Leap of Faith Free Download


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Leap of Faith Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Having spent 2 years wondering why your girlfriend left your seemingly perfect relationship out of the blue, you finally decide to move forward. And while you’re opening your eyes to the world, it seems to be opening it’s eyes to you as well. Before long you’ve connected with 6 different girls, all with their own stories to tell. From that girl you save from a horrible fate, to the superstar pop singer – even the returning ex. girlfriend. This is the story about your journey together. Which, through choices and opportunities, will lead you down a path you never could have imagined. The first seven Chapters of Leap of Faith consists of 10.100 static renders and over 67.000 animated frames full HD – 1920×1080 resoultion, with about 56.000 lines of source and dialogue, using RenPy as engine, accompanied by a fully licensed soundtrack with 170 songs. In addition to the normal VN choice menus, you will have to interract with your phone as a tool to explore opportunities, or even discover them. Leap of Faith does not offer you every experience in it by advancing through dialogue alone.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Leap of Faith Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Leap of Faith Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Quite a while ago, the first time I knew about this game and all the praise it generated, it was still in the middle of its production, so I decided to wait for it to be complete before giving it a go. I do not enjoy playing this kind of narrative games before they are complete. The reason behind this is that I find it extremely difficult to cope with the waiting for newer chapters/episodes. I first learnt this trait of mine when I decided to play BaDIK when only its first 6 chapters were out. Therefore I avoid playing VNs with stories still to unfold. Now that the story is complete, I have been playing the game for some 10 days or so. I only stopped playing few days ago. So far, I have only completed my first playthrough (Cece’s route). Then, a bit later, I quit playing midway my second playthrough, just after completing chapter 4 on Lexi’s route. Simply put, I like Cece too much and feeling her disappointment when she runs into you on your way looking for Lexi (when we know that at that very precise moment, Cece was looking for the MC to have some time alone with him) hit me hard.


I read that the last thing we see of Cece on every other LI’s route is she leaving on a bus. Well, that was enough for me to stop playing. My impressions on the game are based mainly on my first playthrough (Cece’s route), obviously. Since I loved her character so much, I took good care of not missing any of her options, with the help of the report that you can read at the end of every chapter about how your relationship with every one of the love interests is going. In general, I loved the game. It is very good all-around. The characters, the storytelling (not to mention all the story around Cece, which is very touching), the songs, the animated scenes… Also, the girls are beautiful and look unique.  The first moment that I did not like so much was when the MC goes to see Steph and she finally tells him why she left to disappear completely from his life. I am no expert in counter terrorism, but everything around her personal story and background felt a bit far-fetched and difficult to believe. Also, I have a difficult time figuring out how someone like her, older than the MC, did not raise suspicions as the new student at the school where Linda, Chris and the MC were studying.Lord King UNCENSORED

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Leap of Faith Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

And yet, by that time she was still too young to be the leading agent on an investigation of such delicate nature. At least, that is how I feel about it. I really would have liked to see Christine, the MC’s stepsister, more, let alone I feel it would have been awesome if she had been another romantic match for Chris. The MC’s father role and importance in the story is a bit underwhelming as well. And what about the old man who addresses the MC at the park at the beginning of chapter 8? Or Matt, the jerky former friend of Linda’s? At the end of the fourth chapter, right after the MC has sex with the chosen LI for the first time, some of these characters are shortly introduced and the player (at least that was my case) gets the impression that they are going to play an important role in the chapters to come. But that simply does not happen. I get the impression that Drifty simply decided to cut content from the game for whatever reasons he could have. Lastly, the game may feel a little bit oversweet at times. For example, Lexi’s final concert scene feels a bit over the top in that sense.

Oral Sex Sceen.

