GRANDIA HD Remaster Free Download



GRANDIA HD Remaster Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Grandia, originally released for the Sega Saturn in Japan, and later ported to the Sony PlayStation seeing a North American release is considered to be one of the best JRPGs of the 5th generation. It was met with critical praise and is usually commended and remembered for its unique turn based battle system. As far as JRPGs go, especially to a casual audience, I feel that classic turn based JRPGs really do have to stand out from the competition to be liked, especially if you’ve played a few great ones before. Many classic JRPGs tend to have the same gameplay, and plot elements, and if the game doesn’t amaze you in some way with the graphics, story, character, music, gameplay or whatever, it can become more of a chore to finish than it is fun. For a casual audience, especially with the variety of choices available today the bar seems to be set high. I played Grandia 2 for the Dreamcast before this game, and ended up not enjoying it, mostly since it was a game that ultimately didn’t know what it wanted to be and had a silly plot about a pseudo-pope, and what seemed to have elements of a simple fetch quest though concurrently a somewhat non-sensical story. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)


The game’s graphics have been updated to support high-definition resolutions, making the game look much better than the original version.

Some of the main features of “GRANDIA HD Remaster” include:

      • Updated Graphics: The game features enhanced graphics, including higher resolution character models, improved textures, and updated visual effects.
      • Enhanced Audio: The game features remastered audio tracks, including a fully orchestrated soundtrack and new voice acting.
      • Improved Gameplay Mechanics: The game features several improvements to the original gameplay mechanics, including faster load times, improved battle system mechanics, and a new “Dash” feature that allows players to quickly traverse the game world.
      • Additional Content: The remastered version of the game includes new content, such as new side quests, additional story scenes, and a new dungeon.
      • Classic RPG Gameplay: “GRANDIA HD Remaster” retains the classic JRPG gameplay of the original game, including turn-based battles, character leveling and customization, and a deep story with memorable characters.

The game features updated translations and localization for English-speaking audiences, improving upon the original release’s sometimes-awkward phrasing and grammar.

By most accounts I heard that in terms of story, and characters that the original Grandia would be the better game. Grandia started kind of slowly, but it became enjoyable for its sense of adventure and exploration … did it manage to maintain this throughout the entire game and escape being generic? … not so much. (This review is based on the HD Remaster Steam release) You’d be forgiven for not immediately recognizing the Grandia series at first glance. This adventurous JRPG series is one of those that – for better or worse – never really found its footing with a wider audience, and though it had a strong start in the late ’90s, Grandia mostly fizzled out by the mid-2000s for a number of reasons. Despite its relative ‘failure’, Grandia has had a lot of influence on the JRPG genre in the years to follow, and it’s certainly acquired a passionate fanbase as time has passed. Indeed, that small, but vocal fanbase is probably the main reason why Grandia HD Collection has now been released for the Switch, collating the first two releases under one up-rezzed and prettied-up banner. Or, so it would seem. Though the two games included here are still enjoyable RPGs in their own right, Grandia HD Collection is, unfortunately, a game that embodies the concept of ‘cut corners’. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Ultimate Ninja STORM 2



Justin, our protagonist (something like a young teen), wants to be an adventurer, like his dad before him, and will do whatever he can to become one. When he inherits a magical stone, he and his younger friend, Sue, decide they want to find the long-lost Angelou civilization and discover its secrets. To do this they must cross the mythical stone wall at the End of the World. They set sail, from their hometown of Parm, and encounter Justin’s idol, a seasoned adventurer his age called Feena, who joins their party. Through a series of events, they encounter the evil Garlyle forces, under the command of General Baal, who also want to discover the secrets of the ancient civilization and use them for some malevolent purpose. Let’s get the additions (or lack thereof) of this re-release out of the way first. You’re given the option to utilize either English or Japanese audio for either game, both games have obviously received the HD treatment, and the various content differences (i.e. the PSX vs. Saturn versions of the first game) between the original multiplatform releases for both games have supposedly each been merged into one cohesive whole.

After completing the game, players can start a new game with their existing characters and items, making it easier to achieve different endings or explore content they may have missed.

