Lord King UNCENSORED Free Download



Lord King UNCENSORED Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Lord King – this is a post apocalyptic visual novel, with elements of strategy. You will meet nine girls (with more to come): each with their own unique character traits and personalities. You will be able to ‘recruit’ each of them into your harem. Each of them has her own personality and will treat you differently. Develop a romantic relationship with those you like, and choose the one who will one day be your wife-queen. Imagine the feeling when one of the most promising series that you actively followed suddenly gives you the 5 minutes of “and then they lived happily ever after” being written on the screen and then the whole project closes down. Thats what I feel about this game right about now. Imagine not giving a proper ending to an otherwise all around feel good power fantasy, and instead settle down for the most uninspired and lazy sex scene in the entire game folowed by a final choice where you decide “which girl sits in a chair next to you”. Then it all just ends. If it wasnt for that, and the fact that realistically the project feels only some 60-65% finished it would have got a 5 stars on all fronts based on my previous experiences. The problem is, it doesnt feel finished, the second half of the game feels void of interactions compared to the first one, and by the looks of it – it will remain as such.Its still needs a little bit of work for it to be perfect. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)



Perhaps a combat system or a war system where you have to tactically battle , but other than that – this is one of the best post apocalyptic games on f95 ! A game where your MC is not a virgin zombie slayer , but a chad leader of men ! Of course I always enact Prima Nocta . The best way to show you rule over the peqsants is by fucking their viwes ! The inventivness of this game shines a new light on the already old Honey Select engine and sometimes makes me forgget that Im watching Honey Select at all , at least when Im in my harem viewing all my girls. Seriously, i see 4 star rating, and so far the sex scenes are basically default animations with almost no transition. And if there is a transition, it hap¡ens with somebody you just met and its like 2 frames before the default animations start. The camera angles are default amateur level. The scene with the sister consists of 2 renders and default HS animation. You are supposed to be removing her clothes and clothes just dissapear. This is really really bad, if you are older than 15 and you have watched porn at least 2 times, idont understand how can this be “good” The sister should be reluctant in some way to perform that stuff, but since there is not transition and she basically does the stuff, you dont see that she didnt want it, but later she tells you she didnt. Tell but not show, the mark of a bad writer.

The scenes are outstanding, but the chicks look good, as do the bodies.

Sorry but i can not consider this good, not even average, since what you have is the usual (average) but in lower quantity than many other similar games, and the storytelling and buildup are lacking and sex scenes are mostly boring. A very different game from the usual. A mix of game and visual novel style, but one of the rare ones to actually execute it well! Usually porn games, meaning those that are not visual novel style, usually have convoluted or annoying gameplay elements. Almost all of them. But here it is done very well. Let me tell you the start of the game to show you how good the setup is for this. The start of the game has you and your two friends heading towards a city and run into a daughter of a dead lord. And soon after you win back the lordship and become lord yourself basically. And the actual execution of how this happens is actually better than you would expect. It’s pretty good and mostly believable. So then as a lord there is already quite some politics going on in various aspects and you can have a harem. All this is done really well. And then you have your stats like gold and food and citizens and slaves and soldiers in looking after your territory. And it’s actually done pretty well. It’s all easy to get a grasp of and continue doing. Though you don’t nearly get enough resources of anything. Unless you grinded a lot i guess. Robo Revenge Squad



In another rarity, you have two male friends, who are actually quite involved in the story and they’re kinda likeable. They’re ya bro’s. The sexual content is really good. The nature of the situations, and the animated sexual content itself is pretty good, though some of the loops could be a bit more smoother. Plus in the game there is a little slice of incest if you want it. Just want to say at a certain part of the game what a surprise it was. When you have to go to the other lords to get them to confirm you, i expected them to be pretty hostile. What an amazing surprise to find the lord of the west turned out to be a straight up G. Really likeable dude. You can make some decent choices as well concerning your territory. The writing is generally high quality. I haven’t reached the end of this version of the game yet but i’m edging closer to it but i thought i’d do the review now. I can’t wait to have sex with Taina. I can’t wait to just… see more of her. I like her personality and her intelligence. What i’d like to see which we’ll probably get in the future is more quests and events. What’s there now is pretty good. Danka is so damn good, as is Megan. And the queen is so good and so is Vica. I can’t wait to see more with all these characters. Edit: And Pamela! She is so good. Yeah this is a good game that i’m really interested to see the future of.

The start of the game has you and your two friends heading towards a city and run into a daughter of a dead lord.

