GRANDIA II HD Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Yes. With Skies of Arcadia, Grandia II rounded out the good Dreamcast JRPGs. On Dreamcast, it was the most gorgeous JRPG I had ever played until Final Fantasy X came out a year later. Characters, monsters, and towns were all crisp and vibrant. The battle system was the best I’d ever played. Rather than being strictly turn-based, there was an initiative track that characters and monsters continually proceeded down. About three-quarters down the track, actions were selected. Quick actions would then complete almost immediately, while spells and special abilities would take time to activate. Grandia 2 (like its predecessor) added one element to turn this neat idea into the grist for strategizing – a cancel attack. Use a cancel attack at the right time, and it sends someone’s initiative back to the start. However, that timing was sometimes slippery, and players and monsters could guess wrong and in essence flub their turn. So many battles relied on good guessing, good timing, and thinking a couple of steps ahead – or quick scrums in response to a monster spell too far gone to stop. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA).

The story was good. GameArts had hit its peak in terms of storytelling, with both the Lunar and Grandia series delivering multiple solid stories. Ryudo is a jaded sword-for-hire who ends up in over his head when a ritual led by Elena and other songstresses of Granas goes horribly wrong. I won’t spoil much, but I love the way the game depicts the dualistic religion around Granas and Valmar, the gods of light and darkness; the dualism between Elena and Millenia; the conflict between Ryudo and Melfice, and the development of the supporting characters like Roan. I started out annoyed at Ryudo, but he and the others really grew on me. The NPC dialogue is also the most developed I had seen up to that time – most NPCs respond multiple times with new dialogue. The witty banter adds a lot if you’re into that sort of thing.  ONE LAST BREATH


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