Golfie Free Download (v2.0.6)


Golfie Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I wanted very badly to like this game. The concept is fun and it’s just cute. However, there are a LOT of flaws. I picked Golfie up around the time it was released (In a bundle) and played a few hours. I decided to let it cook a little longer, because in the multiplayer match we were trying to play, it only became more and more frustrating with its clunkiness and bugs. Today I picked it back up and rolled a casual run. Some of the issues I ran into today are as follows: Getting stuck in terrain. Like, stuck, stuck. I had to save and exit and reload the run multiple times because I just couldn’t even brute force my way out of some of those creases in the ground and surrounding objects. Fences and trees are the enemy. Game is giving me the unresponsive spinning blue cursor when loading maps, making my PC run incredibly slow. I don’t have a bad PC, this is just what, bad optimization? (I ultimately quit playing after I started a second run, and a little ways in the game crashed for real on a level loading screen.) Random invisible bumps in the ground that cause the ball to launch in a random direction, or come to a random halt.

Holes in the wall textures in certain ‘outdoors’ maps, usually in caves. Apparent random power when hitting the ball sometimes. This only happened a few times, and it could have been the ‘invisible ground bumps.’ Finally, the final boss did me dirty. I gently rolled into his red cone ability, and when I got blasted, I respawned over a pit. I was in a loop of dying over and over and over again. Since ESC doesn’t open the pause menu, I had to catch that hamburger button in the top left between fading out into black death screens. Now, I did desperately search for some kind of ‘unstuck’ button. The ‘Reset’ button had no effect. I’d gotten a little frustrated at the boss already because of previous grievances listed above, mostly those dang weird ground bumps messing me up and taking my allotted swings away. I did, however, find the ‘report an issue’ button. So I reported my issue, sighed, and saved & quit so I could restart the stage. While I did report my issue, but the game ran like crap and was clunky before. And the devs are working on a NEW Golfie game. How about you guys fix this one first? Reviver


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