Edit: After playing more of the game a major creative decision i don’t like has happened. Taina is a traitor and her and Megan are in a relationship. That is not good. My interest in the game has gone right down. It’s made me drop the game now. There is a nice little post apocalyptic management game here but the story and quests are pretty fucking annoying. Instead of a quest completion resolving an issue the game keeps moving the goal posts. So that while the quest is “Completed” the actual story goal you wanted to accomplish is not it’s just deferred till you complete another quest. This leads to gameplay where you are constantly frustrated. It’s fine to occasionally pull the rug out from under the player but when it happens at the resolution of every single quest i’m tapping out. I may come back and give it another try because it’s a game i want to like but can’t really recommend it. Edit: So i’ve come back to this and i’m not sure my initial thoughts are any different, I think the narrative is designed to annoy the player by constantly deferring completion of quests with plot twists that sometimes do and sometimes don’t make sense. However the game is still pretty enjoyable and the narrative and characters engaging enough that i’m interested in seeing where the game goes. So bumped up to 4 stars. RIDE 4 PS5



I would not recommend this to anyone unless they were absolutely desperate. The content (story, art, animations) are stale, add a bit of poor game design and writing on top of it and you’ve got an unpleasant experience. Models are honey select, poses are 99% stock default poses, there is not much sexual content and what there is you have to grind like a bitch for. The characters are boring as hell. Your wife is boring. Your sister is boring. Your first harem girl is boring. Your second harem girl is a dumbass. The blue bitch is the only one that is decent and all you can do with her is get her naked. And sure, that’s me bitching about a lack of content in a incomplete game (0.4) I get that. BUT, if any game, complete or not, is going to have this little content, the grind to get to it shouldn’t be this much of a pain in the ass. Literally had to fucking click the same three buttons 126398 times to get through 347 weeks in game because random events kept stealing my resources. The game already had somevery low-quality assets and animations with almost no variety, and a ridiculous amount of the girls that appear have maybe 2 scenes in the whole game and some you can’t even replay, but at least the general plot and the game mechanic of slaves-citizens-army were somewhat enjoyable and interesting to balance; enough to deseve maybe up to 3.5-4 stars average just for that and the potential of said plot alone.

The girls are adorable, sexy, and all-around pleasant to look at (and no super ugly MC model which tends to plague HS games).

And yet the finale wasted said potential and even ruined the few things it had going for it by giving its plot a nonsensical rushed ending to every plotline and making the entire balancing act between soldiers, citizens and slaves pointless and nearly irrelevant for the entirety of the finale. It is clear that there is potential in both your writing and your sense of game mechanics within VNs, and I honestly did enjoy the “economic” system within the game and saw potential in the setup done in every storyline, both main and secondary. It’s just a pity the actual sex scenes were underwhelming in both quality and quantity, and the lack of delivery in said storylines was the last nail in the coffin. Once again I am sorry, but I genuinely can’t give this more than 2 stars, and that’s only because f95zone doesn’t allow me to give it 1.5. I really wish you the best in your next project and hope you will not be forced to give it such a rushed ending.



Really good start so far. Great character models and character interactions so far; one of the more interesting premises and I think MC has been written well so far as well; the resource management system is alright, definitely not too annoying; English translation isn’t amazing but it’s one of the better originally Russian translations. I don’t like the bit where the game runs out of farmhands to hire and then random events upgrade them into citizens and then all of a sudden I’m losing food, though, I really don’t think the cap at the trader is a great idea. Also I’m at negative soldiers because I kept getting events murdering them so that’s fun. I’ll definitely keep following this, though, definitely enjoyed it. Perhaps my .2 review was a bit too enthusiastic. I don’t quite know what happened or how it happened, but it feels like the author lost a lot of enthusiasm for the game. I don’t know clearly how to describe it. The initial release of this game was, at least by most standards considered successful. A handful of bugs didn’t rob us of a good time, limited grinding and fun management were all well done. However, things didn’t keep going well. The direction of the game is going in all the wrong ways. The main girl, who got quickly attached and even felt jealousy when the mc started paying attention to other girls?

I actually liked Ully and her punishments, but if you go over after the sex scene and ask for a bj, she seems to have forgotten she enjoys your company and pretends to hate you again. I hate to say it, but the characters, which was the initial DRIVE that motivated me to regularly check for updates are either very inconsistent or lacking in depth. The dialogue does suffer from translation issues. This needs an editor. Some animations feel rigid, like plastic robots trying to look like they’re giving a bj, but it looks completely unnatural. The newer ones are definitely better. I am not afraid to express my dislikes for a game, especially when they are abundant. However, this game is just nearly perfect in my eyes. First, is English and spelling. As a native English speaker, a few sentences were hard to read, but overall the English is good enough to understand the story and whatever is happening in that specific scene. If the dev ever gets a proofreader, then it will make the game even better. There is a bit of a grind in the game (soldiers, weapons, and money), but it is not that bad. I’ve played other games that were grind-heavy which ruined the fun, but I didn’t get that feeling while playing this game. To conclude, these are all MY OPINIONS, and some may or may not agree with what I’ve said and that’s ok. But hopefully, anything I say will pique the interest of some players to the game and enjoy it as much as I have. Riders Republic PS5


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