Magicbook AutoBattler Free Download (Build 17011595)


Magicbook AutoBattler  Download GAMESPACK.NET

Charming, fun but little rough around the edges. Worth the price! It really doesn’t reinvent the wheel but it is a good game. It is pretty easy and you’ll not feel the clunky, unbalanced, unfair parts of the game unless you play endless mode. You’ll have fun, after your run is over you’ll think about your next run. You have your classes, different weapons, synergies between weapons and classes. Visuals are cute and varied. You have your “I wanna dedicate 20-30 minutes mode” , “Meh that was pretty easy, let’s try a little bit harder mode” , “Oh great I gotta be cheap, just like the game, to beat this mode” and “Holy hell how did this run lasted more than 2 hours mode”. Meta progression is pretty tame, it’s not just % dmg buffs till game rolls over and dies, unlocks spices up things and makes early game pretty easy but still challenging enough at later stages.

Game balance is wacky, like the warrior/rogue teams will tear down your shieldwall like it’s made of paper and archers will one shot your backline, enemy mages are usually useless and tanks only become a problem if the rest of the team is archers. So at later stages game just turns into rerolling extremely  combinations and steamrolling rest, and hitting that sweet dopamine of upgrading your team with higher quality gear. Stats beats synergies and talents most of the time, game tells you to use the strongest gear you find not the one that helps your build. While you can select your weapons before the run begins, the armors are totally random so you may think of making a full mage team but you’ll not get enough mage armor until end game. Your team will be bunch of casters with str/agi gear. And music sucks, repetitive and boring. BLADE CHIMERA

Game kinda ends, right now I beat endless stage 200 and I think I’m done. Maybe I’ll run with other synergies to get achievements but that’s pretty much it. However it took me more than 20 hours to get here so that’s more than enough for this price! It also has few QoL issues like moving between 2-3 screens to upgrade your gear. Like to upgrade something your team equipped, first you gotta take off the item, then go to blacksmith screen, upgrade it, then go back to team screen again to put it back. Add extra steps if your items were in your bank. It’ll scratch that itch for a while and it can only get better from here if devs want to add more to this.

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