Maze Blaze Switch NSP Free Download


Maze Blaze Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Maze Blaze Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Maze Blaze promises a top-down shooter roguelike with “endless possibilities”. Only thing is, all the possibilities are limited to the same handful of simplistic, uninteresting variables that don’t coalesce into anything resembling a fun or engaging run-and-gun shooter. It follows all of the expected staples of the roguelike genre, including all of the worst elements that have been overhauled and vastly improved on over the years. Repetitious corridors, shallow shooting mechanics and a poorly implemented co-op system can only hold your attention for so long. So long being, about 30 minutes. Anything more and you’ll feel your enthusiasm be drained right before your eyes. I’d never been able to empathise with how a dementor could absorb happiness so relentlessly quick, until I played this game. In the spirit of not being totally horrible towards this game, there are a couple of nice elements to it. Visually, it’s very colourful and some of the effects have a good smack to them as they propel themselves from your TV into your eyeballs. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Maze Blaze Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Maze Blaze Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Mazes are randomly generated for each run through the gauntlet, with each one consisting of a series of corridors to work your way through. Different sections are brightly lit in all manner of appealing shades, which helps both differentiate their effects and stop the regular corridors completely consuming your soul with blandness. Enemy design is okay and attack effects can look really cool in places, especially once you get some supped-up upgrades for your rifle and start blasting beams of energy in all directions. For a fleeting moment there’s a bit of excitement. It’s very fleeting, mind. But, it does exist, but for a moment. The initial visual appeal quickly wears off pretty much after your first attempt at the a-maze-ing (not sorry) gauntlet. When it does, you’re left to play Maze Blaze. Which  underwhelming, to say the least. A brief set of 10 pop up text boxes semi tells you what you have to do – get from the start of the maze to the goal at the end, shooting everything as you go. Of course, this is a maze, so there’s dead ends everywhere. When I say everywhere, I mean everywhere. In real mazes the joy comes from figuring out a plan to navigate.

An Endless Maze of Possibilities.

where you’ve been and where you haven’t, arguing nonsensically along the way with anyone who dares question your spatial navigation skills. In a video game however, reaching the end of a trail means hauling yourself all the way back through the same boring, uninteresting corridors you just came down. The only difference being that now, there’s no enemies, pickups or basically anything to actually interact with. It’s dead time, making what is probably a 1 minute trip feel like an eternity. We have day-to-day jobs to mindlessly waste our brain matter and time, we don’t need a game to replicate that. If you’re not running around, you’ll be likely grappling with the poorly implemented shooting mechanics. Which, given this is a top-down bullet hell type shooter, isn’t a wonderful starting endorsement of how it feels to play. Enemies charge you in single file. There’s no real challenge or skill involved as they’re simply variants of melee and ranged foes, no specials or abilities, no tactics or strategies required. What baffled me most was that instead of using a twin-stick set up. Thy Creature

Maze Blaze Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Maze Blaze Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

when running you only fire directly in front of you. This makes actual run-and-gun gameplay absolutely awful, as you’ll hit approximately 29 miles away from the barn door you’re aiming for. You can use L2 to aim properly at the expense of movement (didn’t we move past this with Resident Evil 6?) which leaves you at the mercy of the mobs of alien opponents that’ll steamroll at you as you stand there scratching your robotic balls. You can also Dash with circle but only while aiming and there’s normally so many enemies gunning you at once it might as well not exist. Throughout each maze there’ll be pickups in the forms of temporary ammo types, which range from stunning enemies on impact to locking up your framerate and making the game freeze (richocheting bullets should be more fun than this). Additionally, pickups like grenades and shields accompany upgrades that last for that maze and can vary from increasing health drops to increasing rate of fire. Unfortunately, there’s no persistent upgrade system that carries between runs, which makes bothering to try with a garbage setup nigh on pointless. By the third level of the maze the mobs are so overwhelming you’re effectively dead to rights if you haven’t had a fire rate upgrade or an increase in damage.

A Spectacle of Color.

