Keep Driving Free Download


Keep Driving  Download GAMESPACK.NET

A fun and unique roguelite. Everything in the game is very authentic to it’s inspiration of an early 2000s road trip. You end up travelling with a wide variety of hitchkikers. You find food, rest, and resources however you can. You plan each day as it comes. And you learn a lot about yourself and the world as you Keep Driving. I found it relaxing most of the time, but of course, there are unexpected struggles that keep you on your toes here and there. Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen Switch NSP

While the “combat” (a symbol matching game with a bunch of abilities that affect different strings of symbols) is nothing crazy, it’s simplicity lends to the chill atmosphere and open-ended nature of the game. I particularly enjoy how the hitchhikers influence how you play each run — from setting objectives, to providing unique skills and passives (both in-combat and out-), some of which include interesting down-sides that entice you out of your comfort zone.

My first run in the full game was 3 hours long, and I expect most of my runs to be around that length, maybe a little shorter. I’ll get more efficient, but I’ll also go further/longer in some of my future runs. It kinda depends on the ending that you go for. It’s hard to tell how many runs I’ll end up doing in total, but at least 5 more seems necessary in order to see most (not all) of the endings/content. So the game should easily entertain me for 15+ hours. And I’m sure completionists could get 2-3 times as many runs out of the game.

Man where to start, this game feels oddly nostalgic for me as a kid I was a big fan of road trips. I remember my parents along with my siblings would go from the city where we lived to my village which was like 5-7 hours drive away to meet the extended family. This was a time of early 2000s we would listen to the radio to songs or the cassettes we had playing them backwards for additional tracks. At the same time the serene beauty that surrounded us in the background up in the tall mountains with zig-zagging roads at every corner. We didn’t had tunnels back then nor the vastly improved infrastructure like we do now, I feel as if this game completely captures that moment. Although we didn’t pick up any hitchhikers along the way, I mean we were already packed in the car a total of 5 people.


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