Kill a Million Rats Free Download


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This is a little unfortunate, but this game is among the first Nerdook games I don’t recommend. I think KAMR has some neat ideas, but ultimately hasn’t been a lot of fun for me. Kill A Million Rats is a mashup of roguelike “survivor” games (think Vampire Survivors) with some base-building mechanics thrown in. At its core, the idea is pretty interesting – you both need to manage the village’s needs with building defenses, and you can upgrade your own abilities as the game goes on too. The description says it’s also a turn-based strategy, but I disagree, and I’ll explain why below. The core problem for me is that the actual gameplay is pretty dull. For starters, the combat pace is relatively slow. Your character automatically shoots their abilities at nearby rats, but the fire rate is relatively low and the enemies aren’t generally that fast. Many enemies can soak up a goofy amount of damage late game. Persona 5: Strikers Switch NSP

Every few seconds during combat, the game pauses so you can pick a skill card, which gives you a choice of your abilities to use at random. While this is an interesting idea, it totally kills combat pacing as you now have to read through your choices to pick the strongest one. It’s slow and I’d almost rather just have a random ability picked instead. The two loss conditions are losing all your villagers, losing the main village structure, or having the player take too much damage (which causes you to lose villagers). One of the annoying things is that the graphics are quite noisy during fights – it can be hard to tell which projectiles are ones that can hit you, and which ones will only hurt villagers and buildings.

Your first run will almost certainly be a loss, and the next ones will probably be too. There’s a large (and literal) skill tree of metaprogression elements, meaning you’re not playing the “real game” until you’ve done a bunch of runs to unlock all of the bonuses and new building types. 2.5hrs of gameplay didn’t even get me close to a quarter of them, and some of them are objective improvements.

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