Megaton Rainfall Free Download GAMESPACK.NET
Charged with destroying an enemy race of rather horrible, interdimensional scumbags who are seemingly hell-bent on eradicating humanity, your task is to soar across the planet in your best double-fisted Superman pose as you rain all manner of death and destruction down upon them before they inflict catastrophic casualties on Earth’s bustling populace. Essentially a first-person shooter with a classic arcade feel, the premise behind Megaton Rainfall is blissfully simple; using your otherworldly powers, you must blast your alien foes to pieces, while landing a direct hit on that timeless weak point of arcade enemies; the classic big obvious red spot, will result in an instant and greatly satisfying kill. Because you’re double-hard and impervious to all forms of attack, Megaton Rainfall instead imposes a different fail state on the player with failure manifesting itself if too many fragile earthlings end up getting detached from their mortal coil. Where it all gets especially clever however, is in how the threat that the player must contend with is continually engineered. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Megaton Rainfall Free Download GAMESPACK.NET
From twisting mechanical worms that burrow through buildings, to hammer shaped craft that pulverise the city and even alien ships that can disguise themselves as the very same buildings you are sworn to protect, Megaton Rainfall has no shortage of ways to surprise and challenge wannabe superheroes. Alongside the uptick in the cunning behaviour and clever design of your extra-terrestrial enemies, Megaton Rainfall also endows a number of additional abilities onto the player to keep things fair and balanced. In addition to a starting plasma blast strike, players can gain such abilities as a Superman style precision laser attack, being able to freeze time (something which proves especially handy when dealing with multiple enemies at once), a devastating focussed blast that has a nuclear yield and the power to be able to fly at many times the speed of light, to name just few. Relatedly, and quite unlike many of the superhero films that Hollywood has doled out as of late, those powers come with an accountable cost as Megaton Rainfall has quite the fixation on making you responsible for any and all collateral damage that you might result from your ever more dangerous superhero escapades.
Some cities will have buildings that reference real locations
Indeed, more than the aliens that you face, it’s really you and your ever growing arsenal of powers that are the biggest threat to humankind, since an errant shot early on can destroy whole buildings, while later, a missed special attack can be akin to an atomic blast that while impressive to behold, can level the city and instantly end the game. As a result, often more than the attacks of the invading aliens themselves, it’s their in-built evasive behaviours that make them notoriously tricky to deal with since every carelessly missed attack in Megaton Rainfall carries with it a very real consequence. Luckily though, and quite like the classic arcade shooters of old, each alien type follows a bespoke pattern and their movements can be gauged and learned in order to minimise the potential casualties that engaging them carelessly might otherwise generate. When you’re not pounding intergalactic interlopers into smithereens above the various cityscapes in Megaton Rainfall, you’ll be spending a fair chunk of your time flying about and exploring, and it’s here that the game offers up some of the finest ‘VR moments’ to date on PSVR. Dead Space 2

Megaton Rainfall Free Download GAMESPACK.NET
Whether you’re flying out of the Earth’s atmosphere at Mach 8, circling the globe at supersonic speeds, skimming across the white hot surface of the Sun, soaring through the rings of Saturn or just plunging down into the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, Megaton Rainfall absolutely feels like one of those games that fully justifies the cost of your PSVR rig and should be demonstrated to anybody who is even remotely curious about the technology. Honestly, there’s just nothing else quite like it. With all this alien blasting and high octane flying about you might well assume that being a PSVR title, Megaton Rainfall controls with all the grace of a morphine addled tortoise, but lo and behold, I am here to happily inform you to the contrary; Megaton Rainfall is both ultra-responsive and intuitive to play in a way that results in just about anybody being able to pick up the game and get stuck in right away. A big reason for this is that because the game exclusively embraces a mixture of traditional DualShock 4 controls and PSVR head-tracking, with the former being used to shoot and use your powers while the latter allows you to steer your movement and aim your next attack
It would almost be suitable for Zen-inducing amble through an idle planet
Not only is Megaton Rainfall is easy to pick up and play but it also negates any potential motion sickness that one might otherwise experience, too. Where Megaton Rainfall sadly feels less than super is in its visuals, which though somewhat impressive from a distance and certainly not lacking in spectacle, fail to stand up to scrutiny up close owing to low detailed textures and generally simplistic buildings and environments. Likewise, the lack of content beyond the odd collectible and additional difficulty settings mean that there isn’t a whole lot to do once the 4-7 hour story campaign has been completed, though just the seemingly evergreen thrill of being able to fly around the various planets and enact a form of superhero fantasy roleplay will sustain a fair few folk for a while after the credits have rolled. Megaton Rainfall’s gameplay experience is just as simple as its storytelling style. Played from a first-person perspective, players are able to fly all over the Earth and even through space while not engaged in a mission. The hero’s basic attack is a damaging energy blast that can take down the most basic enemy ship in just a few shots. Dead Space Remake

