IN SEARCH OF YOU Free Download GAMESPACK.NET The subtitels are bad and each girl has some instances where subs are missing. The worst is Lillys entire first chapter is not subbed at all. Also the phone is never subbed which is a big deal as its used in the end of 5 of 6 girls. I recommend making screenshoots and use online OCR to figure out whats going on. The video quality is not the best. It gets a bit better after the prologue but it stays meh. The endings are not fullfilling. For 5 of the 6 girls you get a conversation on the phone. There are 3 diffrent ones 1 for all happy endings, 1 for all friend zone endings and 1 for all bad endings and then you get a screen which tells you your ending. No steam achievements. The game has ingame achievements though.  The storyboard is only accessable via the main menue which is weird. But each girls has her own storyboard which is great. In the prolgue you choose 1 of the 6 girls (one is unlockable) and then you have only interactions with that girl for all 3 chapters. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

While the locations are always the same: chapter 1 night club, chapter 2 yacht and chapter 3 your home you can still do some diffrent activitys based on your choices although a lot overlap this does not take away from it feeling diffrent with each girl. A single playthrough with a girl takes about 1 hour but you need to do at least 6 playthroughs to experience the companionship of all 6 girls so i feel the playtime is ok for its price as the game is cheap. You can ofc get some more playtime out of it by doing diffrent choices with the girls (which you can do via storyboard if you want to) or hunting the missing endings (each girl has 3) but i think ending hunting is not as fullfilling as in other games as 5 out of 6 girls do not have ending cutscenes. I can recommend this game to hardcore FMV fans just keep its issues in mind. I really hope the developers are going to fix the missing english subtitles as its the games biggest drawback. As it stands there are better romance FMV games out there but if you are in need of more FMV games like myself you can grab this one and get your moneys worth. OLD SCHOOL RALLY


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