Guns Gore and Cannoli 2 Switch NSP Free Download


Guns Gore and Cannoli 2 Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Guns Gore and Cannoli 2 Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET The first Guns, Gore & Cannoli blasted its way onto the Nintendo Switch in December of last year, and although the run ‘n’ gun, zombie apocalyptic title was met with a mostly fair reception by fans and critics alike, there was inarguably room for improvement. Now, Crazy Monkey Studios brings the second iteration to Nintendo’s hybrid console, but has the developer done enough to get fans new and old to dive in once again? 15 years have passed since the foul-mouthed gangsta Vinnie Cannoli survived the Thugtown Massacre. For those who played through the first game, you’ll be happy to know that Guns, Gore & Cannoli 2 sheds light on what really happened during the very end of the first title. New to the ‘Cannoli franchise? Don’t fret, there are some informative splash screens to catch you up. Helped by some beautifully animated cut scenes, you’re quickly thrown into the action and are instantly dismembering the first couple of foes with a rusty chainsaw, which not only sets the gruesome scene for what’s to come in the next four-or-so hours, but also swiftly highlights that the vast improvements have indeed been implemented and every single one of them works a treat. Not too dissimilar to the likes of 2D run ‘n’ gun platformers such as Metal Slug and Robocop – those fond memories of being at the arcade really do die hard.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Guns Gore and Cannoli 2 Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Guns Gore and Cannoli 2 Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

it’s a case of moving Vinnie with the left stick, aiming with the right, while the right trigger is mapped for firing your weapon of choice. While on the topic of firearms, there’s a beefy number of guns to choose from. Blast the enemy into smithereens and the bad guys drop their weapon for you to swipe, and with each having noticeable characteristics that can change the course of play, we found ourselves quickly becoming accustomed to switching from dual pistols to rocket launchers. You see, on the surface, this video game can easily be passed off as a mindless, violent, blood-drenched 2D platformer. Dig a little deeper, however, and you’re greeted with a game that constantly requires a surprising amount of strategy and platforming finesse. One section has us sprinting through a D-Day-esque beach while homing missiles are honing in towards little Vinnie, coupled with a horde of Nazis that cleverly duck, jump and navigate atop and below cover to send to us to an early grave. Carefully utilising our full inventory of weapons – that can now be selected via a nifty pop-up wheel – and quickly taking advantage of the many obstacles in our path (while admittedly exercising an element of luck) we soon turned the bad guys to dust. It’s a satisfying affair and something that rarely grows tiresome. Unlike the first game, you finally now have the ability to aim in a full 360 radius; a feature undoubtedly greeted with open arms by fans.

Campaign mode.

Navigating Vinnie around the intricately detailed, comic/cartoon style stages is now made easier all thanks to double jumps, mid-air somersaults and dodge rolls being included. Having these new moves doesn’t necessarily make the game easier, but it does help to make things feel more fluid and it’s immediately noticeable from the start; it’s a good idea to use them effectively in order to survive. Stopping things from getting over-familiar too quickly is the combat and level design. Don’t expect complex puzzles that require ample amounts of brainpower, but do expect a well-balanced and tasteful amount of straightforward platforming – albeit not much of it. We would like to see more of the end-game platforming sections as these impressed us far more than any of the previous three hours did. This isn’t to say that we don’t appreciate the rest of the content on offer – there are some fantastic set pieces to traverse – but more of the really good stuff next time, please. The artistic team have done a stellar job of creating a deeper, richer and more vibrant world that’s bursting with charm and noir pizzazz that becomes undeniably memorable. From the crisp forefront greenery to the dingy (and creepy) underground network of tunnels that are filled with the groaning undead, giant acid-spitting rats and all other manner of zany characters makes for some truly impressive visuals. Having the ability to blow up huge walls, theatre screens and other large scaling buildings is a real pleasure and.Guns Gore and Cannoli 1 Switch NSP

