Kingdom Rush Tower Defense Free Download


Kingdom Rush Tower Defense Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Kingdom Rush Tower Defense Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Kingdom Rush from Armor Games takes the increasingly stale tower defense genre and infuses it with some much-needed wit and good old-fashioned polish. The core experience is familiar – waves of enemies follow a pre-set path, and must be taken out by towers players purchase and place. The twist is that players can place “Barracks” towers that send footmen onto the field that will battle and slow down enemy creeps. By placing enemy-blocking barracks next to high-powered towers, players can turn the tide in their favor. Although Kingdom Rush only contains four base tower types, each can be upgraded down two separate paths, and can then be customized even further with special abilities. This gives players a surprising amount of versatility, and pays off for those that plan ahead. For example, the mage tower upgrades into the armor-weakening Sorcerer or the enemy-teleporting Arcane. The former is useful at the beginning of the enemy’s path, the latter at the very end. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Kingdom Rush Tower Defense Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Kingdom Rush Tower Defense Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Kingdom Rush is one of the best tower defense experiences I’ve had on a mobile device. Each stage is perfectly balanced to present a very stiff challenge while never feeling unfair. Packs of smaller enemies slip by you? Use more artillery. Flying enemies trip you up? Next time try more archers. It’s a game that teaches you how to win, one level at a time It certainly helps that the entire thing looks and sounds fantastic. The detailed and stylish cartoony visuals set a distinct “fantasy-comedy” tone, reinforced by the game’s sparse but spot-on voice acting. Every tower spouts one-liners when upgraded, leading to plenty of opportunities for sly pop-culture references. Kingdom Rush is a criminally great package for just $2.99. After clearing the 12-mission campaign, players can return to each stage to complete special challenges, adding hours of replay. More importantly, Kingdom Rush is a game unafraid to ask “why not?” Proper boss battles? Secrets and Easter Eggs? 50+ achievements? A robust upgrades system?

Command your soldiers

Kingdom Rush manages to have it all, while still maintaining a high-quality core of polished and well-balanced tower defense action. Mobile games, often repetitive by nature, can be hit or miss on PC and consoles. Kingdom Rush, like its first sequel Kingdom Rush Frontiers, is a major hit on the Switch. This simple tower defence game is a surprising gem packed with nonstop action and replayability. We’re on a mission to protect the kingdom from evil forces – and that’s about all you need to know about the plot. The cliche story is told through mission briefings and illustrated panels. As the tale breaches darker territory, levels get significantly more challenging. Thankfully, the difficulty level can be changed before each individual stage. Maps consist of roads, enemy spawns, and end-goals to protect. There are also spots for you to build four types of towers: Archers, Mages, Artillery, and Barracks. Barracks are different in that they stop enemies in their tracks controlling their pace Amnesia: Memories Switch 

Kingdom Rush Tower Defense Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Kingdom Rush Tower Defense Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

A strategic tool that the game is sure to remind you of in an optional tutorial. The other three towers deal varying amounts of damage at different ranges. Each enemy coming down the line has a different type of damage resistance; thankfully, an in-game encyclopedia can refresh your memory. Defeating enemies yields coins, which can be spent on towers, upgrades, and specializations. There are eight special tower classes to unlock, each of which can be extremely useful when placed strategically. For example, Archers can become rapid-fire Forest Rangers for high-traffic areas or Musketeer sharpshooters who pick off stragglers near the end-goal. Placing towers just so is half the battle in later stages and requires a lot of strategic forethought- especially when enemies can surprise you by paving new, unexpected paths! There is barely a dull moment; between placing and upgrading towers, you’ll also be summoning extra soldiers to slow down enemies – and meteors to smite them.

