Guns And Draguns Direct Download


Guns And Draguns Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Guns And Draguns Free Download GAMESPACK.NET I’ve played dungeons & dragons for over a decade and I was really hoping for a good D&D game. I’ve seen a lot of complaints about bugs but the only one I’ve experienced is every time you finish an Act it boots the entire party back to the main menu. Other than that the game is amazing. The music is good the voice acting is amazing the gameplay is fun in the sense that there is no animation cancelling you commit to the attack at the risk of getting hit while in the animation. All these people hating on the game are like it’s “clunky” really? Let me see you swing a 30 pound hammer and cancel the attack in real life. Stop comparing every game to another game. It would be mind numbingly boring to be able to swing your weapon non stop with no repercussions. These people aren’t taking advantage of the block, parry and dodge capabilities. You can roll in multiple directions to avoid attacks your stamina bar is easy to maintain and your health bar does seem pretty weak in the beginning but as you gain gear and abilities it’s much easier to manage with health potions, gear, abilities and feats (some increase max HP, stamina, decrease ultimate guage refill time etc). TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

I enjoy this game I’m not sure why others have rated it so low I guess they was expecting a typical game out of it the combat style is different and fun In my opinion. A lot of people probably bought the game because Ozzy Osbourne was singing in it which I did myself but that’s because I’m a huge Ozzy Osbourne and Black Sabbath fan. The game has many different new aspects to it that set it aside from other games the ability to switch characters is great the cosmetics are amazing looking and they can actually be used for combat not just looks like a lot of games. I haven’t ran into any bugs in my experience so far. The game is what it’s meant to be some are to judgmental about it I’m not sure, but the game is fun and like most games it takes a while to get new abilities and gear. And it’s got a home base which is fun not much to do but can gather other players there and team up easily for a better experience. So just give it a good shot, it’s different for a reason but it may not be your style, it is other players style just have fun with it. Hit of Chernobyl


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