Although this is not something that bothers me much, truth be told. The game does a fantastic job presenting these very nice people and trying to make you feel nice as well. But all in all, the positive aspects of the game heavily outweigh the not so brilliant ones and Leap of Faith holds a very special place in my heart. At the end of Cece’s route, we can see her pregnant (if you make the right choice when you have sex with her at the end of chapter 4) at our side. She still has to fight to overcome her struggles and it is probable that she will have to do so all her life. But it is obvious that she is doing fine enough and we get the feeling that she will be able to have the happy life she deserves with her man and her offspring. Leap of Faith is a light hearted game chronicling the MC and a bunch of gorgeous girls who have a zany summer adventure about friendship, love, sex, depression, hardship and suicide. If that sounds like a curious mix , well, it is. The game struggles trying to fit all those themes in a single package, but what it lacks in story it makes up for in heart – and excellent production values. First and foremost, the game excels at fun.Return to Monkey Island

Leap of Faith Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Leap of Faith Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The characters (including the MC) are extremely engaging. We get to know them all well enough to anticipate their off-beat humor, and watching them bounce off each other is a blast. Combine that with character models, slick animations, hot sex scenes, and an excellent soundtrack and you have a strong foundation. What’s remarkable about Leap of Faith is what it builds on that foundation. Rather than focus on the sex, or even on the story, LoF focuses on the feels. All those lovable characters have problems – sometimes serious ones – and those problems can manifest in surprisingly hard-hitting ways. Fortunately the game never crosses into outright tragedy, but it certainly toes the line. Having hooked us on these characters, LoF knows just how to make us worry about them. We cry at their lows, rejoice at their highs, and despair when the worst could happen. The end result is often fun, occasionally uplifting, and extremely memorable. There’s a lot to love here. The price of that experience, however, is the story. While it starts off strong, the story is quickly overwhelmed by the multitude of player choices and the need to explore the vulnerabilities of its cast.


By the final chapter, the game is clearly struggling to incorporate all the possible permutations of a given path (Kira and Robin in particular suffer from this), which can result in a very confusing narrative. The resolution to some problems can also feel rushed; it helps maintain the lighthearted feel, but it doesn’t always make sense and it undercuts the power of those resolutions a bit. Still, those weaknesses need to be weighed against the game’s strengths, and Leap of Faith’s commitment to exploring the ups and downs of its cast makes for a real strength. I definitely recommend the game – but maybe think of it more as a visual poem than a visual novel. My one gripe about this though is that I prefer harem works and I respect when the author isn’t writing in that direction, but… Leap of Faith is somewhat jarring in this regard. In the first half of the story you’re having sex with half the girls and heavily flirting with the rest, openly in front of eachother. It feels like it’s going in a very harem direction. Then you very abruptly have to choose a single girl (or a couple) and that dictates the rest of the game.

And it’s not exactly like the story heavily branches at that point, but instead you go through roughly the same story… you’ll still go through all the scenes with all the girls (rather than them leaving the story once they’re rejected), but you’ll only get the sex scenes (instead of the ongoing heavy flirting) with the one girl you chose. This makes replayability a drag since basically you’re just doing the same thing over and over, just with the sex scenes of each different girl you choose. And of course there are no harem scenes.First time I saw her, I already took a liking to her model. What’s not to like? But ofc that’s not enough. And oh man once we got to know who Cece is, I’m not ashamed to say that I fell hard for a fictional character. And the fact that she’s struggling with depression resonates with me more, as someone who knows what that feels like. So I immediately bonded with her. Reminds me of that meme, “I’ve only known Cece for less than a day, but if anything bad happens to her, I will kill myself”, or something like that. Yeah anyway I don’t need to explain why Cece is such an amazing character.

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Leap of Faith Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

You know she is. But not only her, I care for everyone on the group. I cried when Lexi told MC that she’s afraid of ending up alone without ever experiencing what real love is. When Steph told us what happened and what she had to endure and seeing the love of her life already moved on (if you don’t choose Steph’s path), when Linda never got her prince charming. They’re not exactly “world is ending” kind of problems, they’re just your typical kind of everyday problems. That’s why they feel so real and makes it so much easier to build a connection with all of them. My only complaint about the game is that there’s no harem option. I know I know that it wouldn’t make sense, yada yada. But it breaks my heart to see that we can only choose one while the others have to move on. That just sucks to me. I’ve blabbered long enough, time to put an end to it. I guess I’m just trying to say thank you for this wonderful game and I will always remember and cherish this game for all my life. Now do excuse me while I replay Cece’s path for the 999th time.Unrailed

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