Later Alligator Free Download


Later Alligator Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Later Alligator drops you into a version of New York City populated entirely by alligators and tasks you with getting to know several of its wacky inhabitants. This is done by exploring the city’s various districts in point and click fashion and engaging each alligator in a short conversation, usually followed by them challenging you in a short minigame.

While its premise is rather basic, this framework is used to present you with a bunch of far from normal dialogue, ranging from decently witty quips to genuinely absurd stories. Similarly, there’s an overarching narrative, which s sat of by Pat the alligator, who tasks you with figuring out what his family is planning to do to him. Said narrative comes up from time to time to break up the regular gameplay loop, with you consulting Pat about your progress and helping him out in some more minigames. Overall, the story being told is rather uneventful, though fittingly silly and even features a twist on the expected ending, encouraging additional playthroughs to get the full picture, which I found to work quite well.

Difficulty-wise, Later Alligator falls very much on the easy side, with its mini-games being the only really challenging aspect of the game. Said mini games are decently varied and for the most part enjoyable, while rarely posing a real challenge. I will however point out that one mini game in particular is repeated three times, which wouldn’t be so bad, if it wasn’t also completely luck based.

Beyond this, you’re given a time limit, with travel as well as the mini games advancing the clock towards the Pat consultations as well as the eventual end of the day. However, this doesn’t act as an additional challenge, merely interrupting you in regular intervals and starting the day over in an infinite loop. To properly beat Later Alligator, you’ll have to interact with and beat every alligator at their mini game, which unlocks the game’s proper ending. Aside from this, there are also a bunch of puzzle pieces scattered throughout the city you’re exploring, acting as additional collectibles. Out of the Park Baseball 26

All of this is presented in a genuinely charming hand-drawn art style, featuring a lot of well-executed animations. While the game’s graphical style may seem bland due to its desaturated colours, I eventually found it quite fitting, being a good counterbalance for the wacky world. While the sound design is rather basic, I also found the soundtrack of Later Alligator to be quite good, featuring catchy tunes well-suited for the situations they’re used in.


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