collection and Blazing Chrome showcasing how fun the genre can be for newer generations. Rereleases of classics like Metal Slug have helped this trend alongside newer games that go for a different, rarely used theme, like Savage Halloween. We covered that game and found it to be remarkably accessible without really aiming to be, and while playing Metal Commando, I had a similar thought. They’re both run-and-gun games without a lot of exposure but with a surprisingly accessible approach to the genre that each have room for improvement. The core gameplay of Metal Commando is a lot like Metal Slug, only with a bolder and more cartoony art style. The use of large black outlines for all characters and environmental vehicles helps quite a bit in distinguishing elements of the environment. It also contrasts nicely against the boldly colored backdrops. The graphics themselves have a somewhat blurry look to them that mimics the look of games like Jetpack Joyride but aren’t quite as polished. However, the bold outlines and color choices for objects and enemies make the core shooting action far easier to see when it comes to visual accessibility.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Metal Commando Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Metal Commando Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

All bullets have an outline, and that makes it easier to tell where they are in relation to the player and to judge the timing needed to jump out of the way. Unfortunately, there aren’t many ways to defend yourself other than jumping—a roll mechanic would have been nice to see. Unlike a lot of run-and-guns, the player can buff their stats and swap out their weaponry between stages via the in-game shop. Unlocking new firepower and increasing health comes in handy, but even right before a stage, players can quickly choose to buff things like speed or add grenades to their arsenal to help during screen-filling exchanges or boss battles. The core game offers up rapid fire by default, making this a fantastic game for those with fine-motor impairments, as it doesn’t require constant button presses just to shoot enemies. Either the left stick or the d-pad can be used for movement and aiming, although the stick winds up being a better choice for more accurate and fast aiming. The d-pad may be preferable for platforming, but there isn’t much of that here. The only time platforming skills come into play is during boss battles, when the player has to be more mindful of enemy fire coming towards them since it’s so high-powered and bosses can only be damaged at certain points. Luckily, the game highlights those points for the player, making this an even easier game to enjoy for those who may find run-and-gun shooters intimidating by default.

Unlock and upgrade guns!

There are a lot of accessibility features baked in to the core game design that make it stand out, and even if the game itself isn’t all that original in concept, the execution is strong. Small touches like having touchscreen support for menus helps a lot, as it enables the player to tap their selection instead of being limited to d-pad movement and button presses. In theory, it’s a small thing, but it can be huge for a player who finds it easier to use a touchscreen than buttons to navigate menus. However, there’s room for improvement in this setup because the indicators for what the player has selected could be a lot clearer. They’re mostly represented by a very minor color change from the default color of the UI, and it can be really tough both in handheld and docked mode to see what you’re selecting without paying very close attention. It’s a surprising issue because if the developers had simply used a bold white outline instead, it would work much better. As it stands, everything but that one element is fairly well-crafted for visual accessibility without special settings for things like color blindness or putting bold outlines on enemies. For deaf and hard-of-hearing players, Metal Commando works surprisingly well at times because there’s no voice work of any kind, making sure no one misses out on information.I Am The Hero Switch NSP

Metal Commando Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Metal Commando Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

However, there’s music and a lot of different sound effects used for different gun types, and none of that gets any kind of text-based description. The soundtrack is fairly generic rock that doesn’t get the blood pumping, so that being described in text as something like (loud, fast-paced music plays) would probably be better than the soundtrack itself. Metal Commando may not be a very innovative game, but it’s quite fun and one of the more accessible run-and-gun games I’ve played. It’s surprisingly accessible right out of the gate with things like bold colors and bold black outlines that make it easy to see characters and the environment. The minimal use of platforming, the ability to use either the d-pad or left stick to move, and rapid-fire being enabled by default makes this a quite user-friendly game when it comes to fine-motor accessibility. The long-heralded difficulty of the genre can make it seem hard to get into at all when its reputation is one that will test everyone’s mettle, so it’s nice to see a more easy-going and fun-focused experience. Metal Commando isn’t a perfect game, but it is a fantastic pickup for those looking to enjoy a gateway in the genre and not worry about being punished right away. It very much eases the player into more intense battles, and having an in-game shop to boost stats helps the player fine tune their character to their play style.

Different kind of enemies.