Over 61 different enemies

Both of these abilities have a cooldown and keep the pacing upbeat even in long levels. Plus, after unlocking Heroes, you’ll be moving a powerful soldier around the field to deal with especially pesky baddies. When there is the odd second to breathe, you’ll be able to appreciate the maps, which are filled with tiny animated and interactive features. Meantime, the music can feel repetitive after a long go at a hard level – and the little voiced reactions from soldiers can also get old quickly. Navigating this game is a snap using touch controls, which is to be expected since Kingdom Rush was originally designed for mobile play. However, using the Joy-Cons isn’t as much of a downside as one might think. Although scrolling around with the joysticks will slow down your reaction time in tense situations, it’s easy to pick up. Aiming meteors, reinforcements, Heroes, and barracks soldiers is fairly precise using this method, as well. After each level, you’ll earn up to three stars, which can be spent on permanent upgrades to your towers and cooldown abilities. ARCANIUM Rise of Akhan 

Kingdom Rush Tower Defense Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Kingdom Rush Tower Defense Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

These upgrades, which can increase damage or cut costs, are easy to re-allocate at any time. It’s perfect for players who like to try out new strategies in each level. Much like sequel Kingdom Rush Frontiers which hit the Switch earlier this year, Kingdom Rush is almost exactly like the mobile game. That’s not a bad thing – quite the contrary. Ever since it originally released, this series has been my go-to tablet zen game. Tower defence veterans and newcomers alike will certainly not be disappointed with this addition to their Switch library. The scenarios you play in Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time have unique board layouts and different groups of enemies that you’ll have to face. The scenario booklet will also tell you where to put each building site, which is where you’ll be able to place your towers throughout the scenario. During the main phase of each round, you’ll get to place towers and attack with them, pass towers to teammates to upgrade them, and activate your heroes (moving them and using their unique abilities).

Bring them to battle to face the hordes of evil!

You can do any of these actions during this phase and players can perform actions in any order. What you’re trying to do is use your damage tiles (the polyominoes) and your heroes’ miniatures to cover the enemies on the horde cards before they make it to the exits. The towers show which directions and how far they can shoot. You start out with just a few Level 1 towers that have restrictive placement rules for their damage tiles, but the higher level towers give you more flexibility. After the main phase is over, any horde cards that were destroyed are removed from the board and your team will get coins to use later on for new towers. Then the surviving hordes will advance toward the exits. Horde cards don’t move when they have soldiers or heroes on them, but the soldiers are removed and the heroes take one point of damage. When a hero runs out of health, they’re knocked out and won’t be able to do any actions the next round.

Kingdom Rush Tower Defense Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Kingdom Rush Tower Defense Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

After the hordes have done their thing, anyone that had one or more tower cards passed to them during the main phase will upgrade those towers to the next level. You’ll also pick up any towers that you used during the round and optionally buy new towers with coins. Then a new round begins with more hordes coming onto the map. Some enemies have their own special abilities. Some heal, some deal damage after they move, and others make their hordes move faster. You’ll often be trying to come up with ways to cover the most threatening enemies on a card if you’re not going to be able to cover all of the enemies that round. Every time a horde card makes it to the exit, you’ll lose hearts based on the number of uncovered enemies. Your main focus in most scenarios is destroying the purple portals. They have enemies on them just like the horde cards, but they have special rules. Each portal will have a tower level written on it, which is the lowest level tower that you can use to attack it.

Also, towers that were used to attack portals are returned to the supply, not to your hand like your other towers. If any portal makes it to the exit tile, you’ll immediately lose. You’ll win if you’re able to complete the scenarios objective. You’ll lose if the kingdom loses all of its hearts or if a portal is able to make it to the exit tile. Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time is a unique board game design, which is something that is pretty tough to pull off these days. It has the classic tower defense feel, but you’re actually defending your kingdom with the towers you build rather than simply defending a tower. Also, you get to do actions with both your hero and the towers that you control. I’ve never played a board game like this. All of the scenarios have different types of puzzles to work out. The map layouts are different, you get different types of enemies, and there are usually a bunch of special rules to keep the game feeling fresh as you play through the campaign. Plus, there’s even a replayable scenario that has a variable setup. ARK: Survival Evolved

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