God of War Ghost of Sparta Free Download


God of War Ghost of Sparta Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

God of War Ghost of Sparta Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Kratos might possibly be the angriest game character ever created. We all know he accidently killed his wife and child in service to the gods, but his belligerent attitude has often made me wonder what else might have happened to him to make him so filled with rage. We get some insight into this in God of War: Ghost of Sparta, which does a wonderful job adding depth to Kratos’ character while delivering one of the most fun and beautiful gameplay experiences on the PSP. Set between God of War and God of War II, Ghost of Sparta picks up right at the end of God of War, with Kratos sitting upon his newly claimed throne looking appropriately grumpy. After all, becoming a god didn’t remove the disturbing memories of his past, but now he’s being plagued by a vision we’ve never seen before — an old woman lying sick on a slab of stone. Convinced he can actually change this vision, Kratos sets off for Atlantis on a quest that eventually takes him back to his home of Sparta and into the realm of Thanatos, god of death. At E3 this year. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

God of War Ghost of Sparta Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

God of War Ghost of Sparta Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Reps from Ready At Dawn Studios said they were skeptical about doing another God of War game because they felt they had accomplished all they could on the PSP with God of War: Chains of Olympus. Luckily for us, they discovered they actually could push the system further, and it really shows. Ghost of Sparta is gorgeous. Graphically, it looks better than a big chunk of PS2 games, and is absolutely the best-looking game on the PSP thus far. Detailed environments featuring constant rain and cascading water and lava create beautiful backdrops and really bring the world to life. Kratos looks wonderful as well. In fact, his character model was rebuilt from the ground up to add more detail for this game, such as the fact that he can be bathed in blood during battle, like he could in God of War III. As far as the gameplay is concerned, there’s nothing super unique here, but that’s not a bad thing. You’ll still spend your time slaying countless enemies, traversing dangerous domains, and solving light puzzles. Combat has been perfected throughout the series, so there’s not a lot to improve upon, and too much change would have been jarring.


That said, there is a brand new weapon and two new magical attacks that add something new to the experience. Kratos starts the game with the Blades of Athena, which function exactly like blades do in the other games, including the special moves. However, you unlock the ability to add fire to the blades. Known as Thera’s Bane, this power functions similar to the Rage of Sparta in God of War III, with its own separate meter (which replenishes over time) and the ability to activate or deactivate it at will. One important difference, though, is that Thera’s Bane is necessary for more than just adding power to your attacks. Doors and other obstacles require the power in order to be destroyed, and it’s also necessary to break through the armor of certain enemies. The other weapon you acquire later in the game is the classic spear and shield known as the Arms of Sparta. This combo is one of the most diverse I’ve seen in the series as it serves as both a ranged and melee weapon with Kratos able to throw the spear at distant enemies or perform a succession of quick jabs up close. The shield can be slammed into enemies in addition to its blocking duties, and most importantly. Aquarist Switch NSP

God of War Ghost of Sparta Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

God of War Ghost of Sparta Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Kratos can move while blocking with the shield, giving it functionality outside of battle such as walking into fire or freezing wind.  And with that, we’re plunged headlong into another vicious, rage-fueled stomp through the more monstrous side of Greek mythology, as Kratos travels to Atlantis, Sparta and, finally, to death’s domain (which is separate from Hades, making this the first GoW to not include a trip to Greek hell) in search of his lost brother Deimos. Along the way, we’re treated to flashbacks to Kratos’s childhood that reveal the origins of the bald Spartan’s tattoos and the ragged scar over his right eye, and we’ll ultimately learn why he’s so goddamn furious with the gods at the outset of God of War II. That setup forms the backdrop for one of the most impressively slick God of War games yet. Ghost of Sparta is unquestionably one of the best-looking, if not the best-looking game on the PSP, and veteran developer Ready at Dawn seems to have used every trick it knows to make the game vivid, smooth and richly detailed. The action is largely unchanged, still balancing occasional platforming and environmental puzzle-solving with gracefully brutal.