Megaton Rainfall Free Download GAMESPACK.NET
Some of the smaller enemies and all of the bigger ones have one weak spot, marked by a red light, which must be attacked to deal significant damage. While the experience basically boils down to destroy all enemies to win, Megaton Rainfall manages to feel fresh even after hours thanks to the good variety of enemies included in the game. Even though the hero cannot be harmed, missions can still be failed if the number of casualties becomes too high. And here comes one of the most interesting features of the game: energy blasts shot by the player can cause quite a bit of damage to the city, so being as accurate as possible is the key to success. Something that’s easier said than done, as enemies are quite mobile and it’s easy to miss a shot. While the basic Megaton Rainfall experience doesn’t change much during the 4/7 hours of the main campaign, there are a few features that make it feel fresh from beginning to end. Alongside the already mentioned enemy variety, players will also receive new powers constantly which, coupled with the new story details provided between missions, makes it so that completing a mission is quite rewarding.
There’s a bit of nuance to some of the weapons it’s not advised
The difficulty isn’t particularly high either, so those who just want to play the game to try out new powers and learn more about the story won’t have too much trouble doing so. Those wishing to be the perfect heroes can also try to get a perfect mark at the end of each mission. Megaton Rainfall’s presentation isn’t exactly the best at first glance, but it definitely feels better with time. Cities, which are semi-procedurally generated, and the overall terrain don’t look particularly detailed, but as players will be moving at high speeds most of the time, it’s easy to forget about it. Performance, thankfully, is quite solid, with the game running smoothly even during the most hectic of sequences, so the super-hero feel is nicely represented. Music and voice acting also do a decent job in making players feel immersed in the game’s world. Additionally, the game is PSVR compatible, so those who have purchased Sony’s headset will be able to truly feel like a superhero. Megaton Rainfall’s true strength lies not only in its simplicity, but also in how it tries, and succeeds, in doing something different.

Megaton Rainfall Free Download GAMESPACK.NET
The game isn’t particularly long, but it manages to keep players entertained during its short length with gameplay variety and a story that offers plenty of food for thought. A stylish and unique take on the arcade shooter genre that no fan of the genre should pass on, as those who like to try something different shouldn’t as well. I began Megaton Rainfall in a swirling vortex, my ethereal hands and legs being the only recognisable thing in front of me. A haunting voice coaxed me onward, and as I exited the swirling whirlwind of energy I found myself floating high above Earth. A small curious box began projecting words and emitting the same voice as before. It explained to me what I was and what my purpose is: I had been reformed, no longer human and only I could protect humanity from an unknown enemy. The cube granted me my first power, supersonic flight, and with this it took me on a tour of the planet, speeding past cities that loosely represent real locations with landmarks such as the Sydney Opera House and Dubai’s Coastline visible from high altitude.
This section continued for several minutes, at first I thought I was missing some objective, however the game simply wanted to take me on a tour, to get used to the flight mechanics and absorb myself in the moment. This experience is one to behold, flying from ground level to orbit in a matter of seconds all to a gentle almost haunting soundtrack that left me with a feeling of awe. Catching up with my talking cube friend it granted me a second power, energy blasts, and a new objective to use this power to stop an attack on the planet. Reaching the mission marker the enemy was revealed to be alien aircraft’s laying siege to a city, the occupants standing no chance against the superior technology this interstellar threat possessed. Being an indestructible godlike being, the aliens could not harm me. Instead of a health bar the player has a human casualty meter, if the casualties become too numerous the mission will end and force the player to continue from a checkpoint. The kicker with this is by being too careless with my new found powers, I could do far more damage than the aliens and was occasionally responsible for most of the human fatalities. Dead Space Remake UNLOCKED
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