Mario Party Superstars PC Free Download


Mario Party Superstars PC Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Mario Party Superstars PC Free Download GAMESPACK.NET With 23 years of history under its belt, the Mario Party series has certainly had its fair share of highs and lows, with its highs representing some of the most fun I’ve had playing local multiplayer games with friends, and its lows being… well, the near opposite of that. Thankfully, Mario Party Superstars is a celebration of only the best moments this long-running franchise has had. It gathers 100 of the most enjoyable minigames, five excellent boards from the first three Mario Party games, and an amalgamation of some of the best rules, mechanics, and quality-of-life improvements into a single Switch game. It’s still unsurprisingly dull without friends, and not all of the minigames are worthy of the “superstar” label, but on the whole this is quite simply the best Mario Party has been in a very long time. 2018’s Super Mario Party represented a “back to basics” shift for the series, and Mario Party Superstars has taken that idea several steps further by focusing in on the N64 and early GameCube days. There are no motion-controlled minigames, no item capsules, no character-specific custom dice blocks, no buddies to recruit, and of course, no party car. Just four players, each taking turns rolling dice, moving along a virtual game board, playing minigames to earn coins, and using those coins to buy stars. And maybe it’s because it has been a long while since we’ve had a Mario Party game without some sort of extra gimmick, but this simplicity is incredibly refreshing, and I certainly didn’t miss having something there to mix up the formula. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Mario Party Superstars PC Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Mario Party Superstars PC Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

It helps that the five boards are some of the best-designed in Mario Party’s history. Yoshi’s Tropical Island is an excellent starter board with an easy-to-understand layout and a fun twist involving the star marker swapping between its two islands – it’s sure to lead to heartbreak and elation in equal measure among your friends. Space Land, meanwhile, is a go-to when I want to play without any game-changing board mechanics and just get that pure virtual board game experience; Peach’s Birthday Cake offers a completely different style of play by keeping the star in one position and sprinkling spots where you can plant coin or star-stealing piranha plants; Woody Woods forces you to think several moves ahead thanks to its constantly changing arrows that send you down different paths; and finally, Horror Land is a personal favorite of mine because of its fun day/night mechanic and a King Boo that can let you steal a star from every other player… if you get a skeleton key, 150 coins, and are able to reach him while it’s night. It’s an insane hail Mary win condition to shoot for, but if you are able to manage it, it’s sure to be a story you and your friends won’t soon forget. Developer NdCube has done a fantastic job of bringing both the looks and sounds of these boards up to modern standards as well. Character models are pretty much identical to how they looked in Super Mario Party three years ago, but the remade boards are immaculately detailed.

Party With Superstars Near or Far.

With Peach’s Birthday Cake being a clear standout thanks to the hyper-realistic and delicious-looking snacks decorating the linear path around the cake. It also can’t be understated that not only have all of the boards and nearly all of the 100 minigames undergone dramatic visual transformations, but they’ve also gained new instrumental arrangements for every song that accompanies them. You can even unlock the songs from the store and listen to both the classic and modern versions of each one in the Data House, which is great because while the N64 songs still hold up, their modernized versions are even better. For years now fans of the Mario Party series have been pleading with Nintendo to just go back to the roots of what made the series great; no cars, no bizarre new modes, not just a collection of minigames that when presented in a vacuum lose all context or purpose — just Mario characters running around a board grabbing stars and destroying friendships. Super Mario Party definitely took that feedback to heart, but only a handful of playable boards and limitations in other areas definitely left some die-hard classic fans wanting. In that spirit, Mario Party Superstars seems to be Nintendo at last saying ‘fine, here’s your stinking old Mario Party’. The whole game from top to bottom is 100% old-school with all the warts included, besides the visuals of course.Fire Emblem Three Houses PC 

Mario Party Superstars PC Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Mario Party Superstars PC Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

You’ve got two major modes to contend with if the idea of the options menu doesn’t get your motor running, namely Mario Party (!) and Mount Minigames. The latter is a method of simply playing any and all of the minigames on offer in one way or another with nothing more than a score counter keeping track of who won how many games. This has always (aside from Mario Party: the Top 100) been the secondary focus of any game in the series — a means to have a quick dip in a specific minigame or just to have something to do with friends, and sometimes even a way for solo players to fun in a fashion that isn’t just replacing your friends with cold-hearted CPUs. This time around it’s a pretty basic no-frills affair. There are a few different ways you can delve into these with challenges and various themed ways to see who’s the best, but they’re all much for much. But as the old saying goes, the real meat can be found in ‘Mario Party’, a mode which lets you play Mario Party in Mario Party Superstars. Tumble down a surprisingly long pipe in a clear nod to the original game that got the whole party started until you reach the board below. During said tumbling you’ll need to choose a character for each of the four players, with CPUs filling any slots not occupied by the meat machines you’ve selected to end your friendships with. There’s also a somewhat pleasing number of options to tweak a game’s specifications, such as changing what kind of Bonus Stars will turn the tide at the end of the game.

Roll The Dice.