Button-mashy whip-sword hack-and-slash, although Ghost also borrows a few gameplay ideas from God of War III, while introducing a few original touches of its own. So it’s difficult to say, then, exactly why Ghost of Sparta feels strangely disappointing. It’s not that it’s bad, or even mediocre – this is still every inch a full-blooded God of War game, and it’s still expertly produced, brutal fun. But something about Ghost of Sparta gives the impression that it’s just going through the motions and ticking off boxes of the familiar God of War formula. Expecting an opening sequence built around a lengthy fight with a giant monster? Meet Scylla, a massive sea-beast who repeatedly menaces Kratos throughout the first chapter. Enjoy pulling off Kratos’s balletic, button-mashy combos? They look exactly the way you remember them. Want to make Kratos get his freak on offscreen? A Spartan brothel gives the series its first implied nine-way. All the familiar elements are in place, which means we know what we’re getting – but that also means we’ve seen a lot of this stuff (or, at least, things similar to this stuff) before. And the difference is that this time. Out of Space

God of War Ghost of Sparta Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

God of War Ghost of Sparta Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

those elements don’t always feel meaningful to the plot so much as they just feel obligatory. It also doesn’t help that, unlike the other God of War games, Ghost of Sparta suffers from occasional pacing problems, with a few annoyingly awkward balance-beam segments and too-long battles with repetitive enemies breaking up the game’s otherwise brisk tempo. Just how developers Ready At Dawn have managed to pack the epic brutality synonymous with Kratos’ God of War console outings onto Sony’s little PSP is anyone’s guess. Though Chains of Olympus proved Ready at Dawn Studios’ worth in 2008, God of War: Ghost of Sparta reinforces this worth and we would actually go as far as crediting Ready at Dawn as probably the best developer working on Sony’s portable. God of War III is still fresh in our minds. The blood still drips from our hands. Thankfully, picking up a portable version of God of War so soon after III doesn’t take any of the shine off the franchise. Everything Kratos can do on PS3 he can do on PSP. Sure, it doesn’t look as good and there are more limitations, but it’s not as far away from its console big brother as you might think.


Ghost of Sparta is testament to just how fluid, addictive and playable the God of War franchise is. Everything is transferable from console to portable and with the core gameplay elements intact, Ghost of Sparta proves that Kratos can work on any Playstation format and still be as pissed off as hell. Ghost of Sparta, as the fifth GOW game in the series fills something of a narrative fissure in Kratos’ epic lineage, a gap exposed by the more traditional console GOW’s. Sparta explains a number of things, most notably the mystery surrounding Kratos’ lost brother in Atlantis. Thankfully, the depth of narrative and storyline one would expect from the GOW franchise is retained with Ghost of Sparta. It was never always about just the killing. The story drives Kratos’ quest and never gets lost amidst the carnage. There has never been anything subtle about Kratos and his pursuit of revenge and Sparta goes a long way to explaining just way Kratos is as ticked off as he is.

At times we see a different Kratos, a more compassionate warrior that actually thinks before he acts and isn’t just the blood thirsty maniac we’ve grown to love. That said, our protaganist hasn’t turned into a big softie – he’s still a maniac. If you’ve play any of the previous four GOW games then you know exactly what to expect, as literally nothing has changed. There are a couple of neat new additions here and there but ultimately the game is as you were from the last outing, not that that’s a bad thing. If it aint broke, don’t fix it. Slitting throats, severing limbs and lacerating the senses of hapless minions through a series of quick time button-bashing events all feel just as satisfying on PSP as they ever did on PS2 and PS3. It’s as effortless as ever and never gets boring. In terms of your arsenal, Sparta grants you the usual wealth of weaponry at your disposal, including some new Spartan weaponry such as the classic spear. There’s also a twist on the standard issue Blades of Athena, with the ability to add fire to your blades.

God of War Ghost of Sparta Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

God of War Ghost of Sparta Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The killing is broken up by the climbing, jumping, swimming and puzzle solving you’re already accustomed to, though the latter is pretty un-stimulating and timid on the ground. Visually, Ghost of Sparta has to be the best looking game on PSP. It’s incredible. The attention to detail, the textures, the animations, the environments; Ghost of Sparta is the PSP’s new visual benchmark. It’s incredibly immersive and has set a new standard for what can be achieved on a handheld, ensuring that Ready at Dawn have conquered the PSP with this effort. The visuals really enhance the story and the characterisation of Kratos. The two new magical attacks in the game are the Eye of Atlantis and the Scourge of Erinys. The former is a lightning attack and isn’t terribly unique. The latter, however, is a much more creative ball of energy that sucks nearby enemies into it and occasionally delivers green orbs to Kratos in the process. The game is filled with all the blood and gore, the great voice acting and dramatic music we’ve come to expect from a God of War installment, as well as the most ridiculous sex mini-game the series has ever seen, where a whole of swarm of women jumps in on the action. Cardfight!! Vanguard Dear Days

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