Guns Gore and Cannoli 2 Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Guns Gore and Cannoli 2 Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

if triggered at the right time, gives you the upper hand when facing large groups of the opposition. Guns, Gore & Cannoli 2 succeeds at creating an unanticipated atmospheric experience that, strangely, becomes more believable as you progress. Although dialogue between characters is short-lived, the small but witty cast leaves us wanting more screen time for each and every one of them. The mixed bag of bad guys you encounter throughout changes up at just the right times – the different factions battling it out is brilliantly executed – and with the A.I. choosing to try and end Vinnie in multiple ways, things are kept fresh and engaging until the very end. If you’re like us and are a fan of having a trusty friend to join in on the fun, there’s a local hop-in, hop-out feature allowing for up to four players to battle through the campaign. What sounds workable in theory, doesn’t translate too well in practice, unfortunately. Sure, it’s entertaining enough to fill the screen to the brim with body parts, bullets and tasty Cannoli, but the action gets dazzlingly hectic. We find having two gangster’s trawling through the stages to be more than enough (and it works great in tabletop mode, too) with one player effectively holding back and firing at the enemies from afar – or grabbing shared health – and the other going in all guns blazing resulting in play-throughs becoming far more tactical. The first game, Guns, Gore & Cannoli, received a relatively warm reception across its release platforms. Its sequel, Guns, Gore & Cannoli 2, follows closely in its predecessor’s footsteps, but is it the superior title?

Rich environments.

Well, if you enjoyed the first game, there’s every reason that you’re going to enjoy this. That said, this is still very much the daft fest that it always has been, and although that’s bound to please fans of the series, the sequel doesn’t do quite enough to stand out as both unique and compelling. Fun indeed, but hardly revolutionary. Guns, Gore & Cannoli 2’s campaign takes place after the first game and sees the story of Vinnie Cannoli taking a somewhat personal turn. Players new to the series can indeed slot into the campaign without needing to know much about the first outing, thanks largely to some sliding screens that fill in the gaps and story beats. That being said, you can play the entirety of Guns, Gore & Cannoli 2 without taking much notice of the plot, because if anything, really, it’s the gameplay that shines through as the most engaging aspect within. Nevertheless, the game is based fifteen years post-Thugtown Massacre and it’s clear that some loose ends need tying up. Once the premise is out of the way, you’re instantly thrown into the thick of it and from here, you’ll be battling for survival against all manners of enemies. There’s gangsters, cops, German troops, zombies, mutated rats and even some obscure looking creatures standing between you and your goal to exact revenge. It’s a silly, forgettable plot at best, but one that sits nicely inline with the theme and mood of the trek. In regards to the game’s length, I was able to mow through the entire campaign in little under three hours.Lost Castle

Guns Gore and Cannoli 2 Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Guns Gore and Cannoli 2 Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Though, there’s some replay value to be had thanks to the game’s altering difficulties, as well as its co-op and online functionality. I played on the game’s easiest difficulty and still found quite a bit of challenge throughout. When switching it up to the higher difficulty, I have to admit, I felt way out of my depth. That’s not a negativity, on the contrary, I have the commend Guns, Gore & Cannoli 2 for its difficulty variation here. Whether you’re dipping your toes in for the first time or are somewhat of a veteran, Guns, Gore & Cannoli 2 has you covered. The game is a 2D side-scrolling platform shooter. Taking on the role of the aforementioned Vinnie, you’ll start each level on the left and will need to make it to the far right, blasting anything that stands between you and that exit point. The controls are fluid, precise and easy to adapt to, lending the game a good degree of accessibility as a result. Even I managed to slot right in with little to no trouble whatsoever. Whether you’re running, jumping, gunning or a mixture of all three, the game responds as it should. The crux of play typically consists of blasting countless variants of foes, occasionally interacting with the environment, and then moving onto the next level. There’s a small handful of boss fights to contend with, but I felt that these encounters lacked imagination and depth – more on that shortly. The game does a good job at feeding you into the experience at hand as well as serving up plenty of weaponry at a fair pace to keep it fresh. Vinnie’s arsenal grows quite rapidly, ranging from a baseball bat, a chainsaw and dual pistols, right up to the tommy gun.

