Guns of Fury Free Download


Guns of Fury Download GAMESPACK.NET

metal slug the metroidvania. if that’s what youre looking for, this is a good fit. overall the game is pretty fun, has good controls, and beautiful sprite work. Its not perfect, like you never feel like you have enough money, and the back tracking is a bit tedious since there’s a thousand enemies that always respawn – gets a little better as your weapons level up (but money slows this down). Bosses are pretty cool. Over all B+ from me. Metal Slug inspired metroidvania. SNES style control scheme using dpad (stick is available as well) and face buttons for actions. It’s easy in comparison to the dark souls MV trend but I enjoyed the exploring and all the different weapons. It needs a quick cycle through alternate weapons and it’s sometimes hard to differentiate some of the set pieces as to whether they absorb bullets or pass through. Great value and a lot of fun! Panelka

Guns of Fury surprised me with its sudden appearance at the top of new & trending, as I had not heard of it before it launched, but the prospect of a Metal Slug Metroidvania was promising, especially if its scored by Dominic Ninmark, whose work I am familiar with from Blazing Chrome. As of this writing I have not finished the game yet, but I’ve enjoyed my time with GoF so far. I couldn’t help but be reminded of Mercenary Kings, or rather, of the game that Mercenary Kings tried to be and failed almost utterly. Guns of Fury isn’t quite that game either, but it plays much better- though it STILL doesn’t let you aim diagonally, the weapon balance, movement and difficulty are all vastly improved by comparison.

Guns of Fury also avoids the cardinal sin committed by many indie metroidvanias by not playing games with the health system- you can take a couple of good hits from enemies and bosses, you can find health expansions and you can carry food items to heal mid-combat, Igavania style. There’s no reason for any metroidvania to limit you to three hits or whatever such nonsense. Looking at you Rebel Transmute. This is is one of the least painful experiences I’ve had playing a game that favors a controller in recent memory. I heartily recommend it if you enjoy run-and-gun games or Metroidvanias.


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