Guild of Ascension Free Download


Guild of Ascension Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Guild of Ascension Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Welcome to the Tower, brave adventurer. It’s your happy task to ascend the Tower and claim all the rewards which await you. What? Dangers? Well, there may be a few, but you can handle it, right? Guild of Ascension combines turn-based RPG and rogue-lite elements with (if we’re being completely honest) a lightweight story element. While there is a well-laid-out backstory for the situation regarding the tower, the characters are more like old-school module NPCs. You get to play two characters, so there is an interesting dynamic when it comes to planning combat tactics. It has been a while since anyone attempted to ascend the tower, but the locals are hopeful you can get the job done. There is some help for you as you make your ascent—a guild grants “favors” (buffs to your stats and abilities), helps you upgrade your weapons, and so on. You are also allotted a sort of home base/campsite where you can rest and recover, eat (to regain HP), and use your XP to level up at the goddess statue. From here, you can head back into the tower or take a trip into town to shop at the locals’ stores. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Guild of Ascension Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Guild of Ascension Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

You only have access to charms at the start, then weapons, and later you can unlock kits and pets—all of which are there to help you survive the tower, of course. Gameplay is well suited to the Switch. The controls are fairly intuitive and not so involved that they might confound a new player. The visuals are good in handheld mode and when docked. The game could use a little help with the start-up screen, however; when I started up the game, there was a blank, black screen for just long enough to make me wonder if the game froze. Fortunately, I have not encountered any real glitches, it just takes a while for the game to boot up. The game tutorial is decent, but it could be a bit more thorough in teaching the player how to use the different attack modes (standard, special, and “taunt”). One feature that should really be covered better is the rest function. When it is your turn during combat, you can opt to “rest” (B button) to regain HP. The game plays out on a square-based grid, so your movements and attacks are limited by the cardinal directions. There are a couple of interesting upsides here.

Here you will fight against enemies

Before you start combat, the game gives you a view from above so you can see the area with opponents, and you have the option to change which member of your team goes first. Another point of interest is how the turns play out. In a standard turn-based game, you select an action and it plays out—your turn is done. In this game, your turn is allotted a certain amount of real-world time. During this time, you can do whatever you want: swing your sword to attack 3 times, turn and run away, then turn back to face the enemy. All this can be done one turn if you use your time wisely. This is one of the biggest differences between Guild of Ascension and other turn-based RPGs; you are free to use the time of your turn in a variety of ways, not locked into a “one swing and you’re done” mode of combat. Now, here is the caveat for all this freedom of action during combat; this game will allow you to do damage to your ally. That’s right, if you are taking the archer’s turn and accidentally point your arrows right at your other player character, you can hit your counterpart and deal damage. Don’t worry too much, your characters have a built-in “dodge” skill, so your shot may miss. Gamer Girls 18+ eSports SEX

Guild of Ascension Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Guild of Ascension Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

One skill which might compound this problem is called riposte, and it does just what it says—you get an automatic follow-up attack after your enemy takes a shot at you. If you happen to be facing away from your attacker and you are pointed at your ally, the riposte will activate and you will attack toward your ally. This is especially a concern with the archer; those arrows will travel all the way across the board. All this reinforces the pros and cons of your freedom of action. Make sure you use the time in your turn to do what you want to do, like attack and/or run away, but always be sure you allow yourself that last moment to get your player facing in the direction best suited to defend and follow-up. As for the nature of the gameplay, it is mostly like a standard dungeon crawl. You get a map which hints at the type of encounters you’ll face in each area you explore. There is not much by way of story or character development, but Guild of Ascension doesn’t need much to be fun. Even with the early level bosses, the game will throw some interesting twists to keep you on your toes.