Immersive world and period.

The grenade launcher, a rocket launcher, and more. Outside of this, players can also utilize environmental objects and structures to bring even more carnage into the fields of play. See a German troop in a watchtower? Shoot the overlaying bell to crush his ass in an instant. See a hanging vent over a mob of zombies? Blast it down to create a bloody puddle. There’s plenty of things to get creative with. I suspect this becomes much more fun when playing alongside up to three other gamers, but due to playing the game prior to release, I was unable to test out online functionality. I can say, however, that there’s a total of four characters to play as, each of which sporting their own design and presentation. Touching up on variety, I have to commend the game for its diverse levels and environments. Vinnie and crew are taken through a range of differing locations throughout the campaign, all of which are well detailed and well executed. Specifically, I enjoyed seeing the level design for each new location. Whether I was situated in Thugtown, storming bunkers or kicking ass in the trenches, the game never failed to impress me on the visual front. Guns, Gore & Cannoli 2 remains stunning throughout, which can also be said about the game’s fun animated cutscenes and solid audio design. The voice acting can be a little bit hit and miss, but again, as alluded to above, the story or those that uphold it, don’t really collectively shine as brightly as Guns, Gore & Cannoli 2’s gameplay.

When all is said and done, Guns, Gore & Cannoli 2 is a passable sequel. It would have been nice to see more innovation and depth, but I’ll reiterate, this is more of the same rather than an evolution of the first journey – make of that what you will. If you enjoyed ploughing through hordes of enemies, leaving nothing but blood and guts in your path, you’re going to get on with this game just fine. If, however, you were expecting more than some additional refinements upon the first outing, you might be left somewhat disappointed as a result. Vinnie’s back, back again, and this time he has discovered that it is now possible to aim diagonally. Guns Gore and Cannoli 2 is a painfully by the numbers sequel. Did the world really need to know about the further exploits of Vinnie Cannoli? That’s not a rhetorical question, as the answer is no. However, despite not needing a sequel, the developers have learnt from the more apparent faults of the first game and have rectified them for this sequel. The most noticeable upgrade found in the sequel is the vastly superior gunplay. You can now free aim using the right analogue stick, whilst a little finicky – especially with fixed weapons – it improves the game immensely making it much more responsive. Although, as a result, the game does seem to be more difficult, even on lower difficulty levels, with the bosses representing significant difficulty spikes. This is partly alleviated by the new ability to roll and crucially double jump (how Vinnie can do the latter though is a mystery).

Guns Gore and Cannoli 2 Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Guns Gore and Cannoli 2 Switch NSP Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Visually the sequel is a subtle improvement and maintains the surprisingly distinctive art style found in the original. Whereas the first game spent an inordinate amount of time in the abandoned buildings of Thugtown (still the most unoriginal place name) the sequel does attempt to introduce some variety to the scenery. The original game had very little in the way of story and this time there is an attempt at building upon the almost non-existent remains that came before. In short, the previous game saw Vinnie trying to escape Thugtown after a zombie outbreak. This time around mysterious forces are trying to get Vinnie, and in trying to discover why sees him return to Thugtown, only to discover that the answer to who is behind this can be found in Europe. Zombies once again feature but are no longer the main enemy. In keeping with the games setting now taking place a couple of decades later during WW2, the unimaginative decision of replacing a worn-out enemy is to introduce, that’s right, Nazis… Whilst the game does manage to successfully integrate Nazis into its barebones plot the whole tone is questionable. The Nazis aren’t positioned as the “bad guys” and instead merely a tool for the mysterious Dark Don. The use of the D-Day landings as a narrative device to get to the Dark Don’s lair is questionable and to make matter worse is Vinnie’s continuous use of the phrase “I’m gonna make America great again”. The poor Italian-American clichés might have been reduced – but still appear too often – only to have been replaced by even more terrible ex-wife “jokes”; and these are constant.King’s Bounty II

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