This game will take you through series of classic levels, various enemies, and boss battles with amazing experience of side-scrolling platformer games. Use various weapons filled with slugs and power-ups to fight your way through multiple enemies, metal tanks, copters and put an end to the evil army leader’s and his world of terror. Different enemies have different patterns of attack, which is great when you’re fighting them one on one, but once there’s more than a few on the screen you’re going to be jumping and running your way through storms of bullets from every angle. Game Features: – Jump and shoot. Use special guns and character’s skill to defeat enemies. – Unlock and upgrade guns! – Different kind of enemies. – Challenging boss fights. What are you waiting for? Start Metal Commando now and let the shooting begin!  Get your weapons ready for the ultimate action game! Metal Commando combines the adrenaline of platform-style games with the action of 2d shooters. What are you waiting for? Start Metal Commando now and let the shooting begin! This game will take you through series of classic levels, various enemies and boss battles with amazing experience of side scrolling platformer games. Use various weapons filled with slug and power ups to fight your way through a multiple enemies, metal tanks.One True Hero Switch NSP

Metal Commando Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Metal Commando Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Copters and put an end to the evil army leader’s and his world of terror. Different enemies have different patterns of attack, which is great when you’re fighting them one on one, but once there’s more than a few on the screen you’re going to be jumping and running your way through storms of bullets from every angle. Watching me waste time trying Metal Commando won’t convey the pain its controls cause, but the video is there if you want to. It’s in the Unity engine, so you can adjust your controls when you launch it, and you’re going to have to. Default controls *require* the mouse to “tap” on the screen (and there’s no getting around that), and default (mappable) controls are WASD for movement, Space for jump, and X to shoot. Oh, and Left Alt for melee. Did I mention some enemies are above you so you’ll need to hold W and shoot with X? You’re going to need to remap the controls just for this to be playable. At least Unity means you can map to a controller, but not having the controls work right out of the box is ten kinds of obnoxious. And the sound effects can’t be lowered. The slider just doesn’t do anything. Rewards are given for daily play. The game starts off easy enough. And there’s three characters and an array of upgrades, except you’re forced into your first few options. As a free-to-play mobile game this was probably fine for what it is, but this Steam port was done lazy. The run-and-gun genre is too competitive for you to waste your time buying this port.

Challenging boss fights.

I thought like what could possibly go wrong with those graphics and the price of 21 cents… I am not in general against using a mobile game formula on a gem like Metal Slug. But if you do not manage to implement at least some decent gameplay you should simply leave it completely. What do I mean? Crouching does not make sense, the HP seem to be infinite until they are not. Give us real possibilities to jump, crouch and dodge the bullets, because this is what Metal Slug is about. If you do not give us this… it is simply A to B with exp level up. Fail. Do not recommend for 21 cents! Btw also no controller support! I was hesitating between recommending this game or not, but in the end, because of how cheap it is, I’m going to give it 6 asterisks. The game isn’t bad, it mimics the Metal Slug artwork but falls far, far short. Here it is impossible to dodge the bullets of the enemies, so they give you a wide life bar to resist. The graphics are quite good, and although the movements of the characters are not fluid, they are above average for indie games. Also, every time you complete a mission you can upgrade: there are grenades, speed, rifles, flamethrowers… that can be bought with the coins you collect.

To keep the odds in your favour you’ll unlock new special moves that allow you to do massive damage to enemies, either singularly or in groups. You can also unlock new characters who offer their own special moves too and you can pair up with one of these at a time and switch out tag-team style whenever you need to. This also acts as an extra life which comes in handy although death isn’t do big of a deal here as when you do lose all your energy you’ll be able to restart from a recent, likely generous, checkpoint. The game itself has six levels and it doesn’t overstay its welcome (something that plenty of so-called classic beat ’em ups suffer from). Sure, bosses are recycled as you’d expect but it’s never in a hateful way and the progression through the game is reasonably smooth. A late boss did give me a few headaches but I was able to deal with him after a while. This was on the default Normal difficulty level and ultimately it’s safe to say that the challenge could have been more substantial. Higher levels are available but trophy whores (the usual Ratalaika punters) will be glad to know you don’t need to play on them for the platinum. The combo system is definitely the best aspect to the gameplay but the special moves did add some more combat options and overall I enjoyed what the game threw at me.

Metal Commando Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Metal Commando Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The game does lack some common features such as weapons to pick up and power-ups which is a shame as it’d be nice to mix things up a little, likewise we weren’t surprised or thrilled by the fairly generic levels. There’s even an elevator stage. There’s ALWAYS an elevator stage in these things. Visually the game is pretty interesting. While the action is strictly 2D, it is presented in an interesting 2.5D pixelated style that gives it a fresher, modern feel than a flat version might have. Also the visuals do have plenty of character. The backdrops are pretty plain though but the action is cleanly presented throughout. The game also has some boisterous retro music going on although we eventually turned it down because it can get a bit much. When you add in the Vita cross-buy and the local 2-player co-op options, this ends up being a reasonably good buy and unlike some of Ratalaika’s other games there is a bit of challenge here. It’s still a pretty easy platinum but at least you have to finish the whole game and find some tricky collectables which stops this being a trivial max. So, while it doesn’t do anything revolutionary, this old-school beat ’em delivers some solid gameplay thanks to its strong comboing system and the presentation keeps things interesting too. I Am The Hero may not be an instant classic but it is good fun and worth a look for retro gamers and beat ’em up fans alike.I am an Air Traffic Controller AIRPORT HERO HANEDA Switch NSP

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