Which is complete nonsense because I got the most number of coins and that’s way more important than landing on Event Spaces — plus how many turns the game will last (up to 30), whether minigames should tell you what you need to do, and whether anyone should start the game with a Star handicap. It’s not a list of options that will set the world on fire, but it’s a decent enough offering that you’ll be able to happily adjust to suit your party needs. Mario Party Superstars revels in its own history. It’s as much a museum as it is a party, and like all good museums, Mario Party Superstars is for everyone to enjoy. Superstars makes what was old new again, and that benefits multiple generations of partiers. Every mini-game and map in Superstars is pulled from a previous series entry, so the whole thing functions more like a Mario Party collection than an actual new game. The updated versions of these parties look modern, filled with vibrant colors and crisp edges, but the boards’ rulesets are almost entirely the same as they have been for two decades. In this way, Mario Party Superstars is the antithesis of Super Mario Party — the only other Mario Party game on Nintendo Switch. Where Super Mario Party evolves the series with new mechanics like character-specific blocks and duos modes, Superstars keeps it old school with simple two-button mini-games, zero motion controls, and no character-specific advantages. While the five arenas are remasters of maps from the first three Mario Party games, the mini-games themselves are cleaved from a wider swath of the series’ history.Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator

Mario Party Superstars PC Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Mario Party Superstars PC Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

That’s how you can play Booksquirm (from Mario Party 4 on GameCube, and the series’ best game) while on Peach’s Birthday Cake (a board from Mario Party, the 1998 Nintendo 64 game). From a purely qualitative standpoint, Mario Party Superstars is the first Mario Party game in history to have more good mini-games than bad. But how could it not? Nintendo stacks the deck in its own favor, picking the best of the best out of dozens of Mario Party boards, and 1,000 mini-games, from throughout the series. Bumper Balls? Mushroom Mix-Up? Face Lift? Shy Guy Says? Bowser’s Big Blast? They’re all here. Nearly every mini-game that popped up had me shouting “oh this one,” in a delighted tone. It’s the Mario Party equivalent of a greatest hits album. Mario Party experiences have always varied widely based on the real-world crew you’re playing with. For this review, I played Mario Party Superstars with two full groups that couldn’t be more different, and the observations surprised me. What stood out to me when playing with my parents and my wife were Superstars’ simplicity and accessibility. My mother, who never plays games, is normally a major holdup with Mario Party, refusing to pay attention and frustrating everyone. But with Superstars, the lack of complexity and overloaded mechanics (unique characters and motion-based physical actions, to name a couple) kept her engaged the entire time.

Standout Highlights.

When our 20-turn game was over, my mother had actually enjoyed her first Mario Party — not because it’s magically more fun than it used to be, but because it’s as easy to pick up and understand as Sorry!, Uno, or Dominos. When playing with my nephews, on the other hand, Superstars became more of an exciting historical artifact. When the screenshot of the Nintendo 64 version of our board flashed across the screen, one of the twins was immediately drawn in, prompting a conversation about what it was like to play on the Nintendo 64 all the way back in 1998. For me, Mario Party Superstars is a remake from when I was their age. But to my nephews, this was an educational experience — a look back at boards and mini-games that were old and clunky by the time they could hold a controller. It’s odd to say a Mario Party is educational, but I was able to share some of my favorite childhood memories with my nephews because of this game — like when your parents drive you by the apartments they lived in before you were born, except less boring. Mario Party Superstars is great because it’s both exciting and malleable, filling a variety of different roles depending on who is playing. For a parent, it’s an easy-to-understand game that’s fun to break out every few weeks.

For younger generations, it’s an enjoyable glimpse into video game history, and a not-incredibly-boring way to connect with your grumpy, old uncle. And for those of us who’ve been partying since 1998, it’s a lovingly crafted blast of nostalgia. But in the end, despite its value for video game preservation and appreciation, Mario Party Superstars is more than that. It’s a collection of Mario Party’s best work, perfect for veteran partiers, newcomers, and everyone in-between. Mario Party is, in my opinion, a staple of Nintendo’s chaotic multiplayer offerings. Smash Bros. has a good deal of fighting and frenetic chaos, sure, but there’s something different about Mario Party. This party, and Mario Party Superstars, are about the potential for both fun competition and massive swings in equal measure. It captures the moment someone rolls a die and lands on Boardwalk in Monopoly, and seethes in quiet frustration as they count out every last buck they have to fork over to another player, and turns it into a fully virtual board game. The earliest Mario Party games are some of the best adaptations of this anything-can-happen concept. Spinning blocks with stars, arrows, and portraits could swing the outcome of the match in a single turn. There were fewer stay-ahead mechanics, and more comebacks and massive swings. It’s this side of the Mario Party that Mario Party Superstars goes back to, and if you’ve been aching to steal someone’s stars, it’s got a lot of that going on.

Mario Party Superstars PC Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Mario Party Superstars PC Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Mario Party Superstars is essentially a best-of for the earlier era of Mario Party games. The boards themselves come from the first three Mario Party games on the Nintendo 64, while the minigames pull from the N64, GameCube, and more. Content-wise, it’s presenting exactly what it says: a rehash of the best, from an era that’s pretty beloved by Mario Party aficionados. And honestly, Superstars makes a good first impression. After a short intro sequence, you’re greeted with a menu screen that seems ripped right out of the Nintendo 64 years. There’s something about this sort of hub village that transports me back to the era of not just Mario Party‘s first few games, but also Pokemon Stadium and other N64 go-to’s. Hopping into the boards, you can see right away the visual upgrades made to each one. These are, functionally, the same boards as before. The haunted woods and space station are just as you remember them, except with a visual upgrade. But that visual upgrade really does make a difference. Highlighted by the side-by-side you’re presented with at the start of each board, you can really see how much different these boards look now. It’s remembering the games like your rose-tinted memories do, rather than what they actually looked like back then. Having a revitalized version of these classics might be enough by itself for some Mario Party fans to pick this collection up.Sonic Frontiers PC

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