Lust ‘n Dead


Lust ‘n Dead  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Lust ‘n Dead  Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Sex is always a super tricky subject in video games. Half the time attempts to portray it come off as childish. The other half it’s gross. Few games have attempted to tackle the subject with any sort of serious look, but the Lust series is one of them. In 2018 Lust for Darkness gave it a shot, and after not one but two free prequels, Lust From Beyond is looking to follow it up. I ended up playing through all four games one after another, and I can safely say that I am sexed out, even if I had some fun along the way.

Before starting this review, I want to note that it’s probably important you play not only the original game, but both Prologue and Scarlet as well. Those three games all tie into Beyond, even if at times it doesn’t quite make sense. In fact, the events of Prologue seem to be both canon and non-canon, with the game kind of picking the parts it wants to keep and throwing out the parts it doesn’t. It’s rather bizarre to see characters that rather explicitly, and sometimes brutally, died in Prologue suddenly be around like nothing happened because the developers thought it’d just be more interesting that way I guess. RetroRealms Arcade Pc Game Download


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