Apart from these things, there aren’t any other notable additions to speak of, which comes as something of a disappointment. Unlike, say, the recent line of Final Fantasy re-releases, there’s no global quality of life features included to soften the occasionally creaky decades-old design of these classics. There’s no feature here to let you skip dialogue scenes or speed-up battles, no toggles to buff your team to overcome any difficulty spikes that may rear their heads during boss fights, and no save states to replace the dated save system. For all intents and purposes, Grandia HD Collection is essentially giving you the original, unaltered experience of these games, but now you can play them in widescreen. The first part of the game mainly involves exploration and adventure, occasionally running into and fighting the Garlyle forces, with more of the story slowly coming together. After they successfully cross the wall that separates one side of the world from the other, several team members eventually leave while others join the party. In a way this is kind of annoying since some of the characters are generic and hard to make any connection with and one of the more memorable characters leaves the party. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Ultimate Ninja STORM 4


The game’s audio has been enhanced, featuring remastered tracks and improved sound effects.

Towards the middle of the game there are so many tasks based on side stories that must be done, for various villages, for example, that it becomes quite tedious to go through it. It feels like fluff just added to extend the length of the story. It’s ultimately up to our heroes to stop General Baal’s evil scheme and save the day. Although this does seem to me to play it safe by not making a silly plot like in Grandia 2, it feels like the game ultimately became “generic” in the JRPG sense. I have to agree with other reviewers of the game in that the first half with Justin and company just exploring the world was better than the second half. I won’t post spoilers but will say that the ending, although happy, feels a bit sappy and generic, especially for an adult. This does seem to be a game that is targeted towards younger adolescents and children, more than the second game that tried to be more edgy, and appeal to a teenage audience with more mature themes. So, although in the plot I feel like it plays it safe, the story could have been cut down and made less generic. Items appear frenquently and even represent what they are on the field before picking them up. It is always very exciting to find a new item on the ground and then figure out a way to get to them.

The game features multiple endings based on choices made throughout the game, providing replay value for players who want to experience different outcomes.

NPCs are where this game really stand out. In Grandia very nearly every NPC has Multiple things to say and they change at what seems to be any small change in the plot. They also directly talk to certain characters in the party and even better, a good amount of the time a party member repsonds or reacts to what the NPCs say. I highly recommend taking the time to talk to NPCs as often as possible. Combat is basically turn based but with bars that need to fill before a character or enemy can act. In battle characters and enemies move about the screen, sometimes seemingly random, and stop when it is your turn to act. Actions can range from regular attacks, magic attacks, special attacks, critical attacks, defending, evading, using items and running away. There is a lot of complexity to combat, enemies have their own weaknesses and strengths and there is a good amount of strategies and options the player can take advantage of in combat. A frustrating flaw to combat that would appear every so often is that if a character is too for away or can’t reach an enemy after an action is selected, the character would give up after a while and waste that turn. NARUTO TO BORUTO SHINOBI STRIKER



Another battle quirk that frustrated me personally is that there are many AOE attacks enemies have and it seems impossible to separate characters to keep all of them from getting hit, though it could just be me not understanding that particular part of the game. (Did I mention that this battle system is complex?) In Grandia The player can level up their proficiency in weapons they use, magic atrtibutes they learn and their overall stats. As typical for almost any RPG get enough EXP from killing enemies and characters will level up and better their stats. Magic and weapons only level up if the character uses them and it can lead to some extra grinding or some less effective battles specifically to increase one or both of these. Difficulty: 7 – Grandia is not as old as some other JRPGs so it doesn’t try to break your spirit like some old classics, but that does not mean the game holds your hand. Knowing where to go is not a problem and since enemies appear on the field, instead of randomly encountered, it is hard to get screwed by an unlucky encounter.

Actually battling, on the other hand, is where the difficulty lies. To my knowledge the game doesn’t let it be known or really even hints most of the time what enemy is weak to or strong against for the most part. It is up to the player to try everything they have to see what weakness their enemy has, which can lead to botched first tries. While playing I battled every enemy I saw on screen even if they weren’t in the way, while using them to increase a magic attribute or weapon level, because I do not like to grind in any game. Enemies and bosses for the most part did not pose too much of a threat for most of the game but, especially towards the end, bosses became more numerous and much tougher. I can imagine a Player rushing through levels just to see the next cut-scenes are going to have a very tough time and a lot of grinding later on. Grinding is a big factor in terms of difficulty to me personally. I did not grind in my play through, but on the last few bosses I had to use my tiny brain to its max to win…..with some luck.


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