Now you might think the promise of playing Maze Blaze in co-op could alleviate some of these issues or make it a modicum more enjoyable to play. You’d be oh-so-wrong, dear reader. Just ask my fellow Finger Gunner Kat, who remarkably was bored even faster than I was – a whole 10 minutes into playing it with me. An added benefit of playing co-op is whenever the two avatars are more than a hair’s breadth away from each other the perspectives separate but stay on one screen while narrowing both player’s field of view, which makes seeing the enemies actively shooting you invisible. Awesome. Phenomenal. Anyway, there’s two modes – adventure and endless – to play if you can get past its issues and have any sense of fun. Co-op seems to be local only and there’s no difficulty options or any other ways to play that offer any variety. Endless was a bit more fun as it seemed to dole out upgrades a bit more liberally, but this was a short-lived pleasure. Look, Maze Blaze is a cheap game. It’s not supposed to be phenomenal, or even good. Problem is, it’s not even decent, really. ZERO Sievert

Maze Blaze Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Maze Blaze Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

What is here is hollow, painfully uninteresting and its mechanics have been vastly better implemented in loads of other roguelikes and top-down shooters. If you hate money or want to make a friend suffer for a laugh, subject them to this blazing maze of tedium. The first thing you’ll see after pressing the A button on the main menu is a tutorial with images and text teaching you how to play. There are a few pages, but it’s nothing too complicated. You can walk with the left analogue stick, run with B (it only drains your stamina if you’re in combat), shoot with RT, and finally lock your character in place with LT so you can aim with the left analogue stick and dash with B. The goal is to reach the exit, which will lead you to the next floor. Nothing complicated, right? Yep, no tricks or catches here, it’s that simple, except that you will have enemies in your path. Maze Blaze is a fairly straightforward game to play, but there are a few elements that add difficulty and diversity. For instance, you can find items and consumables that will help you in battles like grenades, shields, and healing supplies. Various special ammo types are also available, each with a unique effect.

Play Your Way.

While I didn’t find out what each one did, I did figure out what some of them did. There are ricocheting shots, ones that stun targets, ones that penetrate walls (albeit they appear to deal less damage when they do so), and homing shots. Additionally scattered throughout the maze are artefacts that will offer you choices that could have a favourable and/or negative outcome. Quantum dies can also be used to randomise an artefact. The maze contains some areas with symbols and colours combined that will have various consequences. One is very obvious; it’s a blazing emblem in red colour, and yes, standing still in it does set you on fire. One of these is purple and has an arrow pointing up with a line that turns into an arrow pointing down with the same line. One of them makes you move quicker, while the other makes you move slower. Grey tiles with a crossed eye will significantly reduce your field of vision. You’ll be healed by a green cross. There will be a zone with a sliding floor, with a white snowflake. Both a skull and a caution sign were related to the colour green, but I couldn’t figure out what they stood for because I wasn’t hurt by either.

If like me, you’re a fan of Tron: Legacy, you’ll feel like this is The Grid, the digital world where Tron lives. While the enemies and player models don’t have the same aesthetic Tron’s characters do, the world of Blaze Maze resembles The Grid quite a bit. It has the same kind of mix of a dark environment with neon colours as in Tron: Legacy, except there are more neon colours here than in the ones you’ve seen in Tron.  Maze Blaze has more to offer than just the standard adventure mode, in which you advance through floors to a final destination. There is an endless mode that, in case it wasn’t clear, never ends. You can play the endless mode or the adventure mode either by yourself or with a friend. Unfortunately, I had no one to play together with. The sole intent of this topic is to discuss a very specific effect that the game has that some players might find uncomfortable to witness. As you move through the maze, you’ll notice that the parts of the maze that you can’t see right now or yet will gradually reveal themselves or be hidden. We’re talking about a lot of cubes expanding and contracting simultaneously, and when I looked at them straight, it slightly confused my head.

Maze Blaze Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Maze Blaze Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Remember that I’ve reviewed and played Circa Infinity, which ought to have made me lose my mind far more, but for some reason didn’t, while this simple effect did. Therefore, if this effect bothers you, you should probably avoid playing Maze Blaze or, at the very least, concentrate on the centre of the screen, as I did. While it’s undeniable that Maze Blaze‘s soundtrack sounds good, it’s also undeniable that it will feel repetitive pretty quickly. Each floor has at least one electronic song playing in the background, and it sounds good. Since this is a roguelike, you’ll most likely be revisiting the same floors many times, as I did, and that makes the soundtrack feel not as good as it would if you didn’t revisit them. Shoot and blast your way through alien-infested mazes in Maze Blaze, a roguelike action shooter that’s intense both in color and gameplay. The goal is simple – enter the maze and gun down anything that stands between you and the exit. Your objective may always be the same but everything else is endlessly changing. Out of Space


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