Determination for such events depends on luck

As with most games, the early bosses are only a problem because you need to level up to improve your stats (like HP) and to get better weapons. For the genre, there are no grand surprises. Guild of Ascension is a blend of genres such as roguelite, turn-based, and real-time action, making for a gameplay system that is quite entertaining. To be honest, it is the type of game with a low profile. Not promising the earth but delivering some surprising gameplay, in a way that hooked me from the beginning. An experience which saw me dedicate many fun-filled hours to it. As eloquently explained by the studio founder and Marius’ and their own words describe: “Guild of Ascension started as a passion project when I got the idea to bring real-time action and turn-based strategy together. I quickly saw the potential to play around fresh and old gameplay mechanics, which motivated me to quit my job and start this new adventure. So far, so good! Mixing two opposite genres together was a long process but in the end, I feel that finding a good balance brings a new perspective and interesting challenges that you cannot easily find in another game – at least not one that I know of” Marius Ibanez. Garden Paws Switch NSP

Guild of Ascension Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Guild of Ascension Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Your adventure begins with a short but very well-developed tutorial, where you will be taught the combat mechanics. Provided with the opportunity to use two characters; ‘remember that two heads think better than one.’ Where the three classes of combat available to them will be: sword and shield, bow and hammer. The game is developed through different biomes, with each floor unlocked as you manage to finish the previous one. Where each run comprises of a floor. Experience and money are not cumulative, so must be spent before starting the next run. It is well known that due to the genre each floor presents a degree of randomness, in terms of the map’s content. However, this did not exactly tally with my experience. After several attempts, I came to the conclusion, that the set of possibilities were already predetermined in some manner. At least it seemed so. That no matter how the floor was tackled or in whichever order, the action was undertaken; enemies, rewards, and traps were pre-established within the game itself. Runs do not become easier with progress made. Obtaining better items alone will certainly not make the game easier either.

Basically puzzles where your skills are tested and if overcome, provide some reward.

Unsurprising as more floors are completed, the difficulty jumps with enemies receiving more hit-points or being able to inflict more damage. In turn, rewards become better. Yet it remained unclear as to what the total rewards obtained at the end of each run would be. Each map has different rooms of which only the adjacent ones will be visible, unless an item called “Magic Map” is found, which will automatically reveal the complete view of the map. Guild of Ascension presents a combat system which could be a little complicated to get used to at first, but this is what makes it a special and different kind of game. I would highly recommend playing the game with a controller, since it was not very comfortable with mouse and keyboard. Before every combat, you must choose which of your characters commences the battle. What position they occupy on the board cannot be chosen. Each character has certain abilities depending on the type of weapon they are equipped with. A bar must be filled in order to use these. Each character has dodge and health points, with the former used to avoid damage.

Guild of Ascension Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Guild of Ascension Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Once these are reduced to zero, damage will be directly assigned to a character’s HP. However, the advantage of dodge points is that they are rechargeable. Only taking one turn to achieve this. Keep in mind that the only limitation a character possesses during a turn is time. Otherwise, they can perform the desired actions in the order required to execute your strategy. Hopefully attaining the best results possible. As for the enemies they tend to be quite predictable since they seem to be programmed to be real “kamikazes”. As for the music and sounds, there is not much to say, as they are rather scarce. I think that at the very least the studio should have invested some more effort into producing better-defined sounds for combat. The graphics look pretty good throughout the scenarios, the representation of enemies and skills. Many colors are used to generate a very impressive visual experience for a casual game. Every detail is seemingly very well planned. It is important to note that the battles take place on a kind of chessboard, which holds puzzles that can be used to your advantage or that sometimes play against you.

Guild of Ascension is a tactical action RPG with rogue-lite elements that manages to put a unique spin on the formula by mixing action gameplay and turn-based combat. Yes, another video game with rogue-lite elements in a genre that feels like quite the runaway freight train… nothing will derail it. However, I have noticed interest in the rogue-lite genre starting to wane in some circles on the internet. That’s still not the case for me though. The concept of playing a game in short bursts, learning from mistakes and gradually upgrading per run still feels like the evolution of the arcade genre I loved when I was a sprog. So let’s dive into my first rogue-lite review of 2022 and see what makes Guild of Ascension quite the gaming gem. You play as two plucky warriors on a quest to challenge the Ascension Tower. A mysterious tower in the centre of town where adventures enter hoping to climb to the top to find epic loot and treasures. But the climb is not easy, on each floor of the tower monsters both small and large will make your climb that ever bit more arduous. But then nothing that’s truly worth having comes easy. Garry’s Mod

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